Hua Qiqi kept kneading Yu Linye's face.

The expression was so nympho that it almost left a mouthful of drool.

Yu Linye looked at her with a gentle light in his eyes.

The corners of his mouth hooked up, and there was an inexplicable light in his eyes, "Qiqi, do you like it?"

There is a slight vibrato at the end.

The whole expression is very attractive.

Seeing him abducting this innocent child, Si Xian pouted at the side.

He watched boredly, suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, he took out his mobile phone and started shooting at the two people

Such a wonderful picture must be taken well.

After this guy Hua Qiqi sobers up, he must show her.

Mu Changying sat with her legs crossed.

She put her fingers on the table and tapped casually, watching the scene in front of her with interest.

"Hi... like it."

Hua Qiqi stared at him, the light in her eyes became more and more intense, this good touch made her reluctant to let go.

"If you like it, I will belong to you from now on, okay?" Yu Linye put his arms around her waist.

Hua Qiqi didn't understand anything, she just nodded in a daze, as well-behaved as a little lamb.

"Okay, from now on you can only be mine..." She replied delicately, with a gentle expression on her face.

Si Xian was amazed.

The female bully on campus turned into a little white rabbit. If this picture was to be seen by others, they would definitely not believe it.

Watching the excitement, Mu Changying said indifferently, "Since I like it so much, should I get a stamp? Otherwise, what if he runs away one day, or is snatched away by others."

Hearing her words, Hua Qiqi nodded in agreement.

Si Xian: "..."

Thinking that Sister Ying also joined in this round of abducting the little white rabbit.

Forget it, he did his best for the happiness of his brother.

Si Xian nodded in agreement, "Yes, yes, if you don't stamp it, what if he runs away one day?"

Hua Qiqi put her hands on Yu Linye's shoulders, and shook her shoulders.

"No... no, he can only belong to me alone!" Her eyes were shining with a cruel light, she was fierce but extremely cute.

She stared at Yu Linye's face and thought for a long time, her eyes fell on his lips.

Staring at his lips with scorching eyes, he opened his lips lightly, "Well, just stamp it here."

The voice fell.

She leaned forward and kissed Yu Linye's lips.

This is not an ordinary kiss, not gentle at all, but biting instead.

Hua Qiqi didn't know any skills at all.

She savagely bit Yu Linye's lip, his lip was cracked, and traces of blood spilled out.

Warm lips are applied to the lips.

Yu Linye's heart trembled, as if a hungry person in the desert had finally been rescued.

He hugged Hua Qiqi tightly.

The skins of the two were pressed against each other through the fabric, feeling the strength of each other's heartbeat.

"Since it is stamped, it will belong to me from now on."

Yu Linye's other hand clasped the back of her head, and then deepened the kiss.

The two were entangled, and in the dim light they looked like a match made in heaven.

Looking at the two people in front of them, Mu Changying and Si Xian were stuffed with dog food.

Mu Changying's psychological quality is strong, so he ignored the dog food of the two of them.

She sat on the card seat, her eyes fell on Si Xian, "Si Xiaoxian, how did you do in the exam?"

I was watching the movie with great interest, but was beaten to pieces by the dog food.

Suddenly being named, his body was slightly stiff, with an unnatural expression on his face.

When you come out to play, just come out to play, can you not ask about learning.

Although there were thousands of reluctances in my heart, I still replied respectfully, "Sister Ying, I did well in the exam."

Mu Changying, "Oh? You passed the exam well, how did you pass the exam?"

Si Xian was stupid, didn't know how to answer, and looked like a poor pug when he blinked.

"Should be able to step on the line of Erben."

Hearing his answer, Mu Changying smiled.

She picked up the bottle and opened the cap.

Picking up the wine glass, he poured Si Xian a glass of wine himself, "Well, you did well in the exam."

Originally, I thought I would get a scolding meal, but I didn't expect it to be a compliment.

Si Xian swallowed.

There was excitement in his eyes, "Hey hey..."

He smiled honestly, picked up the cup and poured it into his mouth.

In the corner, Hua Qiqi and Yu Linye kissed for a long time.

After the kiss was over, her body limply collapsed in Yu Linye's arms.

Mu Changying stood up, "I'm going to the bathroom."

She heads for the bathroom.

The girl in front was probably drunk, and stumbled towards her.

Mu Changying stretched out her hand to support her.

But after seeing the girl's face clearly, he retracted his hands and turned his body slightly sideways.


The girl fell to the ground.

She was in pain all over, looking at the girl's shoes in front of her with anger in her eyes.

"You... why don't you catch me like this?"

Mu Changying stood, looking down at the girl lying on the ground condescendingly, "Oh, do you really need my help?"

A familiar voice rang in his ears, and Jin Siyuan raised his head.

Seeing the girl's face clearly, she stepped back.

Enduring the pain, he stood up by himself, "No, no, no... no, I'll do it myself."

Let this person help?

She was afraid that she would die miserably.

Seeing her terrified look, Mu Changying's delicate red lips parted slightly, "Ah, why are you so scared, I won't eat you."

Jin Siyuan kept walking, reluctantly walking towards their booth.

It's true that Mu Changying won't eat her, but it will make her experience a more painful punishment than skin cramps.

Mu Changying spread her hands and walked to the bathroom.

"Hey, it's really boring, and it's not funny at all."


Jin Siyuan returned to the booth.

Jin Xunye, who was sitting next to her, saw her disheveled clothes and bruises on her knees, he frowned, "What's wrong with you?"

Jin Siyuan didn't dare to tell the truth, "'s okay, I just fell down by myself."

Lu Qingyun, who was sitting next to them, was in a bad mood.

But seeing Jin Siyuan's embarrassed appearance, he still cheered up.

She stood up and tidied Jin Siyuan's hair, then took out a tissue and wiped it for her.

"Thank you, Sister Qingyun." Jin Siyuan felt a little guilty.

Sister Qingyun was in a bad mood because of things on the Internet, and my brother took Gu Qingyun out to relax, but now I let Sister Qingyun spend energy taking care of her.

Gu Qingyun looked at the girl in front of her, thought flashed in her eyes, "Hey, can Siyuan tell me the truth?"

Facing her eyes, Jin Siyuan really couldn't tell a lie.

After hesitating for a long time, "...I met Mu Changying at the bathroom door just now."

Jin Xunye's hand holding the wine glass was stiff.

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