The award ceremony is over.

Members of Team ZK stepped down together with Mu Changying.

Their footsteps were floating, and they hadn't recovered yet.

When he saw Li Zhiyi in the backstage corridor, Qin Chuan suddenly came back to his senses.

He stepped forward, holding Li Zhiyi's shoulder, but he didn't dare to shake it violently, "Brother Yi, you are not kind! You know such important news and you didn't tell us?!"

Sister Ying is brother Yi's younger sister, so he must know the news.

As soon as Qin Chuan's words came out, Li Zhiyi immediately felt the resentful eyes of the entire team.

The manager didn't speak, but still stared at Li Zhiyi with a gloomy face, this kid is really unkind.

Being stared at by them, Li Zhiyi let out a low laugh, "Actually, I only found out about this not long ago."

His sister did a good job of concealing it.

If Yiyi didn't want to be exposed, others would never know.

Looking at their expressions, Li Zhiyi said, "It's not too late to know now."

Mu Changying glanced at them.

Her eyes fell on Li Zhiyi's arm.

Pick up the trophy.

She stared at the man in front of her.

After looking at it for a long time, she kissed her delicate red lips, "Brother, this is my trophy for you."

What she said has been done.

"Yiyi is awesome."

Li Zhiyi raised his hand to take the trophy in her hand, his deep eyes felt slightly moist.

He stroked the trophy gently and gently.

Touched for a while.

The moisture in the eye sockets was almost uncontrollable.

Holding the trophy, he looked at the girl in front of him and hugged her gently, "Yiyi..."

Mu Changying stretched out her hands and hugged Li Zhiyi back.

There is a warm atmosphere all around, which makes people reluctant to break.

Seeing her handing the trophy to Li Zhiyi, no one had any objections.

They stood aside and did not disturb the siblings.

Such a warm picture, if you are determined to break it, you will be struck by lightning.


Rong Liyuan came over.

Seeing the two of them hugging each other, he would definitely not be able to hold back his jealousy in the past.

Looking at Li Zhiyi's injured hand, there was a faint light in his eyes.


Mu Changying let go of Li Zhiyi.

Seeing Rong Liyuan standing not far away, seeing his calm face, a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes.

What happened to A Yuan, is this the calm before the storm?

Mu Changying was a little flustered.

She stepped forward and took Rong Liyuan's arm.

Shaking slightly, "Ah Yuan."

She has a delicate and soft voice, with a touch of coquettishness.

Seeing her coquettish appearance, the entire ZK team was struck by lightning.

The high-spirited and invincible Goddess of War turned into a soft little girl in the arena. The contrast was too great.

Rong Liyuan looked at her, "Let's go."


When they walked out of the Glory of Kings competition center.

The media reporters squatting outside have already known the situation inside.

They chrysalis go up.

Holding the microphone in his hand, one by one desperately squeezed forward.

"Miss Mu, may I ask if you are really the chairman of ZK Group?"

"Miss Mu, why do you want to establish ZK?"

"Miss Mu, may I ask if you were aggressive towards the QY team on the field, do you still worry about what you did during the day?"

Mu Changying's footsteps stopped.

She turned to look at the reporter.

His eyes were icy and cold, and one couldn't help but feel a strong pressure.

Looking at the reporter, Mu Changying twitched the corner of her mouth and smiled lightly.

She walked in front of the reporter, "Yes, I am still brooding."

The reporter didn't expect Mu Changying to answer him so without hesitation, and was instantly amused, feeling the fireworks in his head constantly blooming.

There was coldness in Mu Changying's eyes, and her delicate red lips parted slightly, "My family is my bottom line, whoever hurts my family, I will definitely pay back a hundredfold."

The girl's voice was powerful.

It reached everyone's ears through the microphone.

The people at the gate of the arena stopped, and they looked at the girl seriously.

Under the setting sun, the afterglow shone on her body, casting a mysterious light on her.

Beautiful, strong and confident!

Hearing her words, Li Zhiyi smiled silently.

This is his younger sister, who has integrated the word "protecting the shortcoming" into her bones.

After answering the reporter's question, Mu Changying didn't bother with other questions.

She turned around, "A Yuan, let's go."

Saw them go.

Several other reporters did not give up.

They wanted to continue the interview, but just after they caught up, Rong Liyuan glanced back at them.

Stared at by this gaze, they stopped in their footsteps, as if falling into an ice cellar, their limbs and bones were extremely cold.

Obviously they were just stared at, but the few people seemed to have lost their souls.


They didn't dare to go forward any more, they stood there in a daze, and could only watch helplessly as the target got into the car and left.


#Mu Changying's identity was exposed, and her identity was actually...

#I can’t believe it, Mu Changying’s identity

#ZK Team Champion.

#Mu Changying threatened that family is the bottom line

#ZK Group Chairman

#QY team surrender


Go back to Rong Mansion.

Various hot searches appeared on Weibo again.

Mu Changying has been on Weibo recently, and everyone is very interested in her gossip, and their enthusiasm remains undiminished.

Once again, she sparked everyone's discussion.

[Niu Pi, I can't believe it. At such a young age, Mu Changying was already the chairman of a group. 】

[Hey... She is already the chairman, and I am still studying, the comparison is too tragic. 】

[The members of the QY team are really embarrassing, they surrendered after being defeated. 】

【However... I think Mu Changying is a bit aggressive when talking to QY, and I feel a little uncomfortable doing so...】

[Upstairs, if you don't understand, don't talk nonsense. If you go to find out, you will know why Mu Changying is like this. 】

[If you don't know the truth, you will make random accusations, get out of here! 】


Mu Changying sat on the sofa.

She played with her mobile phone with relish, flipping through the comments in the comment area.

Just seeing this "Not so good..." comment, he tapped his finger on the screen, 【I said, family is the bottom line. 】

Injured her brother during the day, she was just being aggressive during the battle, how could it be too much?

What's more, this is an open bullying based on strength.

If QY has the ability, they can also bully back on the field.

Unexpectedly, Mu Changying would respond in person. This netizen was scared and didn't dare to continue to be tough with Mu Changying.

Li Nanxun, who had returned to the set, checked Weibo and immediately logged in when he saw Mu Changying's words.

Li Nanxun V: [Family is the bottom line. 】

As soon as he posted this Weibo, a group of long-awaited fans immediately flooded into the comment area.

【Brother, don't worry, we will definitely protect your family well. 】

【Brother, you disappeared for a long time, and you finally came out for business. 】

[Brother Xun, I thought you forgot your Weibo password. dog head.jpg]

[Brother Xun, don't worry, my sister is entrusted to us to protect. Who dares to spray my sister, we will tear him apart! 】


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