On the Internet, not only netizens fell into madness, but also major schools were completely caught in the battle.

Tsinghua University V: [A century-old school, friendly teachers and students, beautiful scenery on campus, good food in the cafeteria, are you not tempted? @Mu Changying]

Beijing University V: [A century-old prestigious school, there are many students; Changying is in the school, one person can be worth hundreds, and the best strategy is to join forces. @Mu Changying]

Haida V: [As we all know, among all the universities, our Haida has the best food in the cafeteria. @Mu Changying]

Beijing Medical University V: [Doctors are benevolent. @Mu Changying]

Several famous schools were mobilized together, which attracted countless people to watch on Weibo.

[Shutchacha, with so many prestigious schools sincerely inviting you, this row is too big. 】

[I can't get into these prestigious schools, I just don't know if you still lack the sweeping ones, I want to see the goddess up close. @京大@清大@海大@京医大]

[Take me upstairs, let's form a group to see the goddess. Hey hey.jpg]

[Since the sweeping has been contracted by the two of you, then I won't argue with you. I don't know if the school still lacks chefs, but I graduated from Xindongfang. @京大@海大@京医大@清大]

[Our school has a lot of handsome guys and beautiful women, all of them are online, you are guaranteed to feast your eyes, and you will not lose money if you join Peking University. @Mu Changying]

[Upstairs, don't you feel guilty when you say this? Go to your school to see handsome guys? A bunch of bald ones? It's better to come to our school and cure all diseases. @Mu Changying]

[Primary school girl, how do you come to Tsinghua University? I can eat, drink, and play with me, and I have a sweet and soft voice. It is not a loss to invest in a senior like me. @Mu Changying]

[Stop arguing, all of you, I just calculated that the elementary school girl is more destined to be with us at Haida. @Mu Changying]


The top students from several universities showed up on Weibo one after another, leaving behind the glory of the top students, and began to fight online, all wanting to win or lose.

The onlookers watched this battle of bullies, and the melon eaters watched with satisfaction.


At the same time, the office of the principal of Beijing Medical University.

The principal clasped his hands together, saw all the universities on the Internet go out together, and gritted his teeth, "This group of bad old men is more scheming than one."

Mu girl's medical skills are so good, it's really a pity not to come to study medicine.

But it turned out to be a good thing, these bastards all wanted to step in and rob people.

Anxiously pacing back and forth in the office, he suddenly stopped and patted his head, "You can find that old guy for this matter."

He took out his mobile phone and found Xu Lao's contact number in the address book.

Mu Yatou is the guest elder of the Xu family, let her study at Beijing Medical University, this matter may be Elder Xu's help.

"Not right." Just as she was about to make a phone call, she retracted her finger again.

The principal thought for a while, then picked up the car keys that were on the table.

This kind of thing can't be explained clearly in a few words on the phone, so it's more reliable to talk about it in person.


When the three brothers of the Li family learned that Mu Changying was the number one student in the college entrance examination, they went straight to the Rong mansion.

At the gate of Rong's mansion, the three met unexpectedly and looked at each other.

Li Nanfeng's usual smirk was on the corner of his mouth, "Third brother, aren't you filming on the set? Why did you rush back to the famous capital?"

Li Zhiyi united the front with Li Nanfeng, his rough face showed unswerving, "If you join the group, you should act well, and if you ask for leave every three days, people will say that you are playing big cards."

The seemingly caring words fell into Li Nanxun's ears and suddenly changed their taste.

His peach-blossom eyes shone with a faint luster, and the corners of his mouth raised, "I'm sorry to disappoint you two. I didn't take the initiative to ask for leave. It was the director who learned that the top scorer was my sister, so he kindly let me go for a day." Fake."


After he finished speaking, he glanced at the two of them.

Li Nanxun straightened his hair and clothes, and walked in first.

The posture of walking is swaggering, and it looks very pompous.

Looking at his back, Li Nanfeng pushed the frame with his bony index finger.

His eyes narrowed, the dark light in his pupils flashed away, and the professional smirk at the corner of his mouth disappeared.

"Yiyi, which school are you going to go to?" Li Nanxun entered the door with a mobile phone in his hand, checking the Weibo of several famous schools.

He lowered the phone in front of Mu Changying and gave her a look.

Mu Changying curled up on the sofa, "Well...I'll tell you later."

She flipped through the comments on Weibo, her eyes gleaming with amusement.

"Okay..." Li Nanxun wasn't discouraged when he didn't get an answer.

He sat on the sofa, searched the information of these famous schools with his mobile phone, and earnestly popularized science knowledge.

When Li Nanfeng walked into the hall, he glanced at Li Nanxun, his eyes darkened slightly.

"Yiyi, no matter which school you go to, my brother will support you."

He believes that his sister can shine no matter where she is.

Li Zhiyi was the last to walk in, "Second brother also respects your choice."

He walked behind Mu Changying, and rubbed her head with his broad palm.

There was soft warmth in Mu Changying's eyes as she felt his touch.


Seeing this scene, Li Nanfeng and Li Nanxun set their eyes on Li Zhiyi.

The scorching eyes stared at his hand, as if he wanted to stare at this hand for a wound.


The vibrating cell phone broke the eerie atmosphere. Mu Changying picked up the phone, swiped the screen, and received a call from Mr. Xu.

"Girl Mu, which school are you going to go to?" Elder Xu's friendly voice rang through the handset.

Elder Xu glanced at the old guy next to him, shook his head helplessly, and turned on the speakerphone.

This guy actually chased him from school to his house, it was a stalker.

Mu Changying smiled, "I already have plans."

Hearing her words, the headmaster standing aside felt nervous.

He swallowed wildly, and murmured softly, "I... don't know which school this girl chooses."

A subtle voice reached Mu Changying's ears through the earpiece.

She has a keen ear, and she listened to every word of the words, and the smile on the corner of her mouth deepened, "Hey, Mr. Xu, is there someone by your side?"

A soft voice sounded. Elder Xu glared at the principal, feeling guilty, "Oh, a shameless old man came to see me."

The headmaster didn't care about his words at all, still anxious and nervous, eager to know the answer.

Mu Changying pursed her lips, "But this voice sounds familiar to me."

There is a lot of fun in the eyes

Elder Xu stiffened and glared at the principal.

He still wanted to continue explaining, but Mu Changying said suddenly, "Old Xu, the person next to you is the principal of Beijing Medical University, right?"

The last time I went to Beijing Medical University to participate in a seminar, I met the principal.

Elder Xu smiled awkwardly, "Ahahaha..."

She failed to spy on the military situation, let alone persuade her to study at Beijing Medical University as a lobbyist.

Mu Changying licked her lips with her pink tongue, "Mr. Xu, I already have a school I like."

! ! ! !

The headmaster standing by the side felt a little cold.

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