The teacher's face became more and more gloomy.

Another invigilator standing aside stepped forward, took the admission certificate from Mu Changying's hand, and inquired about it.

He looked serious and looked at the teacher beside him, "Mr. Zhang, I think this matter needs to be investigated carefully."

The female teacher who was called Zhang frowned, "This matter is already settled, what else is there to investigate?"

The male teacher disapproved, "With her grades, there is no need to cheat."

He just checked, and this girl named Mu Changying is a top student in Qingjin High School.

Her academic performance has always been among the best, and such grades have no incentive to cheat.

Although the requirements of the college entrance examination are very strict, they can't easily wrong a good person, or they will ruin a student's future.

The male teacher looked at Teacher Zhang in front of him, and he sighed, "I think so, why not let her stay alone in the examination room, monitor the whole process, and investigate this matter after the examination."

Teacher Zhang pursed his lips, looked at the two people in front of him, hesitated for a while, "This matter needs to be reported and dealt with."

She took out her mobile phone and reported the matter to her superiors.

Soon the people above took corresponding measures and arranged a separate examination room for Mu Changying.

Seeing that the matter was dealt with, all the people watching around shut up, calmed down and entered the examination room.

into the examination room.

The monitoring teacher strictly checked Mu Changying's things again.

After checking, she carried her schoolbag and smiled slightly, "Can I go in?"

Teacher Zhang nodded, "Go in."


Mu Changying entered the examination room, which was spacious and bright.

She was quite satisfied with the answer in this environment, nodded, and sat down with her schoolbag in her seat.

Not long afterward, two invigilators entered the examination room and supervised Mu Changying alone.

In addition, there are surveillance cameras in the classroom, and the whole process is recorded.

The college entrance examination bell rang.

The teacher of the test paper for the college entrance examination did not know the topic before.

The test papers were escorted by the police and handed over to the teacher layer by layer.

The teacher got the test paper and opened it, and distributed it to Mu Changying after it was unsealed.

She picked up the test paper and glanced at the questions roughly, her eyes were neither surprised nor surprised, just flat.

Without thinking, without hesitation, I answered with a pen.

The handwriting is clear and smooth, and the answering speed is also extremely fast.

The teacher invigilating the exam passed by her, seeing her words, the dissatisfaction in her eyes disappeared a bit, and she nodded secretly.

Although I don't know how accurate it is, but it seems that the writing is not bad now.

Mu Changying answered the questions very quickly, and didn't waste any time.

As the time passed, just halfway through the exam time, she had finished her test paper.

She was lying on the table, playing with the pen in her hand boredly.

Seeing her nonchalant look, the invigilator frowned fiercely, with anger in his eyes.

What's the matter with this girl, such an important day of the college entrance examination is so casual.

The teacher surnamed Zhang stopped by Mu Changying, and she glanced at the answers on the answer sheet.

Question 1 is correct, Question 2 is correct, and Question 3 is correct.


After correcting one question after another, she found that they were all correct.

She couldn't hide the surprise in her eyes, and the pearls in her eyes were about to fall to the ground.

Is it possible that this girl is really a genius?

At this moment, Teacher Zhang couldn't help feeling grateful for his decision just now.

If it wasn't for the decision to set up a separate examination room just now, wouldn't such a good seedling be wronged and ruin his future.


In the examination room on the other side.

Si Xian looked at the questions in front of him, one head and two big.

He scratched his messy hair, bit the ballpoint pen in his hand, and answered with a sigh.

"Hey... really, really damn it."

This question is so immortal, it happened to be on the review materials that Sister Ying gave them before, but he didn't remember it.

Thinking of this, Si Xian's intestines turned green with regret, and he felt uncomfortable sitting in his seat.

Seeing his body squirming non-stop, the invigilator frowned and kept staring at him, thinking that he was going to cheat. .


Seeing the invigilator's eyes, Si Xian's mouth twitched, and he continued to think hard.

After thinking for a long time, he couldn't figure out the answer to this question, so he simply gave up and continued to the next question.

Although the question just now was not solved, many of the following questions appeared in the review materials.

Si Xian's test papers became smoother and smoother, and he exuded an air of confidence.

This aura made the invigilating teacher look at him frequently.

The doubts in their eyes became more and more intense. Could it be that this kid answered the questions stupidly.


The time for the college entrance examination is very important to many students.

When the bell rang, many students reluctantly put down their pens and papers.

Mu Changying put down her pen and sat on a chair with her legs crossed casually.

The invigilator sent the test papers away, and someone escorted them back.


The day's exam is over.

After waiting for the teacher to collect the test papers, a schoolbag walked out of the classroom.

Mu Changying leaned against the wall, looked at the teacher in front of him, "Teacher, can you prepare a computer for me?"

Afraid that the invigilating teacher would disagree, she added, "Of course, you can watch how I use it."

Teacher Zhang looked at the girl in front of him with a serious face, "I'm sorry, it's not possible."

Mu Changying stroked her slender fingers, and laughed out of her throat, "But what should I do, the matter I want to investigate is very important."

She shrugged her shoulders and said helplessly, "Since you don't agree, teacher, then I have no choice but to go to the monitoring room."

Mu Changying carried her schoolbag and strode towards the monitoring room in stride.

In the monitoring room, she threw her schoolbag on the table and sat down casually.

The security guard in the monitoring room was impatient when he saw the girl who suddenly appeared.

"What's the matter with you little girl? You can't just come in here."

He was just about to throw Mu Changying out, but the next second, he was surprised by her operation.

Mu Changying tapped on the keyboard with both hands, and quickly found the surveillance screen when he first entered the examination room in the morning.

She easily found the scene with Zhang Minyi in thousands of videos, "Hey, I finally found you."

She rested her chin on her hand and tilted her head.

With bright eyes, Mu Changying took out a USB flash drive and copied the video.

Glancing at the surprised security guard, "Thanks, by the way, can you lend me another mobile phone?"

"Here, here you are..."

Today, the security guard specially brought only an elderly phone, which can only make calls.

Mu Changying borrowed the phone and dialed the number skillfully.

After explaining the matter clearly, she carried her schoolbag and walked out of the monitoring room.

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