The next day, the sun enveloped the Rong mansion.

The old lady remembered that today was the day of the college entrance examination, so she got up early to cook herself and made a hearty breakfast.

After everything was ready, he took off his apron, wiped his hands, and walked towards the second floor.


Bai Mo came out, just in time to see this scene, he quickly raised his heel to follow.

Come on, the old lady must not find out that the second master is in the lady's room.

The old lady came to the second floor, and she was about to knock on the door of the room.


The door of the room opened.

Seeing the man walking out from inside, the old lady's pupils constricted violently.

The surprise in his eyes disappeared, and was replaced by thick anger.

She was short of breath, her face was blue and red, and she pointed at the man in front of her, trembling with anger, "You bastard, why did you come out of my daughter's room?"

Today is the big day for Nannan's college entrance examination, but he lived with her last night. This bastard kid must have done something, right?

Unexpectedly, the matter would be exposed, a trace of unease appeared in Rong Liyuan's eyes.

But it took only a second for her to return to normal immediately, her face remained the same, "Yingbao is my wife, and this is my room."

What's wrong with him coming out of his room?

Bai Mo who arrived: "..."


This matter is a foregone conclusion and cannot be stopped.

He raised his hand to cover his eyes, unable to bear to watch the tragedy in front of him.

Seeing that this guy not only didn't admit his mistake, but also replied confidently, the anger in the old lady's eyes burned even more vigorously, "You bastard, are you trying to piss me off?

If your niece misses the college entrance examination because of your tossing around last night, look at me, I'll take your skin off! "


Hearing the movement outside, Mu Changying got dressed and came out of the room.

Just hearing this sentence, the roots of her ears were soft, and her face was slightly red, like a red apple.

Mu Changying gently pinched Rong Liyuan's waist, then looked at the old lady with a smile, "Actually, A Yuan was working in the room last night."

In other words, he didn't do anything out of the ordinary.

The suspicion in the old lady's eyes didn't disappear, she looked the man in front of her up and down, "Really? Girl, are you sure you're not protecting him?"

The corners of Mu Changying's mouth twitched slightly, she didn't expect that A Yuan would have such bad conduct in the eyes of the old lady.

She reached out and took the old lady's arm, shook it, and said coquettishly, "Of course it's true, doesn't mom believe what I said?"

The tone of voice rose, softly carrying the sweetness of a little girl.

The red lips muttered, this quiet little expression immediately convinced the old lady.

The old lady's heart suddenly softened, "Believe it, how could I not believe what my daughter said?"

Upon receiving the old lady's answer, Mu Changying's eyes were full of pride, she raised her chin, and looked at Rong Liyuan.

He stood aside, with doting eyes in his eyes, looking at the old and young in front of him, feeling warm in his heart.

Bai Mo: "..."

In the eyes of the old lady, the second master's status is indeed not as high as that of his wife, and it was a very correct decision to hold his wife's thigh tightly.

The old lady looked serious, "Let's go, go downstairs to have breakfast, and go to the examination room after breakfast."


Rong Liyuan personally escorted Mu Changying to the test site.

On this special day today, many security guards came outside the campus gate.

There are also many parents standing at the door and carefully admonishing their children, hoping that they will perform exceptionally well in the examination room and get good grades in the examination.

There are also signal shielding vehicles and signal detectors in the school.

"Ming Yi, you must check carefully during the exam, check carefully, you know?"

"The college entrance examination is the most important thing in life. You must not be careless, or you will regret it in the future, you know?"

"Children born in our family will be ridiculed if their grades are too poor."

A beautifully dressed fashion lady carefully instructed the girl in front of her.

When the girl in front of her heard these instructions, her ears were calloused.

"Mom, I know. I will definitely check carefully during the exam. You have said these words almost 800 times."

There was impatience on her face.

Zhang Minyi raised his head and looked around, and out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Mu Changying who was walking towards her.

She lowered her head, a glint of coldness flashed in her eyes, she changed her usual attitude to meet her, and said with a smile, "Today is the college entrance examination, Changying college entrance examination, come on."

While talking, Zhang Minyi stretched out his hand to wrap Mu Changying's arm.

Seeing her abnormal performance, she didn't refuse, she ticked the corner of her mouth, and responded softly, "Yes."

Seeing that she didn't refuse, the coldness in Zhang Minyi's eyes became even more serious.

She quietly took out the things in her pocket, and put them into Mu Changying's schoolbag.

"Let's go, let's go to the examination room."

The two were not in the same examination room, and soon separated.


Mu Changying pressed her tongue against her chin, and her smile deepened. This is really a low-level trick.

She didn't take out the things hidden in the schoolbag, but went in directly.

Just walked to the door.

During the inspection, the alarm in the invigilator's hand soon rang.


The sound resounded all around, attracting the attention of countless people.

The teacher pinched the alarm and looked at the girl in front of him with a stern expression.

"The school strictly prohibits bringing mobile phones into the examination room, please hand over your mobile phone immediately."

Mu Changying took down her schoolbag.

The invigilator snatched the schoolbag away.

After shaking out the contents of the schoolbag and turning it over for a long time, she didn't find the phone.

"No..." The teacher's eyes fell on a small earphone.

Pick up the mobile phone to scan, and sure enough, there will be a beeping alarm.

She held the earphones and looked at the girl in front of her, "What? Are you trying to use high technology to cheat?"

This kind of headset has never appeared on the market, and it is obviously an extraordinary high-tech.

If you bring it in, isn't it just trying to cheat.

Mu Changying's attitude was still casual, without the slightest bit of panic, "Teacher, this thing doesn't belong to me."

The invigilator became even more angry, "Why did you check out your schoolbag for something that wasn't yours, and you still want to deny it?!"

She shrugged, "How would I know that?"

The conversation between the two attracted the attention of many people around. Everyone looked at this side secretly and talked in a low voice.

"Is this teacher holding a high-tech instrument? Is this girl trying to cheat?"

"The school already has a signal shielding car. If it can still be used after entering it, it seems to be high technology."

"Everyone studied hard and took the college entrance examination, but she wanted to get something for nothing. This kind of thinking is really disgusting."

"Why do students like her still take the college entrance examination? The college entrance examination will be cancelled, and she will be strictly prohibited from taking the college entrance examination in the future."


The surrounding discussions were extremely noisy.

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