After the party was over, Mu Changying and the others left.

As soon as he walked out of the bar, he met Gu Qingyun and others.

Looking at the enchanting but confident girl in front of him, Jin Xunye's eyes flickered slightly, and there was an unknown light in his eyes.


Gu Qingyun's reaction was sharp.

Sensing this gaze, she clenched her hands tightly into fists, then loosened them again and again.

Why can't everyone's eyes fall on this little bitch Mu Changying?

Sensing Jin Xunye's gaze, Si Xian was a little upset.

He has always had a bad temper, and couldn't help but rant, "What are you looking at, and let's see if you believe it or not, the young master poached your eyes."

Fuck his uncle, sister Ying is also worthy of his concern?

Being bullied, Jin Xunye glanced at Mu Changying, the unknown meaning in his eyes disappeared, and the strong disdain prevailed.

"When you get close to vermilion, you get red, and when you get close to ink, you get black. If you play with this kind of person, you will be affected."

Hearing this sentence, Mu Changying's expression moved slightly when he was originally expressionless.

She glanced at Jin Xueye, "I don't need to worry about this matter."

Not wanting to continue wasting words with these people, he turned around and left without hesitation.

Hua Qiqi couldn't walk because she was drunk.

Her whole body lay on Yu Linye's body, her usual arrogance in school disappeared without a trace, and she became a sticky spirit.

She stood where she was and played with a small temper, "I can't walk, I have to carry my back."

It was rare to see her like this, so Si Xian took out his phone again and began to take pictures with relish.

Mu Changying didn't stop him, but watched the show from the sidelines.

Because she also wanted to know, what would Hua Qiqi look like if she woke up and saw this picture?

Yu Linye's face was pampered, he sighed helplessly, and squatted down resignedly, "Come up."


Hua Qiqi smiled brightly, like a three-year-old who got a lollipop.

The whole person was extremely happy, and his whole body was filled with warm breath.

She stepped forward and threw herself on Yu Linye's back.

With her on her back, Yu Linye walked steadily with every step.

The moon is bright today.

Moonlight and neon lights sprinkled on the body, warm and complacent, giving a warm atmosphere.


Mu Changying returned to the Rong mansion.

Walking into the living room, I saw a few unexpected people sitting inside the door.

"Yiyi, welcome home."

"Little sister, welcome home."

"Ying Bao."


The whole family sat neatly in the hall and waited for Mu Changying to return.

Li Nanxun, "The college entrance examination is over, this is a family banquet for our little princess."

Fu Jiaojiao was also sitting on the sofa, and she hadn't seen Mu Changying for a long time.

Seeing someone coming in, she jumped off the sofa and trotted over.


Mu Changying opened her arms and caught the soft and soft Fu Jiaojiao.

The two hugged into a ball.

Looking at the two people hugging each other, the eyes of the men in the living room shone with resentment.

Their eyes fell on Fu Jiaojiao in unison.

Aware of these gazes, Fu Huaizheng helplessly helped his forehead, and stretched out his hand, "Jiaojiao, come here quickly."

If he didn't come again, he was worried that this girl would be stared at by these people.


Fu Jiaojiao reluctantly let go of Mu Changying, and she walked back to Fu Huaizheng and sat down.

Mu Changying sat on the seat, looked at the snacks and delicacies on the table, picked up the chopsticks and took a bite.

The good taste filled her mouth, she squinted her eyes happily, "This taste is a bit familiar, it should be from the Imperial Banquet."

Fu Huaizheng nodded, "The tongue is not bad, I tasted it so quickly."

These dishes today are indeed all from the imperial banquet, and Master Canghui made them himself.

Master Cang Hui would never have accepted the order if Rong Liyuan hadn't personally ordered it.

Master Cang has always only cooked dishes at the imperial banquet, and did not accept orders for what he did, and this was the first time he made an exception.

Li Nanxun poured himself a glass of wine, and then poured Mu Changying a glass of orange juice.

He picked up the cup, and the two collided, "The college entrance examination is over, my sister has worked hard."

Mu Changying looked at Orange Juice with erratic eyes, "I'm already an adult."

As soon as she said this, she was immediately refuted by several people.

"Whether you are an adult or not, the little girl should drink less alcohol."

"Hey, is it good to drink orange juice? Orange juice is good for your health."

Mu Changying was helpless, and really couldn't bear to expose this lie.

As a Chinese medicine doctor with excellent medical skills, she really didn't know whether drinking more orange juice would actually help the body?

Mu Changying set his eyes on Li Zhiyi.


Li Zhiyi really couldn't stand her younger sister's acting like a baby, "Just drink a little..."

As soon as I said it, I was immediately opposed.

Everyone stared at him, their eyes were cold and full of warnings.

Li Zhiyi, "Yiyi, let's drink orange juice."

It's not that he doesn't want to help his sister, but it's because he can't help so many people.

Seeing that drinking was hopeless, Mu Changying simply picked up the orange juice and took a sip, it tasted pretty good.

Rong Liyuan stood up.

He walked up to Mu Changying and sat down, putting his arms around her waist.

He took her into his arms, lowered his head, buried his head in her neck and took a deep breath.

Smelling Mu Changying's slightly wine-scented eyes, his eyes shone with a dangerous light.

He raised his hand and pinned her loose hair behind her ear.

Rong Liyuan leaned close to her ear and whispered, "Ying Bao is not good, did you drink secretly today?"

The warm breath sprayed on her ears, and a faint itchiness hit her, and she shrank her neck.

Mu Changying puffed her cheeks, "I just drank a little."

While talking, he gestured and pinched with his hands.

Seeing his cute appearance, the hearts of the few sitting aside softened.

Fu Jiaojiao is even more nympho, the fairy sister is so beautiful and cute, I really want to rub her.


Fu Huaizheng was full of helplessness, he felt that this family was more attractive to Jiaojiao than him.

"Yingbao, be good, don't drink alone in the future."

Drinking too much is bad for your health, Ying Bao is so delicate, what should I do if I get sick?

Mu Changying nodded, "Okay, I understand."

Seeing her obediently agreeing to himself, Rong Liyuan let her go.

The phone buzzed and vibrated.

Mu Changying opened Weibo, and was not surprised to see that someone from her family was trending on Weibo.

#Li Nanxun's new play style exposed

#The Immortal God

#Li Nanxun actually played the role of the god

【Ah, I think the director is simply a god. He chose such an excellent actor. I think his appearance is really in line with a god. 】

[I have to admit that his appearance is really good, but does he have acting skills? 】

[Although I am a fan of my brother, I have to admit that my brother's acting skills are really...]

[I'm so worried, Shenjun is one of my favorite characters, if he is destroyed, I will definitely turn black on him. 】

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