in the office.

Rong Liyuan sat on the seat.

He turned on his cell phone to contact Li Nanfeng, [let's deal with online matters. 】

The speed of Hanzhou Law Firm is extremely fast.

Soon, the firm sent lawyer letters to many people on the Internet.

Hanzhou Law Firm V: [For all these non-existent things, we will definitely take up the weapon of law to protect our own rights and interests. 】

Rong Liyuan did not ask Dingmao Group's PR department to issue a statement.

But he showed with practical actions that protecting his wife is really not just a joke.

In just a few minutes, the media reporters who had previously released videos related to Mu Changying received the care of their superiors.

On Weibo, the hit index of these hot searches is constantly rising, and this matter is getting bigger and bigger.

Soon, people from relevant departments stood up and spoke out.

Hua Guojun|Military Official Website V: [The slender body contains endless power. To act bravely in righteousness, not to be afraid of evil, is worthy of being a good son of China! @Mu Changying]

This statement caught everyone off guard.

They couldn't figure out why people from the official military website stood up to defend Mu Changying.

[Damn, what's going on here? The people on the military official website were all dispatched. Is this woman's identity really that powerful? 】

【I finally saw it today. Some people say that money is not everything. It just means you don’t have enough money. 】

[When did our country become so corrupt? The people on the military official website even began to have the cheek to lick the stinky feet of the rich! anger.jpg]

[I feel so ashamed, my country, why is this happening. 】

[I believe that our country is absolutely impossible to be what you said. The official military website is absolutely impartial and strict, and it is impossible to make a smug act. There must be something hidden in it. 】


Just when everyone was clamoring fiercely.

A cropped video was posted online.

Huaguo Military Official Website V: [Women Don't Let Men Go. Video]

Netizens click on the video.

What came into view was the scene of Mu Changying fighting the gangsters.

She held a silver needle in her slender hand, and the silver needle flew towards the gangsters.

On the screen, the girl has a slender figure, her hair is flying, and she is free among the gangsters like a fish in water.

The silver needles shone slightly under the sunlight.

Next to it is a seriously injured soldier|person.

Although their faces were mosaiced and they couldn't see clearly, but the military | uniform betrayed his identity.

Netizens were dumbfounded after watching this short video.

They felt their faces were swollen from the beating.

【I... I was wrong, I shouldn't have questioned Sister Ying, let alone my great country. Crying.jpg.]

[Sister Ying, I was wrong. Forgive me, I will never dare to question you next time. 】

[I just said that our country's military|military is absolutely impossible to be as corrupt as other countries, to flatter the stinky feet of the rich. Shout out.jpg]

[In such a situation, I suggest you use your brains next time, and don't just harass people casually, okay? 】


Hot searches on Weibo are constantly fermenting.

A group of netizens went to Mu Changying's Weibo one after another, admitting their mistakes obediently one by one.

Not only was this incident a hot topic on the Internet, but even Li Nanxun, who was filming far away on the grassland, knew about it.

After filming a scene, Li Nanxun sat on the rest chair.

The assistant next to him wiped his sweat, and then the makeup artist touched up his makeup.

Several staff members standing not far from him were chattering.

"Do you know that a big boss came out to explain what happened to Mu Changying?"

"I know about this, but the official military website of our country stood up and explained it. I didn't expect her to be so awesome that she could send out people of this level."

"By the way, that girl named Mu Changying seems to be brother and sister with Brother Xun."

"Keep your voice down. According to the gossip, Brother Xun is a complete sister-in-law. If he knows that something happened to his sister, he will definitely go to Mingdu City."

Hearing this, the few people who were discussing shut up and became quiet.


Hear their arguments.

Li Nanxun stood up and stepped forward.

Taking one of them's mobile phone and glanced at Weibo, his whole body was gloomy, "Please ask me for leave, I want to return to the capital city."

"This... I can't make the decision." The assistant shook her head timidly.

He didn't dare to do this, so he had to report the news to his agent.

Knowing the news, the agent who was discussing the script in the screenwriter's room hurried out.

Looking at this little ancestor in front of him, he has one head and two big ones.

Put your hands together, "Ancestor, please don't make trouble, can you film well?"

"It's not long since you joined the film crew. If you ask for leave now and return to the capital city, how do you want me to explain to the director?"

The current Xiao Xianrou is indeed very easy to mix in the entertainment industry, but it also has limitations.

If the filmed TV series has no acting skills and no substantive achievements, it will definitely be sprayed all over the body, and everyone will be wiped out in the end.

The director's drama has been in preparation for a long time. Many actors are old actors, and the screenwriter has won many international awards.

"It's not that you don't know the director's temper, so stop making trouble."

No matter what the manager said, Li Nanxun remained unmoved. He shook his head firmly, "No, I must go back."

His sister had such a big incident in Mingdu City, how could he be able to film the movie with peace of mind?

The manager's headache got worse, and there was nothing he could do about it.

Just then, the director came over.

Hearing the conversation between the two, he put his hands behind his back.

The sense of oppression on his body spread around, "Do you really want to go back?"

Li Nanxun was not afraid of being stared at by the director.

He nodded without hesitation, "Yes, I want to go back."

Seeing his neither humble nor overbearing appearance, the sense of oppression in the director's eyes disappeared.

Instead, a gratified smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he waved his hand, "Go, go, I only give you one day."

Seeing that the director was so talkative, the rest of the crew who were about to watch the play were dumbfounded.

No, when did the director become so talkative? Could it be that he was subcontracted by someone?

With the director's approval, Li Nanxun's eyes became brighter, "Thank you director."

He didn't even have time to take off his clothes, and hurried back to the room to pack his luggage.

Seeing the back of Li Nanxun leaving, Feng Niying, who was filming in the crew, pursed her lips, "That... the director, I also want to ask for leave..."

The director's attitude changed 180 degrees, "Please, please, give me a good filming!"

The director refused without hesitation, and the corners of Feng Niying's mouth twitched.

Sir, can this differential treatment not be so obvious.

Seeing that Feng Niying was treated like this by the director, the others immediately stopped thinking about asking for leave.


After the exam, Mu Changying came out and met Gu Qingyun.

Gu Qingyun looked at Mu Changying, the coldness in her eyes was icy cold.

Aware of this gaze, Mu Changying remained unmoved and remained calm.

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