A few minutes later, two cars stopped at the gate of the school.

The car door opened, and the first thing that caught the eye was a pair of shiny leather shoes.

Looking up, the well-tailored trousers are wrapped around the long legs, and finally there is that handsome face that makes everyone angry.

Seeing this, the parents staying outside the examination room took a deep breath.

This face value, this aura, is not an ordinary person.

Rong Liyuan glanced at the man next to him, "Let's go."


Li Nanfeng stretched out his slender fingers and pushed the mirror frame on the bridge of his nose.

There was a just right smile on the corner of his mouth, and the female compatriots around him were fascinated by this smile.

But when they saw the two big men preparing to enter the examination room, the parents were the first to be unhappy, and one by one came to their senses.

"What's going on? What's going on? How can the two of them get in?"

"Today is the college entrance examination, what's the matter with the two of them going in."

"Hey, you must give our parents an explanation for the day in your examination room, otherwise we will definitely not let it go."


The parents at the scene looked at the two men, the light in his eyes was extremely strong.

This noisy voice almost pierced the sky.

The security guards outside the examination room immediately began to maintain order, "Sorry, sir, you can't..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Li Nanfeng took out the investigation warrant specially approved by the court, "The investigation warrant contains a case that needs to be dealt with."

Seeing the investigation order specially approved by the court, the security guard immediately began to let him go. He bent down and said, "Please, please go inside."

Hearing that they had an investigation specially approved by the court in their hands, the parents outside did not dare to do it again.


"Little sister."

"Ying Bao."

When the invigilator saw the two familiar faces in front of her, her eyes were full of doubts, and she was about to ask some questions.

Mu Changying took the computer from Li Nanfeng, opened it familiarly, and then inserted the USB drive inside.

She looked at several people with a smile, "Come on, let's watch a good show."

Insert the U disk, and the video starts to play.

They clearly saw Zhang Minyi sneaking the small earphones in his hands into Mu Changying's schoolbag.

The atmosphere at the scene was somewhat dignified, and the teacher could clearly feel that the air around him was dropping rapidly.


Rong Liyuan moved his fingers, a cold smile overflowed from his throat, and those black eyes were full of unprecedented hostility.

"Call the police directly."

Without further ado, he took out his mobile phone and immediately called the police.

Li Nanfeng stood aside, "This kind of premeditated murder can already be sentenced."

The invigilator was also very angry. She never expected that she would almost wrong such a good student today.

Looking at Zhang Minyi in the video, the anger in his eyes grew more and more.

The invigilator had someone notify Zhang Minyi to come over, and also notified the parents.


When Zhang Minyi rushed to the scene, she was very confused, with puzzled eyes, "This...what's going on? Is there something wrong?"

Zhang Minyi's parents also looked puzzled, "Teacher, today is the day of the child's college entrance examination. If you call her out like this, will it affect the child's college entrance examination?"

Mu Changying played with her fingers, and she pointed lazily at the computer screen, "I think you guys need to take a look at this."

After Zhang Minyi's parents watched the surveillance video, their faces were blue and their eyes were filled with disbelief, "This, this, this..."

Didn't expect their children to do such a thing.

Although they are full of disappointment and anger, their children cannot miss the college entrance examination no matter what.

Mi Yi couldn't let something happen during the college entrance examination, otherwise the child's life would be ruined.

"I think there must be some misunderstanding here. I understand my child, and it is absolutely impossible for her to do such a thing."

Zhang Minyi's mother clasped her hands together and looked at the girl in front of her with a solemn expression.

Hearing her words, the man standing aside also echoed, "Yes, yes, my daughter would never do such a thing.

There must be some misunderstanding that we don't know yet, everyone should investigate carefully. "

Mu Changying shook her finger, "No, no, this matter is already clear, there is no need for any investigation."

Seeing her refusal, Zhang Minyi's mother looked ugly, and she stepped forward to hold Mu Changying's hand.

Immediately afterwards, he knelt down.

"There must be some misunderstanding here. I ask you to trust my child."

Seeing his mother knelt down in front of everyone, Zhang Minyi bit his lip tightly.

She pulled her mother up, and then looked at Mu Changying, "I have never done this, so you don't want to slander me."

She was in a mess.

She didn't expect things to develop into what they are today.

Mu Changying looked at the girl in front of him with a half-smile, "Is this a misunderstanding? Will the police know it when they come?"

Zhang Minyi's father looked at the man in front of him and felt a little familiar.

He searched quickly in his mind, his eyes widened, isn't this the famous Second Master Rong?

He made up his mind, "Second Master, there must be some misunderstanding here, you see, otherwise, our Zhang family's profit this year..."

The dark light in Rong Liyuan's eyes did not diminish at all, "Miss Zhang is already an adult, I think she needs to be responsible for what she does."

If it wasn't for Ying Bao who was able to find out the surveillance, wouldn't it be Ying Bao who was wronged today.

When he thought that the girl he held in his heart would suffer such grievances, the sternness in his eyes became much stronger.


A cold and merciless voice broke his silence.

Mr. Zhang's heart sank fiercely, and he knew clearly that the matter was over.

It was over, his daughter was ruined.

How could something that Rong Erye decided could be easily changed.

Zhang Minyi was completely panicked, "Mu Changying, what exactly do you want to do?"

Mu Changying pinned her loose hair behind her ears, then stared at the girl in front of her, "I don't want to do anything, I just want you to pay for what I did."

Her expression was as warm as ever, but the sternness in her eyes was hard to ignore.

Seeing that she didn't look like she was joking, Zhang Minyi's heart sank and his face was grim.

Seeing Zhang Minyi's expression, Li Nanfeng stepped forward and quickly protected Mu Changying behind him.

"Miss Zhang, we will charge you with murder when the police come."

The smile that had been hanging on the corner of his mouth disappeared, and he looked at her expressionlessly, "I hope you and your family members can be prepared."

Teacher Zhang also immediately stood up and said, "After investigating the authenticity of the matter, the school will definitely give the victim an explanation."

This kind of thing must not happen in the college entrance examination.

Students with corrupt conduct like this, who deliberately murder fellow alumni, must be severely punished.

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