In the evening, the video taken by the parents quickly became a trending search.

There is no buying navy, no hype, purely relying on all the parents of the college entrance examination.

Relying on his strength, he abruptly made the video top ten on the hot search list, attracting the attention of countless people.

#Surprised, the woman in the college entrance examination actually framed the same school alumni

# Is this moral decay or moral corruption

#I can't believe that students actually did such crazy things

#The reason why the police went to the university test center to arrest people

Hot searches one after another occupy the front of the hot search list.

In the past, the hot search list was full of rumors and gossip about celebrities.

Today, this distinctive style of painting has made a group of people who eat melons even more curious.

After watching the whole story and the video posted anonymously, countless people were dumbfounded.

[It's unbelievable that a girl can be so vicious. 】

[This framed girl looks so familiar, but I can't remember who she is for a while. 】

[There is only one figure from the back and no face, so it is difficult to know who it is. 】

[I hope the country can take care of this kind of students more. If this kind of behavior is put into society, it will definitely be a big cancer in society. 】

【But...wouldn't it be too harsh on her to send her directly to the police station? She's still so young, and her future is ruined like this. 】

[Upstairs, you're not a bitch, are you? Her future ruined? But have you ever thought that if this girl is not found out, if this matter is not exposed, it is the framed girl who will ruin her future. 】

[Holy Mother bitch rolling, please don't appear in front of me, you will be upset when you see it. 】


This matter was too serious, and soon attracted the attention of the Education Bureau and countless celebrities, and everyone stood up to boycott it.

Minghua V: [I hope that all the college entrance examination students in our country are kind-hearted, and they are very unwilling to have such a tragedy happen next time. 】

Education Bureau V: [I hope that all college entrance examination students can become role models for younger students, not negative textbooks.

Don't murder others because of jealousy. This approach will only ruin your own future.

At the same time, I hope everyone can pay more attention to the psychological aspects of college entrance examination students. 】


Hua Qiqi and the others didn't know about this until they got home, and they were all very angry.

They sat in front of the screen, flipped through Weibo, and almost exploded with anger.

Originally, they wanted to fight on Weibo and denounce Zhang Minyi, but the next second they all received a text message from Mu Changying, 【Everyone give me a good review, don't be a monster. 】

Seeing this text message, everyone settled down, surprisingly well-behaved.


Rong Mansion.

Mu Changying was sitting in the living room.

Just rejected the old lady's greetings.

She walked back to the room, flipping through a book casually in her hand.

After watching for a while, I went out to drink water, and the light in the study was still on when I passed by.

She inadvertently heard the sound of conversation coming from the study.

"Second Lord, because of the scandal, the stock of the Zhang Group is falling rapidly."

"Buy more."

Rong Liyuan was sitting in the study room, even the warm lighting couldn't dispel the chill from his body.


Bai Mo nodded.

He pushed open the door of the study and saw Mu Changying standing at the door.

I don't know how much she heard, and she felt a little uneasy in her heart.

"Xiao Momo, you can go to work first. Don't worry, I will work hard for the exam."

Xiao Momo seems to like the number one scholar in the college entrance examination very much, she said that she will bring him back the title of the number one scholar in the college entrance examination. .

"Yes, ma'am."

Bai Mo nodded and left the corridor

Mu Changying walked into the study, and she was sitting opposite Rong Liyuan.

He raised his head and looked at her with burning eyes, "Yingbao, you already know."

It wasn't a question sentence but an affirmative sentence, and there was a faint uneasiness in his tone.

He is not a kind person, but at this moment he is extremely concerned about Yingbao's opinion.

Mu Changying reached out and patted the back of Rong Liyuan's hand.

They warmed each other with their hands, "Well, I already know that."

Under his endless gaze, Mu Changying clasped his fingers together, and then pressed them against her face, "Ah Yuan's method is very good~"

A Yuan is not a great kind person, but is she, Mu Changying, a kind person?

The shares of Zhang's Group fell at this moment, and they increased their efforts to buy them, and finally became the direct shareholders of Zhang's Group.

Although they are bad people in the eyes of the leaders of the Zhang Group, there is no change for the people below.

Even after Zhang's group is incorporated into Dingmao group, it will have greater benefits for them.

Feeling the girl's warm temperature and delicate touch, his sexy Adam's apple squirmed.

Looking at the girl in front of her, her eyes were burning like fire, "Ying Bao..."

He walked up to her and picked her up.

He held her in his arms and let her sit on his lap.

Rong Liyuan buried his head in her neck, and took a deep breath of her fragrance.

"Ying Bao..."

This is his baby.

He holds the baby he loves and cares for in the palm of his hand.

Ying Bao did not disappoint him.

Rong Liyuan's heart was filled with warmth, the coldness of the past was dispelled, and the warm current warmed the whole atrium.

The cold aura around him dissipated bit by bit, and his whole body was incredibly soft.

"A Yuan, I'm here."

Mu Changying buried her small head in his chest, smelling the hormones on his body, as well as the faint smell of tobacco.

There was peace and tranquility in her heart.


The door of the room opened.

The old lady stood at the door with a tray in her hand.

Seeing this scene in the room, his face changed instantly with anger, "You bastard, you really don't have a long memory!"

Sure enough, men are animals that think about their lower body, and they can't stand it for just a few days.

The warm atmosphere between the two was completely destroyed.

A slight sternness flashed in Rong Liyuan's eyes, and the breath around him was low and heavy, as if it was a cloudy sky.


Mu Changying cleared his throat, and withdrew from his embrace.

She stepped forward to take the tray in the old lady's hand and put it down.

He took the old lady's hand, sat down on the sofa, and then squeezed the old lady's shoulders.

"Mom, you misunderstood again, we didn't do anything."


The doubt in the old lady's eyes didn't diminish, but she quickly relaxed after a massage in the ranch.

She gave Rong Liyuan a disgusted look, "Ninny, Mom trusts you."


Seeing Mu Changying pinching the old lady's shoulders, jealousy appeared in his eyes, "Go out, I have to work."

The old lady stood up, took Mu Changying's hand and walked outside without saying a word, "Okay, we won't disturb you."

The room was instantly empty.

Rong Liyuan didn't want to look at the document anymore, he stretched out his hand and rubbed his brow.

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