The last exam is over.

school entrance.

When Mu Changying and Gu Qingyun walked out together, they were immediately besieged by reporters.

The reporters held microphones in their hands, and there were still people behind them carrying cameras to shoot.

"Miss Mu, I want to know, do you have confidence in this exam?"

"Miss Mu, as far as I know, you were still playing games on the eve of the college entrance examination. Are you very confident about the college entrance examination?"

"Miss Mu, I wonder how many points you think you can get in the test this time?"

"Miss Mu, please answer our question, Miss Mu."


No matter how the group of reporters questioned, Mu Changying's expression remained calm from the beginning to the end, without the slightest fluctuation.

Tan Wan'an, who was standing in the crowd, stepped forward, holding Gu Qingyun's arm, "Yun'er, what do you think of the difficulty of this exam?"

With a gentle smile on the corner of Lu Qingyun's mouth, she said softly, "This exam is quite easy, and I performed normally."

Hear her.

The media reporters stopped waiting for Mu Changying's answer, they shifted their target to Gu Qingyun.

"Miss Gu, listen to your words, you are still very confident in this exam, right?"

Facing the camera, Gu Qingyun was neither humble nor overbearing, "It's not that I'm very confident, it's just that the difficulty of the test paper is not particularly difficult."

The college entrance examination paper is not particularly difficult?

Hearing these words, the parents in the crowd all cast envious or jealous eyes on them.

This is simply a proper child of someone else's family.

After interviewing Gu Qingyun, the reporter left contentedly.


The video of the interview was edited and posted online, with a very deceptive title.

#Facing the results of the college entrance examination, Mu Changying avoided talking about it, but Gu Qingyun threatened to be simple.

The college entrance examination has just ended.

Recently, Mu Changying has been on the hot search list on Weibo, and she has become the object of everyone's melons.

Click in to see the reporter's interview.

This time, many people chose to eat melons cautiously.

【I don't think this interview can explain anything. Maybe Mu Changying just wants to keep a low profile? 】

[After so many face slaps, this time I dare not act rashly. My face is swollen like a mountain, and the swelling has not subsided yet. 】

[These reporters are really serious. They know how to catch rumors all day long, so why care about this now? Don't you know who is more powerful when the results of the college entrance examination come out? 】


Although the netizens were not affected, the Gu family.

Gu's villa, Tan Wan'an saw the trending searches on Weibo, and instantly became upset.

She sat on the sofa, thought for a long time, and decided to spend money to buy a navy.

After the battle of the naval army, in just a few days, Gu Qingyun is a gifted girl with high IQ, and entries such as the first daughter of the famous capital are frequently searched.

This group of sailors is used to pushing and kicking.

When they lifted Gu Qingyun to the sky, Mu Changying was trampled to the ground in an instant.


Rong Mansion.

Seeing the extra black fans in the Weibo comment area, the old lady wore reading glasses and had a serious face.

"This matter is definitely not simple. How could there be so many sunspots?"

Her brows were furrowed, and there was a gleam of wisdom in her eyes.

The old lady beckoned and called the housekeeper, "Go and check immediately, there must be something tricky here.

"Okay, old lady." The housekeeper nodded.

half an hour later.

A stack of documents appeared in the hands of the old lady, and she trembled with anger after reading the documents.

"Think we're easy to bully?"

The old lady logged into Weibo and posted the chat history between Tan Wanan and Shui Jun.

#Genius girl is originally here

The screenshot of this chat broke out, and the whole network can eat melons again.

These netizens flooded into Gu Qingyun's comment area.

[There are so many sailors, I wonder how much you spent to buy these sailors? 】

[Why didn't you know to notify me if you made money? Remember to bring me one next time and make money together. 】

[I didn't expect that the first daughter of our famous capital came like this, tsk tsk tsk...]

[The first daughter, do you think she is worthy? roll your eyes.jpg]


Originally, she wanted to present a high-IQ celebrity daughter, but she never expected that she would become self-defeating and embarrassing.

Gu Qingyun saw these comments on Weibo.

She stayed in the room, holding the phone harder and harder.

Taking a deep breath, he kept calming himself down.

"This idiot..."

Wasn't Tan Wan'an very smart before? Why are you getting more and more stupid, is it possible that your head is paper?


After the college entrance examination ended, Mu Changying rarely relaxed.

She came to the bar.

Wearing a black suspender skirt, stepping on a pair of Martin boots.

Her hair was loose, her fair skin and black skirt reflected each other, making her even more thrillingly beautiful under the dim light.

Beautiful, dazzling and enchanting, exuding a confident and powerful aura all over her body.

This makes those who want to strike up a conversation feel ashamed and unworthy.

"Sister Ying, here."

Sitting on the booth, Hua Qiqi saw Mu Changying.

At a glance, Mu Changying saw Hua Qiqi, Si Xian and others sitting on the deck.

She pursed her lips and walked towards them.

Come to the booth and sit down.

"Sister Ying, drink."

Hua Qiqi picked up the wine bottle and poured Mu Changying a glass of wine.

"Yeah." She picked up the glass and took a sip.

Hua Qiqi patted the table, "When you come to the bar, you should be bold when drinking."

He looked at the glass with disgust, then directly picked up the wine bottle and poured it into his mouth.


Mu Changying sat on the sofa with her legs crossed.

She picked up another unopened bottle of wine and looked at it.

The alcohol content is not low, if you drink it like this for a while, you will definitely get drunk.

After pouring down a bottle of wine, Hua Qiqi sat on the seat, and she was extremely obedient.

She looked at Mu Changying across from her, stood up, "Pretty..."

Hua Qiqi sat beside Mu Changying.

His hands folded obediently, like a primary school student.

Seeing her like this, Mu Changying had a faint smile in his eyes.

Hua Qiqi was so fascinated that she became even more drunk, "I really like it..."

Seeing that she was drunk, Mu Changying rubbed her head lovingly.

This guy obviously can't drink, but he still drinks so much.

Hua Qiqi held Mu Changying's hand and stayed there for a while.

"Qiqi, come here drunk."

Yu Linye sat in the corner, reached out and pushed the mirror frame on the bridge of his nose.

The eyes under the lens are soft.

He stretched out his hand, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, like a big bad wolf trying to lure a little white rabbit.

Hua Qiqi was captivated by his gentle smile.

She rattled over and worked closely next to Yu Linye.

He raised his hand and rubbed his face, "Handsome...handsome little brother."

There was a nympho in Hua Qiqi's eyes.

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