
Seeing this group of people who wanted to punish her, Zhang Minyi was completely flustered, and the panic in his eyes couldn't be concealed no matter what.

Her heart hung tightly, her hands clenched tightly into fists, even though her nails dug into the flesh, it didn't stop.

"No, no!" He shook his head like a pounding garlic, and his sharp cry pierced the sky.

By the way, as long as the person in front of her disappears, no one will know what she has done.

There was a deep hatred in her eyes, she looked a little crazy, and her body rushed forward.

"Brother get out of the way."

Seeing Zhang Minyi rushing towards him, Mu Changying quickly pushed Li Nanfeng away.

She raised her leg, gathered energy on her foot when the person rushed, and kicked hard at it.

The strength on the feet is extremely heavy.

He kicked Zhang Minyi hard in the stomach.


She fell to the ground.

My whole body was in severe pain, and I was covering my stomach with my hands, so painful that I couldn't stand up.

A groan escaped from Zhang Minyi's throat, and dense sweat overflowed from his forehead.

"Daughter, daughter, are you alright?" Zhang's mother squatted down to help Zhang Minyi up with anxious eyes.

She stared at Mu Changying, with a hint of ferocity in her eyes, and roared ferociously, "You...how could you do such a thing?"

Mu Changying's red lips parted slightly, "I was just defending myself."

At the same moment, sirens sounded at the school gate.

The police car stopped at the gate of the campus, and the onlookers kept gossiping.

One by one, they raised their mobile phones to take pictures, trying to figure out what happened to Long.

"Mr. Police, this female student deliberately planned my client, and now the evidence is conclusive. I hope the police can bring her to justice."

Li Nanfeng pointed to the monitor.

The police stepped forward and asked someone to confirm after reading it.

After identification, the video is complete, and there is no trace of synthetic PS.

They quickly took out the handcuffs and walked in front of Zhang Minyi, "Miss, you have been arrested."

"No! I don't want to go to the police station."

Seeing that the handcuffs were about to be handcuffed, Zhang Minyi's face turned pale.

Her body kept moving back, but the police didn't give her a chance to resist.

The handcuffs were handcuffed to her hands, and the icy cold touch was shocking.

She who was originally furious calmed down, as if her soul had been taken out of her whole body, she was in a daze.

Zhang Minyi's hair was disheveled, "It's over, it's over, everything is over."

The police catch good people.

They nodded to Mu Changying and the others, ready to bring them back to the prison.


The parents who were watching outside saw the police leading a person out, and the camera in their hands kept filming.

"What's going on here? Isn't today the college entrance examination? Why are the police still arresting people? Could it be that there are gangsters hiding in the school?"

"Or is it that the student made a mistake that was so serious that the police came to arrest him?"

"This female student looks quite well-behaved, and doesn't look like she will make serious mistakes."

"A person cannot be judged by his appearance, and the sea cannot be fought. One cannot define a thing according to a person's appearance."

After filming and posting it on the Internet, the matter quickly fermented.


Seeing the captured girl, the man standing in the crowd frowned slightly, feeling that this person was a little familiar.

Gu Xichen was wearing a floral shirt with one hand in his pocket, standing out in the crowd.

There was a glimmer of light in his eyes, this... seems to be Zhang Minyi? Friends who play well with Yun'er.

Gu Qingyun walked over, just in time to see the policeman grab Zhang Minyi and leave.

Looking at their backs, I thought for a moment and immediately understood what was going on.

How could this guy be so stupid when he took the college entrance examination.

The disgust in her eyes disappeared in a flash, she trotted forward, took Mu Changying's arm, "Changying, Changying... there must be some misunderstanding..."

With tears in her eyes, she looked pitifully at the girl in front of her.

Mu Changying leaned forward and gently wiped the tears from Gu Qingyun's face.

"If you continue to talk, I will suspect that you are her accomplice."

As soon as the words fell, Gu Qingyun's crying stopped immediately, trembling and daring not to say anything.

Finally calm down.

With a look of satisfaction in Mu Changying's eyes, she stretched out her hand and patted Lu Qingyun's head lightly, "Good boy."

She wiped her hands, packed her things and left.

Gu Qingyun stood where she was, her whole body was cold, as if she had fallen into an ice cellar.

After standing there thinking for a long time, she finally followed Mu Changying without hesitation, and continued to cry and beg.

"Changying, Changying... There must be some misunderstanding here, can you stop? Let's clarify the misunderstanding."

Gu Xichen, who was standing outside the examination room, saw Gu Qingyun who was crying.

A trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes, he stepped forward and grabbed Lu Qingyun's arm, "Yun'er, calm down first."

Gu Qingyun waved Gu Xichen away.

She staggered after Mu Changying.

Thinking of the police car that just left, Gu Xichen guessed what Gu Qingyun wanted to do.

He strode forward and reached out to stop Gu Qingyun, "Yun'er, stop making trouble, come home with me!"

She ignored him.

Struggling to keep going.

Seeing her stubbornness, Gu Xichen frowned and raised his hand high.


With a crisp sound, a slap print appeared on Lu Qingyun's face, causing burning pain.

Her pupils widened, she looked at the man in front of her, her breath was short of breath, and he hit her in full view? !


Sensing the gazes from all around, Gu Qingyun hated and felt wronged in her heart, big and big tears fell down.


Mu Changying heard movement behind him.

She turned around and looked at the farce in front of her with an indifferent expression.

There was no ripple in her eyes, as if what happened had nothing to do with her.

Glancing at the five fingerprints on Lu Qingyun's face, she pursed her lips, yo, this guy's hands are quite heavy.


Sensing Mu Changying's gaze, the hatred in Gu Qingyun's eyes was about to overflow.

She lowered her head, trying to hide her hatred.

bitch, bitch, why did you come back? !

Mu Changying, since I can kill you once, I can kill you a second time.


Feeling Mu Changying's gaze, Gu Xichen was slightly flustered, would my sister think he was a rough brother?

He opened his mouth, wanting to explain.

But when he saw Mu Changying's calm gaze, he became cowardly again.

She glanced at everyone, got in the car and drove away.

"Brother..." Gu Qingyun sobbed.

Seeing the back of Mu Changying leaving, and the sound of crying and crying behind him, Gu Xichen felt inexplicably irritated.

"I'm going back."

He didn't try to coax Lu Qingyun as usual, and left the school.

"elder brother……"

Lu Qingyun bit her lips so tightly that her mouth was almost torn open and bleeding.

[This chapter should be Zhang Minyi who was arrested. I almost realized that the title was wrong when I just posted it, but my background cannot modify the title, I don’t have permission, and I forgot to explain it to everyone later...crying]

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