Chapter 647: Top Scholar

Mu Changying is the director of ZK Group, and the trending search has been hanging up for several days before the popularity slowly subsides.


Famous capital city, examination room.

After grading the test papers, a gray-haired teacher rubbed his waist and checked the highest score.

! ! ! ! !

When seeing a perfect score.

Wang Qi's pupils contracted violently, and his hand holding the mouse was shaking.

"Full score?"

Fuck, how many years has this happened?

He has taught for so many years, and the perfect marks he met are also very few, and he can count them with one slap.

The last time I met a full score in science was that kid from the Rong family.

Wang Qi's breathing was slightly rapid, sweat overflowed from the palms of his hands, and he couldn't calm down no matter what.

Turning around in the office, he opened the door and walked to another office.

He patted the table and cleared his throat.

When he was about to say something, he was angrily reprimanded by an older teacher.

"Old Wang, what are you doing? Didn't you see that everyone was grading papers?"

Teacher Wang stroked the non-existent beard on his chin.

He straightened his still-sturdy waist, "Approved paper? What kind of approval? I have important news to share."

Several teachers in the office looked away from the computer screen, looking a little impatient, "Say something quickly."

Wang Qi didn't care about their attitudes, "There was a perfect score in the batch I got."

! ! ! !


There was silence in the office.

After a long time, a teacher stood up.

He touched Wang Qi's forehead, "Old Wang, you don't have a fever, what nonsense are you talking about?"

As the capital city, the test paper for Mingdu City is separate.

But it is not easy, on the contrary, it is the most difficult in the country.

The test papers every year can make people cry, and the difficulty is far ahead of all the test papers.

It is not easy to get full marks with such difficulty.

Teacher Wang waved the man's hand away.

He straightened his chest, "Do you think I look like the kind of person who can tell lies?"


Several people in the office looked at each other, and they nodded without hesitation, "Like, very similar."

Teacher Wang felt that his heart had been stabbed.

With his hands behind his back, he snorted coldly.

Seeing his expression, it didn't seem like he was lying, and several teachers looked at each other.

One of them tentatively asked cautiously, "Old Wang, are you really not lying?"

Wang Qi continued to keep a cold face, not wanting to talk to them.

Seeing this, several other teachers felt that the credibility of this was a bit higher.

"Hurry up, Lao Wang, hurry up and tell me who has the perfect score in science this year?"

"It's incredible, it's incredible. It's not easy to get full marks on such a difficult test paper."

Teacher Wang found an empty seat and sat down, typing on the keyboard with both hands.

Soon, a score and name, a test number and the school appeared on the computer screen.

"The person with perfect score turned out to be from Qingjin High School."

"This high school is not bad. This year, it has a champion."


Wang Qi didn't pay attention to what this person's name was just now.

He fixed his eyes on the computer screen.

Seeing this name, she whispered, "Mu Changying."

The name is a bit familiar, as if I have heard it somewhere.

He thought about it for a long time, but he didn't think of anything, so he simply gave up.

This year there was a top scorer in science, and it was spread like this.

Soon the media reporters knew about it.

The marketing account is rhythmic and popular.

Some netizens picked up the video of the previous interview.

[If I remember correctly, Gu Qingyun seems to be studying science as well. 】

[Looking at the video, she said that the college entrance examination paper was quite simple this time, so she could be the top scorer this time, right? 】

[I don't think this matter is very close. 】

[Looking beautiful and studying well, this still makes people live. 】


After everyone's heated discussion, Gu Qingyun was crowned the title of genius girl again.

Rong Mansion.

Bai Mo sat on the sofa.

He was furious when he saw the comments of these netizens on Weibo.

That white and tender face was puffy, like a puffer fish.

Bai Mo rubbed his phone, feeling very uncomfortable, "The score hasn't come out yet, why are these people so anxious to think that Gu Qingyun is the top scorer?"

He was a little upset.

Holding the phone, lying on the sofa, with anger and loss in his eyes.

Seeing his expression, Mu Changying, who was sitting opposite him, shook her head lightly.

She picked up the fork, forked a piece of apple and stuffed it into her mouth.

Chewing an apple in his mouth, he admired his expression with interest.

After watching for a long time, seeing that the anger in his eyes did not diminish, Mu Changying said, "Xiao Momo, don't worry, she won't be the number one in the college entrance examination."

Bai Mo raised his head, "Who could that be?"

After Mu Changying finished eating the apple, he played with the fork in his hand, "Who knows."

Rong Liyuan, who was sitting by the side, heard their conversation and put down the documents in his hand.

He glanced at Mu Changying, and there was a gleam in those deep and dark eyes.

Bai Mo curled up on the sofa, read Weibo for a long time, and sighed, "It would be great if the top scorer in the college entrance examination is my wife."

He really wanted to bring out a champion, so that he would not be a teacher in vain.

Rong Liyuan glanced at the weak Bai Mo, "Maybe it's true."

Bai Mo didn't take this sentence to heart.

The second master is a complete wife slave. In the eyes of the second master, everything about the wife is good.

It is not surprising that the second master thinks that the number one in the college entrance examination will be his wife.

Mu Changying pressed her tongue against her tooth socket, "Xiao Momo, don't worry."

She played with the fork carelessly.

His expression was lazy, without the slightest bit of panic.

Seeing that Bai Mo didn't believe what he said, there was a hint of danger in Rong Liyuan's eyes.

"Yingbao has already graduated, you should quit this job as a teacher."

Bai Mo's body stiffened.

Holding the salary of a special assistant and enjoying the salary of a teacher, he can be said to be happy during this time.

"...Well, Second Master, I still like the job of teaching..."

As he spoke, his voice became smaller and smaller.

Bai Mo felt that if he continued to talk, he might not only lose his job as a teacher and special assistant, but he might also be sent to mine.

Let Li Yuan's death be offline, Bai Mo nodded, "Yes, I will resign immediately."

Seeing Bai Mo's timid look, Mu Changying's eyes flickered with a smile.

Suddenly, the phone vibrated.

Pick up the phone and open it.

What caught his eyes was a text message from Li Nanfeng.

【Yiyi, I believe in you. 】

The corner of Mu Changying's mouth curled up, [Thank you, brother. 】


On the other side, Hanzhou Law Firm.

When Li Nanfeng saw Mu Changying's reply to the text message, the alienated smile in his eyes became more and more real.

Yiyi is so smart, he believes that the top student in the college entrance examination this time will be in Yiyi's pocket.


The assistant standing next to him noticed the change in Li Nanfeng's eyes and was amazed.

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