Facing such a powerful Gongsunli and Da Qiao, the mentality of the QY team collapsed again and again.

They couldn't cooperate, and even internal strife occurred.

"lengendary!" (super God)

Once again, he killed the main force on the opposite side.

With a faint smile on the corner of Mu Changying's mouth, she tapped lightly on the screen with her fingers.

The crescent moon is like a hook: [It seems that your technology is no more than this. 】

Arrogant, arrogant at home!

Naked ridicule, blatant and undisguised.

Being so humiliated in public, Team QY's eyes were red with anger.


Mu Changying took Da Qiao to destroy the high ground in the middle of the road.

The three-way highlands on the opposite side have all been broken.

In such a situation, the difference between victory and defeat is almost self-evident.

The young lady who commented opened her mouth to adjust the atmosphere, "The strength of the QY team is still good, I don't know if they can turn against the wind."

The partner sitting beside her shook her head, "I don't see it well."

The cooperation between Mu Changying and Qin Chuan was too tacit.

With such a powerful main force, it is undoubtedly a dream to turn against the wind.

viewing area.

The other teams watched this match with solemn faces. They didn't expect Mu Changying's strength to be so tyrannical.

The previous strong team had no counterattack against them.

If QY is like this, then it must be even more difficult for them to face the ZK team.

"Is that all you can do?"

Mu Changying was not in a hurry to attack the crystal tower opposite.

She guards outside, and kills immediately as soon as someone is revived.

Gongsunli entered the crystal tower with his equipment and killed the people inside.

When the remaining blood is about to die, leave a paper umbrella and enter the return circle.

After full blood, press the skill and return to the position of the paper umbrella again.

Repeatedly like this, the mentality of the opposite person completely collapsed.

"Oh shit!"


After being beaten for a few minutes, QY's face turned livid, and they felt that today's embarrassment has been lost beyond the sky.

The leader of the QY team launched a surrender, and the rest of the people clicked one after another, and the vote passed unanimously.

When the super soldiers arrived under the crystal tower, QY just finished surrendering.

"victory!" (victory)

After winning the game, Mu Changying was unsurprisingly the MVP.

Seeing that the members of the QY team surrendered voluntarily, the people in the auditorium sighed.

"The people in the QY team are too good. I went, and they even surrendered. To be honest, after watching so many professional games, this is the first time I see a team that will voluntarily surrender."

"Ahem, cough, I think tomorrow's hot search has already been booked in advance by QY."

"So what if you don't surrender? Mu Changying is so strong, no matter how hard they hold on, it's impossible for them to come back against the wind."


In the VIP box.

Li Zhiyi looked at the energetic Mu Changying on the stage, with the corners of his mouth raised and a smile shining in his eyes.

Yiyi was not merciless when facing QY's people during the game, on the contrary, she was extremely ruthless.

He knew that his sister was still holding grudges...

"Yiyi..." Li Zhiyi called the name with a sincere smile.

She really deserves to be his younger sister, even though there is no blood relationship in this life, she still has the protection of the Li family in her bones.

competition is over.

Team ZK stands with Team QY.

There was a friendly handshake.


The leader of Team QY looked at Mu Changying, with a deep sense of unwillingness in his eyes.

The smile on the corner of Mu Changying's mouth remained undiminished, and she stretched out her hand to hold the other's hand.

The moment she clasped her hands together, she charged her strength, and the opposite leader's face was slightly ferocious.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, he was worried about losing face, and worked hard to restore his facial expression.

"If you're not good at technology, then go back and practice hard."

Mu Changying looked at QY's team leader, exuding a powerful aura around him.

Today, she was wearing a pair of camouflage military uniform pants, a pair of Martin boots, and her hair was combed into a high ponytail. She looked beautiful and rustic.

The little girl in the auditorium was fascinated by her appearance.

"Fuck, so handsome."

"Mom, I feel like I'm in love."

"I don't know if Miss Sister still needs a bed warmer, I think I can."


Hearing everyone's discussion, Hua Qiqi machine puffed up its chest, with pride shining in its eyes.


The fall of the QY team gave the rest of the team a shot, and they had a new understanding of ZK's strength.

In the following games, every team encountered ZK, no matter what style of play they adopted, they all failed in the end.

ZK is invincible and invincible.

Mu Changying served as the invisible captain in the team, wise and intelligent, he was both a military advisor and a god of war.

Every game is invincible.

When the game ended and finally stood on the field, the winning team was unsurprisingly ZK.

The host stepped onto the stage, holding a microphone in her hand, "I announce that the champion of this year's summer competition is Team ZK!"

As soon as the voice fell, the letters and totems of ZK appeared on the big screen behind him.

In an instant, there was thunderous applause and cheers in the auditorium.

There were bursts of cheers, and the roof was almost lifted.

The host held a card in his hand, "Today, the organizer of our Glory of Kings has invited a mysterious guest, who will present a trophy to the champion."

"Now, please." The host stepped aside.

Hearing the host's words, everyone was very curious.

blah blah——

The handmade leather shoes stepped on the floor, making a crisp sound.

The lens is very powerful, and it swept over.

A pair of polished leather shoes caught everyone's eyes

! ! ! !

When the camera panned to that face, all the breathing in the scene stopped for a moment.

One word handsome.

Two words are very handsome.

The three words are handsome.

After expressing his handsomeness, everyone blinked.

Hey, this person is a little familiar.


Mu Changying looked at the person who was walking slowly, with a warm smile in his eyes.


Lying down a big trough!

The other people standing next to her were not calm anymore. If they hadn't taken care of being on stage, they would have had a heated discussion like the gossip woman.

Rong Liyuan walked slowly.

He only had eyes for the heroic girl in front of him.


The two obviously didn't have any intimate contact, but just a glance can touch sparks and emit a different magnetic field.

There is a touch of warmth around them, and pink bubbles are flying all over the sky.

The atmosphere changed instantly, sweet and greasy, making people feel as if soaked in a honey pot.

The people in the auditorium couldn't sit still.

"I wipe, my God, am I dazzled, or haven't woken up, who will pinch me?"

"I feel like I'm hallucinating. This seems to be Master Rong."

"This... did we have the same dream?"


Hearing these conversations, Hua Qiqi swallowed, and looked at it seriously for a while, "Second master is here?"

Si Xian nodded, "Well, you are not dazzled, this is really Second Master Rong."

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