Time passed by, and soon it was time to score.

In the mansion.

Mu Changying was wearing a homely dress and sitting on the sofa.

She was sitting in a lazy posture, her small face was delicate and delicate, her clear eyes were watery, and she was as lazy as an untouchable cat.

She was holding an apple in her hand, gnawing on it with relish, her eyes fell on the man next to her, "Ah Yuan, have you got your score yet?"

Rong Liyuan sat on the swivel chair.

Looking at the computer screen, Youyou's pupils were filled with a trace of nervousness that was not easily noticed, "Not yet."

He stroked the mouse, a thin layer of sweat overflowing from his palm.

Although she is full of confidence in Yingbao, I believe she will achieve great results.

But at the moment when the results came out, the heartbeat still accelerated uncontrollably.

The pointer pointed to nine o'clock, and all the scores came out.

Rong Liyuan's hand holding the mouse tightened slightly, and he stared intently at the screen, inputting the test number to be queried.

Every number was entered extremely carefully, and they were spotted one by one.

Serious, focused, all the attention is poured into it.

He was looking at the computer screen, and Mu Changying behind him was looking at him.

After eating the apple in her hand, she threw the core of the apple into the trash can.

With Erlang's legs crossed and hands resting on his thighs, he looked at Rong Liyuan with concentrated and deep eyes.

It seems like a century has passed.

After entering the test number, Mu Changying's score appeared on the screen.

Looking at the score on the screen, Rong Liyuan relaxed his grip on the mouse, and lowered his gaze.


Seeing him silent for a long time, Mu Changying stood up from the sofa.

Walking behind Rong Liyuan, his delicate lips twitched, and just as he was about to ask, he quickly stood up.

The sight in front of her was dim, and Mu Changying fell into a fiery embrace.

"A Yuan."

His big hands bound her waist, and she clearly smelled the faint smell of tobacco on his body.

"Yingbao, you are great." Rong Liyuan buried his head in the crook of her neck.

He rubbed her neck lightly.

Mu Changying felt a slight itch and shrunk her neck, a soft laugh came out of her throat, "Yes, I know."

Hearing her proud answer, Rong Liyuan couldn't help but laugh.

He loosened her waist, took her little hand, and led her to sit down on the chair.

"Yingbao, you are the top scorer."

The full score belongs to Yingbao, Yingbao belongs to him, and his little wife is very powerful.

Rong Liyuan inserted her five fingers into her hair, his movements were gentle, and the tenderness made the heart soft.

Mu Changying frowned, "Well, it's normal."

Rong Liyuan smiled softly.

The hoarse voice was like the sound of a cello flowing in the room.

"Ninny, nannie, how are your grades?"

The door of the room was pushed open suddenly, and the old lady walked in hastily.

She stepped forward and squeezed Rong Liyuan away, ignoring him, staring at the computer screen with burning eyes.

Mu Changying stood up and gave up the seat to the old lady, "Mom, you can see for yourself."

The old lady was not polite to her, she nodded and sat down.

She took a deep breath, stabilized her mind, and leaned closer to the computer screen.

"This... this... is this true?" Seeing the perfect score of 750, she blinked and read it again.

Still not quite able to believe it, she took off her presbyopic glasses, wiped the lenses clean, and looked at it again seriously.

Seeing that the score hadn't changed, it was still 750, the old lady stood up abruptly.

She rubbed Mu Changying's delicate face, "Ninny, you are really amazing!"

"The Rong family has a top scorer. I must share this matter with my old sisters."

Seeing the old lady's face blushing and the corners of her mouth full of smiles, Mu Changying's calm watery eyes were also tinged with a touch of warmth.


As soon as the scores of the college entrance examination came out, the champions of liberal arts and sciences in each province were announced, and the media reporters immediately set their sights on them and reported them conveniently.

# Famous City College Entrance Examination Champion

#Perfect score number one, genius girl

#Mu Changying, champion

#The best college entrance examination champion


With all kinds of reports coming out, coupled with the hype of the marketing account, Mu Changying became popular again on Weibo.

[I rely on? Full marks? Is it so fraudulent? This is no longer a bully, but a god of learning! 】

【Tsk, weren't you bragging that Lu Qingyun was the number one in the college entrance examination? Why are those sycophants silent now? 】

[My younger sister is amazing, with a perfect score in science, and the Mingdu City Paper, which is known as the most difficult test paper. Proud.jpg]

[Sister Ying, which university did you go to? I also want to apply when I fill out my volunteers next year. Rubbing hands.jpg]

[I also want to be sister Ying's junior, but my academic performance does not allow it. 】

[It's impossible to be a junior, but I still have the possibility to be sister Ying's senior, and I'm in Tsinghua University. 】

[Suddenly surprised to see the top student, amazing, and crying with envy. 】


Netizens cast their admiration for Mu Changying.

At this time, an unremarkable Weibo person on the Internet broke the news and attracted widespread attention.

Wang Qi: [Seeing that Mu Changying is the top scorer in science, I always feel that this name is very familiar, but I can't remember it for a while.

Today, I accidentally saw a piece of news about Dingmao Group, and I suddenly realized it.

A few years ago, I taught a student who was gifted and accomplished.

He is a well-deserved god of learning in the school, and later he was the number one student in the college entrance examination with full marks in science! I just remembered today, isn't this year's top scorer in the college entrance examination the daughter-in-law married by Rong Xiaozi? 】

This Weibo became popular, and the reading index kept rising.

Netizens reposted it crazily, completely crazy.

[Mu Changying's husband? The top scorer of the year? Surname Rong? Isn't this the second master Rong? ! 】

【... So, this is not only a good-looking couple, but also a couple who learn God? 】

[Why do I feel like I was accidentally stuffed with a bowl of dog food? And I still eat with relish. Cry.jpg] The whole article on the Internet is praising Mu Changying and Rong Liyuan.

[Shuang Xueshen, I'm admiring, what kind of fairy love is this? 】


As soon as Teacher Wang Qi's revelation came out, there were countless rainbow farts touted by the couple.

While praising Mu Changying and Rong Liyuan, it was natural that someone would inevitably mention Gu Qingyun.

Soon, Lu Qingyun's score was exposed. The score of 621 made netizens ridicule her again and again.

Netizens who know how to PS directly make a photo with a score of 750 and a score of 621.

After being reposted and disseminated by countless netizens, this photo quickly became popular.

【Ahahaha, Gu Qingyun is too miserable, it's obviously miserable, but I don't have any sympathy for her, I even want to laugh. 】

[Is this just the legendary slapping face to make a fat man? If you don't pretend|force, you won't be struck by lightning? Doubt.jpg]

[Second Miss Gu, since the test paper is so simple, why didn't you get a perfect score? 】

[Pay attention to what you say upstairs, and be careful of the warning from the lawyer. dog head.jpg]


There is no harm without comparison, and this wave of damage almost emptied Lu Qingyun's blood.

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