the next day.

Rong Liyuan company has something to do.

Mu Changying went to the examination room alone.

She was driving that red Ferrari sports car, which was flamboyant and high-profile.

The hair was flying in the wind, and the black and soft hair was filled with a faint fragrance.

Traffic light intersection.

Mu Changying stopped the car.

Suddenly, there was a sound in my ear.

A car overturned on the ground.

Mu Changying looked up, only to see that several cash transport trucks had overturned, and the military commissioner who was escorting them was also seriously injured.

The car fell to the ground, and several masked men were seen holding the wounded soldier, and several others pried open the door.


Mu Changying's eyes narrowed into a slit, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. She was holding the steering wheel with one hand.

"It seems that your luck today is really not very good."

Mu Changying stepped on the gas pedal and tightened her grip on the steering wheel.

"Let's play with you guys."

The accelerator was slammed on, and the car slammed into the armored vehicle at high speed.

Sensing the car coming behind him and sensing the danger, he swallowed anxiously.

After weighing the pros and cons, he subconsciously let go of the soldier in his hand, "Master, what's going on?"

When the robber was only a few centimeters away, the car stopped suddenly.

This action made the robber tremble with fear, and the sweat on his forehead kept overflowing.


The car door opened, and Mu Changying jumped out of the car.

She caught the robber with lightning speed.

He pressed his shoulder with one hand, and clasped the robber's neck with the other hand, "I have to say that you are really quite courageous to do such a thing in broad daylight."

Mu Changying's hand clasped his shoulder and pulled back, and with a bang, the robber's arm dislocated.


Remembering that the other robbers were still in the car, the big man wanted to convey a message to them.

Mu Changying's fingernails trembled slightly, and the white powder fell silently.

The next second, he found that he couldn't say a word, "Woooo..."

what happened?

Why can't I speak?

He widened his eyes, not daring to look directly at the girl in front of him, and a deep chill surged in his heart.

Mu Changying looked at his bruised and purple face, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became even brighter, like flowers blooming in summer.

"It's rubbish."

She raised her foot and kicked the robber's lower body violently.


Severe pain came.

He couldn't cry out.

Uncomfortable, clutching his body uncomfortably, he fell to the ground and curled up.

"You are not very lucky today, you met me."

Mu Changying moved her slender, fair fingers, and her tone of voice was lazily teasing.

Looking at the girl in front of him, the robber lying on the ground felt uncomfortable.

He stood up slowly.

"Did I tell you to get up?" Mu Changying's eyes were stern.

Lift your foot and step on the robber's stomach.

She smiled, rolling her toes lightly.

The robber's face was grim, and he felt that his internal organs and six lungs were all mixed together, and there were waves of overwhelming pain.

"Tch, that's meaningless." Mu Changying curled her lips in disgust.

She took out a packet of powder from her schoolbag and sprinkled it lightly.

A faint fragrance filled the surroundings, and the robber quickly rolled his eyes and passed out.

Seeing the fainted person, Mu Changying raised her foot and kicked.

Seeing him sleeping like a dead pig, he squatted down and helped the wounded soldier on the ground.

"Thank you..." The man's skin was a healthy wheat color.

His arm was wounded, and the huge hole was bleeding.

Mu Changying frowned, it was a gunshot wound.

These robbers were actually carrying guns, it seemed that they were not ordinary robbers.

A trace of solemnity flashed in Mu Changying's eyes.

"don’t worry."

She opened her schoolbag and took out scissors, gauze, disinfectant, and tweezers...

"It hurts a bit, you should bear with it first."

"Girl, you go first."

He wanted to say something else, but Mu Changying had already dealt with it, "Don't worry, you'll be fine."

"I'll treat your wounds after I've dealt with these little fellows."

After a simple bandage to stop the bleeding, he walked to the back of the armored vehicle.

On the cash transport vehicle, the robbers had already packed all the money.

They were full of bags, and they were full of smiles, with deep greed in their eyes.

"Boss, hurry up, if you don't leave, the police may be coming."

The big man in the lead looked at the banknotes that had not been loaded in the car, and was a little bit reluctant.

He glanced at the banknotes they had loaded, then at the banknotes in the car, and finally nodded fiercely.

"Let's go!"

That's more than enough money.

If you don't leave, you may go to the prison to eat.

Each of them carried a large bag of plastic bags, turned around and jumped out of the car.

"Where are you going?" Mu Changying lazily leaned on the car.

She crossed her legs casually, lowered her head, and played with her fingernails carelessly.

"Little girl, don't meddle in your own business."

Looking at the girl who suddenly appeared here, the robbers looked wary in their eyes.

They stared at her to make sure that she was weak, and a sneer escaped from their throats.

The leading man had a stern look on his face, and he stretched out his hand to wipe his lips.

"Stinky girl, if you meddle in your own business, believe it or not, I will kill you right away."

Mu Changying straightened up.

There was a cold and clear atmosphere all over him.

A faint light flickered in those crystal-clear pupils, "Hey, are you threatening me?"

She raised her eyebrows.

He raised his feet and walked towards the big men step by step.

Seeing her approaching, they subconsciously took a few steps back with vigilance in their eyes.

The moment they retreated.

Mu Changying's figure was as fast as lightning, leaving only an afterimage on the spot.

Coming in front of him, he clenched his fist and slammed it down hard on his face.


The punch was heavy and ruthless, and the big man's face immediately turned black and blue.

"Smelly girl, do you want to die?"

Seeing this, the rest of the people held plastic bags in their hands, and took out a pistol from their pockets with the other hand.

They pulled the trigger.

Seeing the guns in their hands, the wounded soldier looked serious, "Get out of the way, little girl."

He stood up, ready to step forward and fight with his wounds.

"With a gun, do you think you are the boss?" Mu Changying's eyes flashed with a dangerous light, and the richness was about to drip out.

The corners of her mouth hooked, her fingers intertwined and moved, and there was a sound of bones.

"soy Mujer!"

The big man pulled the trigger.

Bullets flew out of the gun.

At the same moment, Mu Changying leaned back and bent down.

The bullet passed her above her and landed on the armored van.

But the van is bulletproof.

Just a small groove was punched out, and the bullet fell to the ground again.

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