"Changying, how did you do in the exam? Is the exam paper difficult? Are you sure you're doing well?"

Seeing Mu Changying coming out, Gu Xichen, who was standing aside, hurried forward to greet him.

Looking at the man in front of him, a slight disgust flashed in Mu Changying's eyes.

She dodges lightly, avoiding contact with Gu Xichen.

"Sorry, I don't feel I have an obligation to tell you this."

Her brows and eyes were calm, but the bullet that fell on Tan Wan'an's eyes was extremely glaring.

She stepped forward to grab Gu Xichen, and said bitterly, "Your sister is right next to you. If you don't care about your sister's exam, why do you care about this bitch?"

This bastard is really getting worse and worse.

"Mom, I'm fine."

Seeing that Tan Wan'an's attention was still on her body, Gu Qingyun blinked her eyes, tears welled up in her eyes

She held her head up, trying not to let the tears fall.

This stubborn appearance makes people feel more pampered.

Tan Wanan's heart was broken, she pulled Gu Qingyun and patted her shoulder lightly.

"Yun'er, don't be sad. Your brother is just fascinated by ghosts for a while. After he recovers for a while, he will definitely become the brother who dotes on you again."

This is her daughter who has been lost for many years, and she has been holding it on the tip of her heart since she found it.

On the first day Yun'er came home, she warned her son that from now on, she must treat her sister well and not let her be wronged.

This son has done well in the past, but what happened recently?

"Miss Mu, I hope you will remember that you are a married woman. May I trouble you to stay away from my son from now on?"

Tan Wan'an was full of anger, staring at the person in front of him with burning eyes.

The little slut must have tricked her son with some kind of charm.

Mu Changying held her schoolbag in one hand, and she stared at them with a half-smile.

"Mrs. Gu, I hope you can figure out one thing. It's not that I pester your son, but that he has been pestering me."

After finishing speaking, she cast her eyes on Gu Xichen, "Are you right, Young Master Gu?"

Facing the girl in front of him, Gu Xichen opened his mouth, unable to say anything.

He nodded under Tan Wanan's death gaze, "Yes, I have been pestering her all this time."

got this answer.

Tan Wan'an's face was flushed with anger, her breathing was short of breath, and the strength of her arms around Gu Qingyun couldn't help but aggravate.

"Bastard, bastard, you bastard!"

Who is not good to like? I just fell in love with such a vulgar girl, and she was married.

She took a deep breath, "Miss Mu, aren't you afraid that Master Rong will misunderstand you?"

Before Mu Changying could answer, a voice rang out, "Are you threatening my sister?"

look back.

I saw Li Nanxun rushing over in a hurry, before he even had time to change his clothes.

He was dressed in an ancient costume, his hair was tied up, and he looked fairy-like.

But those peach blossom eyes narrowed slightly, still mesmerizing, just looking at each other can make people's mind flutter.

"Third brother."

Seeing Li Nanxun, a slight smile flashed across Mu Changying's eyes.

Li Nanxun stepped forward and reached out to take the schoolbag in her hand.


Looking at the warm appearance in front of him, Gu Xichen's eyes were deeply hurt, and he even felt difficult to breathe.

This is his sister, this is obviously his own sister.

It was obvious that the same blood was flowing in their bodies, but he didn't dare to go forward.


He noticed Gu Xichen's gaze.

Li Nanxun frowned, narrowed his eyes, and glared at him.

Is this guy trying to steal his sister from him?

Thinking that her delicate and soft sister would be snatched away, Li Nanxun's unhappiness rose slowly, and her charming peach eyes also looked a little ferocious.


"Ying Bao..."

Rong Liyuan walked out from the crowd.

Seeing the man who came out, the smile in Mu Changying's eyes became more intense.

"A Yuan, you are here,"

She was full of smiles, and rushed towards him like a little firecracker.


Rong Liyuan opened his arms and caught Mu Changying firmly.

He hugged the girl in his arms and rubbed her head with the other palm habitually.

The movements are gentle and gentle.

But his eyes on Gu Xichen and Tan Wan'an were as cold as frost.

The icy cold gaze seemed to carry a sense of oppression.

Gu Xichen and Tan Wan'an suddenly felt a burst of pressure.

"..." They kept their mouths tightly shut and said nothing.

Rong Liyuan, "Young Master Gu, please respect yourself."

Yingbao is not something this person can care about casually.

Gu Xichen's throat seemed to be blocked, and he couldn't speak a word.

Tan Wan'an next to him was terrified, she held him tightly by her hand, preventing him from coming forward.

"Let's go, why waste time with irrelevant people."

Mu Changying glanced at them indifferently, and took Rong Liyuan's arm.


Rong Liyuan has soft brows and eyes.

He raised his hand and scratched the tip of her nose.

The strength is gentle and the expression is gentle.

The strong contrast between the front and back makes it hard to believe that it is the same person.


younger sister.

Looking at the back of them leaving again, Gu Xichen felt uncomfortable all over.

Insignificant people?

So he is an insignificant person in the eyes of his sister?

At this moment, Gu Xichen didn't know where the courage came from, he broke away from Tan Wan'an's hand.

rushed up.

Unfortunately, he was stopped before he even touched a single hair of Mu Changying.

Li Nanxun grabbed Gu Xichen's tie, the warning in his eyes was undisguised, "I advise you to stay away from my sister."

He stretched out his hand and patted Gu Xichen's head, then loosened Gu Xichen's tie for the last time.

He patted the non-existent dust on his hands, and raised his heels to follow the two people in front of him.

"So familiar..."

The group of parents squatting outside usually has an occasional star chaser.

They looked at Li Nanxun, and the more they looked, the more they felt familiar.

"This... This is a very popular little fresh meat recently, his name is Li Nanxun!"

The woman's voice set off a turbulent wave in the crowd.

Hearing her voice, everyone looked at Li Nanxun.

They picked up their mobile phones and kept taking pictures of each other.

identity exposed.

Mu Changying stopped, waited for Li Nanxun to catch up, took his hand and ran away, "Brother, hurry up."

If she doesn't leave, other fans may rush over, and she doesn't want to be besieged.

Come to the car.

Li Nanxun opened the car door and was about to sit in the co-pilot.

Rong Liyuan stared at Li Nanxun coldly, "This is Yingbao sitting."


He raised his forehead, changed his position, and sat in the back seat.

The atmosphere between the two was a bit delicate, Mu Changying shook her head helplessly, when the brothers stayed with A Yuan, they seldom enjoyed themselves happily.

"Hey..." She sat in the co-pilot and fastened her seat belt.

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