The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 645 Chairman of ZK Group (drops vest)

Rong Liyuan held a card in his hand.

He opened it slowly, with a dignified aura around him, and that slender hand with well-defined knuckles made a part of the auditorium swallow their saliva.

"This year's summer champion is - ZK team."

Obviously he was talking about the entire team, but Rong Liyuan's eyes were only on Mu Changying from the beginning to the end.

She seemed to be the only one around.

The hostility on his body was still there, but the remaining gentleness was given to Mu Changying unreservedly.


Seeing the interaction between the two, the crowd felt that their stomachs were already full.

It's too miserable to watch a game and be stuffed with dog food.

The waiter came up with a tray, Rong Liyuan opened it.

Holding the trophy, he walked towards Mu Changying step by step.

Every step was taken steadily, and the closer you got to her, the more and more hostility in your body dissipated.

The camera aimed at them with dignity.

The eyes of the audience have been closely following them.

Rong Liyuan stopped in front of Mu Changying.

He handed her the trophy.

Mu Changying reached out to take it.

It was obviously just a trophy, but they turned it into a posture of exchanging wedding rings.


The few people standing aside were completely ignored, as if they were air.

Rong Liyuan looked at Mu Changying, his sexy Adam's apple twitched, "Congratulations."

She stared at him, frowned, and smiled silently, "Congratulations."

The voices of the two were transmitted to the audience area through the microphone.

The male's voice is magnetic and deep, while the female's is soft and sweet.

The breath between the two was too sweet.

Some of the little girls in the auditorium blushed from being teased and screamed sharply.

Someone curled his lips and touched the boyfriend sitting beside him with his hand, "Look, this is called the best boyfriend, you should learn from it."

The boyfriend sitting next to her rolled his eyes, "If you're half as beautiful as Mu Changying, you'll be treated better than this."

As soon as these words came out, it could be said that he had stabbed a hornet's nest, and he was immediately snubbed by his girlfriend.


on stage.

The host standing aside was also stuffed with dog food.

After the trophy was handed over, Rong Liyuan stepped off the stage.

The host took a look at the card, "In addition to being honored to have Mr. Rong present awards to us today, the chairman of ZK Group will present medals to the champions next."

Mu Changying stuffed the trophy inside into Qin Chuan's hand, and then stepped off the stage.

Qin Chuan, "Sister Ying, what are you going to do?"

The award presentation is about to begin, and it is the immediate superior who will present the awards to them. What is Sister Ying doing in such a hurry?

The host standing aside didn't know why, "Excuse me, is there anything urgent?"

Mu Changying put one hand in his pocket and said, "I have something to do, but it needs to be kept secret for now."

The host is dumbfounded.

The audience felt very strange.

"The award will be presented soon. What is she going to do? Wouldn't it be a disgrace to the chairman of ZK Group to leave now? Will she wear small shoes?"

"I don't think so. Mu Changying just led ZK to win the championship. If the chairman wears small shoes for her, it would be too small."

Si Xian is anxious, what is Sister Ying going to do?"

Hua Qiqi, who was sitting by the side, raised her heart and mixed her hands together.


Yu Linye pushed the mirror frame, a faint light flashed in his eyes.

He set his eyes on Hua Qiqi, "Do you want to know?"

She raised her head, looked at him and nodded, "Nonsense, of course I want to know."

As soon as she finished speaking, she regretted it.

Hua Qiqi looked at him suspiciously, with even a little bit of defense in her eyes, "You don't have any demands? I won't listen to any demands."

Seeing her defending herself, Yu Linye shook his head, "No."

The doubts in Hua Qiqi's eyes became more intense, this guy would be so kind?

He hesitated for a while.

Hua Qiqi really couldn't resist the temptation, so she obediently attached her ears to it.

Yu Linye leaned closer and whispered in her ear.

"Really? My God!"

Not knowing what the two said, Si Xian heard Hua Qiqi's low exclamation.

He looked at them suspiciously. What little secret did these two keep from him?


The host waited on stage for a while but did not see Mu Changying.

She took the card, "Now I invite the chairman of ZK Group."

A shot sweeps to the entrance.

Seeing the black Martin boots and the familiar army green trousers, everyone felt a little confused.

what's up?

This person is a little familiar.

Why are there so many familiar people today?

When the camera caught the face, everyone in the ZK team was dumbfounded.

This... Miss Ying went to the wrong place?

Why did she come up when you called the chairman of ZK Group?

Seeing that the person who came up was Mu Changying, the host's smile was a little stiff.

She took the card and said again, "I invite the chairman of ZK Group to come on stage."

Mu Changying, who was standing on the stage, stepped forward and picked up the microphone at the side.

Seeing this scene, the host blinked.

All the teammates also looked dumbfounded, Monk Zhang Er couldn't figure it out.

Mu Changying held the microphone, "It's a great honor to be invited to present awards to today's champion."

As soon as these words came out, her identity was immediately confirmed.

Everyone's pupils widened.

After a brief silence, there was a burst of noise from the auditorium.

"Fuck me...Mu Changying is actually the chairman of ZK Group?"

"Damn it, what's the situation? No novel dares to write like this."

"So... is she presenting an award to herself? Presenting an award to herself, this is the first time I've seen this operation, awesome!"

The waiter at the side brought a plate.

Mu Changying uncovered the red cloth and picked up a pure gold medal on it.

She waved to Qingchuan, "Come here."

Like a marionette, he went up obediently and took the medal in her hand.

Holding the medal in his hand, he felt the palm of his hand burn, but this still couldn't calm the tension and surprise in his heart.

Damn, Sister Ying is actually the chairman!

So they have been getting along with the chairman these days?


Looking at the girl standing on the stage, the corner of the manager's mouth twitched.

He remembered that he often whispered in their ears that the chairman was giving awards, and he wanted to slap himself.

Damn, it's so embarrassing.


In the auditorium.

Si Xian remembered Hua Qiqi's exclamation just now.

He looked at Yu Linye with resentment, and after looking at it for a while, he shook his head helplessly, "Tsk tsk value sex over friends!"

This guy must have known it a long time ago, but he didn't tell him. This approach hurt his heart a bit.

Hearing Si Xian's joke, Hua Qiqi's face blushed slightly.

She pursed her lips and stared at him, "Stop talking nonsense."

For his jokes, Yu Linye was not affected at all.

There is a big difference between a beloved girl and a brother.

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