"You know what? It's been a long time since anyone pointed a gun at me."

Mu Changying stood under the sunlight. Under the sunlight, she looked like a fairy who had fallen into the world of mortals, beautifully out of the world.

The robber in front of her shook his head and frowned fiercely.

"Is this girl a psychopath!"

They held guns in their hands, but she was not afraid at all, and dared to speak wild words.

Another burly man standing in front of her shrank his neck and said cowardly, "Boss, I think this girl is very evil, or we'd better leave first."

The leading burly man shook his head, gripping the gun even tighter.

"No, we must get rid of her first, otherwise we won't be able to escape."

He raised his gun and pointed it at Mu Changying again.

Mu Changying moved lightly, turned slightly sideways, and once again perfectly avoided the bullet.

She didn't back down, but rose to the challenge.

He flashed to the front of the leading man, "I don't know how to live or die."

Unknowingly, a long and thin silver needle appeared in his hand.

Under the sunlight, the silver needle exudes a faint coldness.

Coming in front of the big man, he raised his hand, and the silver needle in his hand was stuck in his neck.

Fast and hateful, the silver needle was almost wiped out.

The big man snorted, and a numb current flashed through his body.

He was about to pull the trigger, but he couldn't exert any strength in his whole body, and his whole body was limp.

"You said, do you look like a waste now?"

Mu Changying snatched the gun from his hand, put it in the palm of his hand and looked at it carefully.

Looking at the grain and workmanship of the wooden warehouse, the expression in his eyes became more and more gloomy.

"The texture of this wooden warehouse is a bit familiar."

Mu Changying set his eyes on the other two big men.

Just when they were about to flee, two silver needles aimed at them and flew out.


The silver needles penetrated into their bodies and pierced them.

They maintained their fleeing posture, motionless.

His whole body was extremely stiff, as if someone had cast a spell on him.

"Fuck, this ghost girl is really a fucking evil."

One of the big boys was very upset and spat.

Holding a gun, Mu Changying came up to the big man and pinched the big man's jaw.

Let him raise his head and look at her, "Say, what do you have to do with Tianyinmen?"

She is very sure that this kind of thing is only available to people from the Tianyin Sect.

The pupils of the man whose jaw was pinched shrank slightly for a moment.

He shook his head in denial, "You...what are you talking about, I don't know."

Mu Changying didn't have much patience, seeing him deny it, she became more forceful, "Since you didn't say anything, I'm sorry."

As soon as the voice fell, he gathered strength in his hands.

With a bang, Da Khan's jaw hangs crookedly, his face is ferocious and his hands are extremely ugly.

Mu Changying's eyes fell on another big man.

Stared at by this cold gaze, the big man's body trembled.

After thinking about it, he felt that they were hopeless, so he took a deep breath.

If the task fails, they will definitely be executed even if they return to Tianyin Gate.

Also, falling into the enemy's hands didn't end well.

"Oh, you won't know!"

He bit his tongue, and the medicine hidden between his teeth was detonated.

Blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, lifeless, and then fell back.


Mu Changying squatted down, stretched out her hand to check his breath, and his pulse.

"already dead."

She didn't panic like a normal person seeing a dead person, but said lightly.

The Gu worm planted in the big man's body crawled out from the nose, small and black, extremely ugly.

This is just an ordinary worm, it seems that this person's status is not high.

"Spicy eyes."

Mu Changying took out a bottle from his schoolbag and opened it.

When the colorless and odorless medicinal powder was spilled, the Gu worm immediately turned into a puddle of blood.

The pool of blood smelled foul, and the smell permeated the air, which was extremely unpleasant.

Mu Changying's face was full of disgust, she squatted down, "Let me treat your wound first."

Seeing that these people were dealt with, several other soldiers lightly tapped the money with their injuries.


"Don't go, they'll do it lightly." This person was the most seriously injured, and he couldn't do it if he didn't deal with it in time.

If it is not dealt with in time, this arm will be abolished sooner or later.

For a soldier, the body is the capital of the revolution. If the arm is disabled, he may never be able to do this job again.

"do not move."

Mu Changying frowned, took out medical tools, and unwrapped the casual bandage just now.

Treat him seriously.

The disinfectant rubbed on his body, with a slight tingling sensation.

Mu Changying looked at him, "I don't have anesthesia here for the time being, so you have to be patient when picking up the bullet."

He nodded and said, "You deal with it, I'm fine."

After getting the answer, Mu Changying hummed.

Treat his wounds.

Her movements are smooth and flowing, without any sloppiness, and the whole series of movements is pleasing to the eye.

Looking at the girl in front of him, a trace of dignity and appreciation flashed in the injured Jun|'s eyes.

Such excellent medical skills cannot be learned overnight.

Mu Changying cut off the carrion around his arm, and took out the bullet with a tool.

The moment the bullet is taken out.

More and more sweat overflowed from his forehead, densely packed.

Taking out the bullet, Mu Changying threw it aside, and then continued to treat the wound for him.

After processing, take out the medicine bottle and apply a light ointment.

Wrap it with gauze.

Mu Changying rummaged through his schoolbag, took out a bottle of ointment and stuffed it in his hand.

"You put this bottle of ointment once a day after you go back, and remember not to touch the water."

Mu Changying immediately treated the wounds of the other soldiers.

After everything was taken care of, Mu Changying packed her schoolbag and was about to turn around and leave.

I saw a third-year book in her schoolbag.

The leading soldier|man said, "I have just contacted my superior, and he will send you to the examination room immediately."

It would be too late to rush to the examination room at this time.

This girl has acted bravely, and they can't let her delay the college entrance examination.

"No need." Mu Changying refused.

But her refusal was clearly of no use.

This guy's boss has arrived.

Looking at the man standing in front of her, he was wearing a military uniform, his face was firm and rough, and his whole body was filled with a hormonal aura.

Mu Changying looked at the military rank on his shoulder, and frowned.

Not bad, he looks quite young, but he turned out to be a lieutenant general.

"Miss, please." He opened the car door.

Mu Changying glanced at the red Ferrari and played with the car keys.

Put away the keys, leave the car in the parking place, and get on the SUV without pretense.

Dedicated army|vehicle.

At the beginning of the series of eight characters in front, they are extremely arrogant. Obviously, this guy's identity is not ordinary.

"Sit down and fasten your seat belt." The man glanced at Mu Changying.

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