Chapter 635

The man in military | uniform took out the walkie-talkie.

"There is an emergency here, immediately open the emergency passage to the examination room."

After speaking, he put the walkie-talkie aside.

Start the car.

The military off-road vehicle with the license plate number starting with 888 drove towards the school.

The traffic police on duty today were notified and activated the emergency passage one by one.

He quickly cleared the car, and the cars on the road moved to both sides to make room for the middle.

Seeing such a big scene, the pedestrians on the road were extremely surprised.

When they saw the car coming in the middle, a group of people took out their mobile phones and started filming.

The car went smoothly all the way.

It took no more than 10 minutes to get to school.


The car stopped at the gate of the school.

The car door opened, and Mu Changying jumped down with her schoolbag in one hand.

As soon as I walked to the door, the exam bell rang.

She was stopped by the teacher at the door, "The exam has already started, you can't go in."

Among the parents standing at the gate of the campus, Tan Wan'an saw a familiar person, and a mocking smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

"Today is the college entrance examination. It's such a big day. I didn't expect this person to be late. He really doesn't care about the college entrance examination at all."

Hearing Tan Wanan's voice.

Gu Xichen, who was standing beside her, frowned, with displeasure and anxiety in his eyes.

He was about to step forward, but his arm was held by Tan Wan'an, "What do you want to do? Stop meddling in my own business."

This son doesn't know what's going on. Recently, he always likes to turn his arms out to take care of this little bitch's affairs.

Gu Xichen shook his hand away, "This is not an idle matter."

The girl standing here is his own sister, how can it be nosy to care about her affairs.

Mu Changying was carrying her schoolbag and looked at the teacher in front of her, without any panic in her eyes.

She picked up the phone and glanced at it, "If I remember correctly, I just arrived at the exam room, and there was one second before the exam time, and then the exam bell rang."

Seeing her calm face and not flustered like other late candidates, the teacher's eyes flashed with surprise.

She still shook her head, "Sorry, you can't go in."

"Please let her go."

Park the car.

A man in military uniform came up.

He took out his military|official certificate and handed it to the teacher in front of him.

He took the certificate and glanced at it, with disbelief in his eyes.

Such a young lieutenant | general? This person doesn't even look thirty years old, but he has already reached this position?

After thinking for a while, the teacher returned the certificate to him, and then decided to let him go, "Go in quickly."

Mu Changying walked in with her schoolbag.

He stopped and looked back at him, "Thank you."

A smile flashed in the officer's eyes, "We should thank you for this matter."

If this girl hadn't acted bravely today, these cash trucks would have been robbed.

The money lost must be a lot, and it may even cause market fluctuations in the short term.

The parents waiting at the door were all upset when they saw this scene. They raised their mobile phones and started yelling non-stop.

"What's the matter? What's the matter? She's already late, how can she still go in? If you do this, can my late children also go in? "

"Does this officer do whatever he wants with his own soldiers? When did our soldiers become like this?"

"No matter what his status is, such a precedent must never be set. You must know that there is a saying that there is no rule without rules."


Tan Wan'an looked at Mu Changying's leaving back, and then glanced at the officer.

She chuckled lightly, "Tsk, watery, promiscuous bitch, she must have hooked up, otherwise why would this officer give her the way?"

Hearing this, the more he said it, the worse it sounded, and the veins on Gu Xichen's forehead popped up.

He couldn't help it, "Shut up!"

Tan Wan'an's breath was stagnant, he didn't expect that this son would talk back to her for an outsider, his face was ashen, it was really wonderful.


The officer glanced at everyone, "I didn't use power for personal gain, she deserves it."

He has a rough face, full of hormones, and he is so handsome that people can't even close their legs.

But handsome can't be eaten, and the crowd of onlookers still keep shouting.

The mobile phones in their hands kept taking pictures, taking pictures of the officer and Mu Changying.

Today is the day of the college entrance examination, and there are many media reporters and paparazzi standing guard at the school gate.

When they filmed this scene, their eyes lit up.

Quickly post videos online.

#Madden! On the scene of the college entrance examination, a certain military officer actually used his power for personal gain.

#Children of high-ranking officials used their power to bully others and let their relatives enter the examination room.

# College entrance examination rules are broken.

#Can money really do whatever they want?

#Gaokao women are late, but enter the examination room.


Today, countless people pay attention to the college entrance examination.

As soon as these news came out, within a few minutes, they were topped the hot search list by the masses.

[I'll check it out, isn't this woman's background amazing? 】

[This woman seems to be Mu Changying. Her identity is indeed very powerful, and it is not surprising that she knows a few military|officers. 】

[Power and power are different. Even if you are late for the college entrance examination, someone will open the way. It is really amazing. 】

【Which unit does this officer belong to? What is your name? What is the military rank? Find out the information for me immediately, officers like this must not be kept, and must be severely punished. 】


Dingmao Group.

Rong Liyuan sat in the conference room.

The phone kept vibrating.

He picked up his phone and saw that the news about Mu Changying was on the top searches.

His eyes suddenly turned cold.

Everyone in the conference room felt the temperature in the room drop.

Everyone looked at each other and looked at each other.

The manager who was reporting to work shuddered.

He stood where he was, not knowing whether to continue or stop, in a dilemma.

Rong Liyuan raised his hand and made a pause gesture.

The rest of the conference room finally breathed a sigh of relief.


Rong Liyuan frowned, rubbed the phone with his fingers, his eyes became colder and colder.

Heh, I shouldn't have unlocked the virus on Weibo this morning, and these little bastards started dancing on the Internet again whenever they had time.

Seeing those swearing words, he stood up, "Li Li, you preside over the next meeting."

Li Li nodded, "Yes."

The things that can easily affect the second master's emotions are probably only the madam's.

"The meeting continues."

Li Li has already gotten used to it.

She had been presiding over the meeting when Second Master was injured.

Rong Liyuan left the meeting room, the sense of oppression finally disappeared, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

They took a sip of water and were just about to relax when they looked up and saw Li Li's iceberg face.

"Do you have anything to say?"

"Ahem, cough, no, Assistant Li continues."

Although Li Tezhu's aura was not as good as the second master's, it was not inferior at all.

Their hearts hung again.

Alas, working in this company is really worrying all the time.

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