The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 650: Choosing Beijing Medical University

Mr. Xu squirmed his lips, his mouth was stuffed with a thousand words, and he didn't know how to speak.

He patted the principal on the shoulder with his hand, signaling him not to be too sad.

This kind of thing can't be forced, it's better to cheer up than to be sad.

Mu Changying clearly heard the sigh on the other end of the receiver, and supported her chin with one hand, "Well... I choose to study at Beijing Medical University."

The soft voice was transmitted through the earpiece to the ears of Mr. Xu and the principal who were opposite.

! ! ! !

The headmaster's heart trembled, and he stretched out his hand to pinch Old Xu's arm.

Elder Xu gasped in pain.

He glared at the principal viciously, and roared angrily, "Why are you pinching me?"

Seeing his face full of pain and unhappiness, Mr. Xu's tightly hanging heart fell back to its original place.

He touched his nose, feeling a little lacking in confidence, "I...I just want to know if this is a dream..."

After all, happiness came so suddenly that he couldn't believe it.

Xu Laoqiang held back his anger, "Why don't you pinch yourself?!"

He rubbed the place where he had just been pinched, and gritted his teeth angrily.

This guy has a lot of strength, and the places where he was pinched are already faintly green.

Hearing the conversation between the two, Mu Changying let out a soft laugh.

"Mr. Xu, you two talk slowly." After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone neatly.

The girl's delicate voice sounded, and the two of them remembered the important things that had been forgotten.

The principal rushed up, answered the phone, and the call was over.

The heart that had just been let go hangs up again, Mu girl's impression of him will not decline, right?

Putting down the phone, Mu Changying noticed that everyone in the living room was looking at her.

Blinking his slender eyelashes like feathers, he looked at them with some confusion.

Rong Liyuan broke the calm, "Yingbao, Beijing Medical University is very suitable for you."

Mu Changying puffed out her chest proudly, "Of course, I think so too."

Seeing her like this, Li Nanfeng looked at her with burning eyes.

After staring at it for a long time, he opened his briefcase and took out a card from it, "Yiyi, this is for you."

He put the card on the table.

The golden card exudes a slight light, shining and eye-catching.

Mu Changying picked up the bank card and held it between two slender fingers with well-defined bones.

She looked at it carefully, "This is CCB's VIP customer card."

CCB's VIP customer card is not easy to open. To apply for a card, you need to verify your personal assets and ensure that the amount in the card is sufficient at all times.

If the amount in the card does not meet the minimum storage requirements, the right to use the card will be deprived, and the bank has the right to take back the VIP card and replace it with a regular card.

"Brother, I don't need it." Mu Changying put the bank card in front of Li Nanfeng.

She looked slightly serious, "Brother, I can make money myself."

Li Nanfeng was unmoved, and handed the card to Mu Changying again, with a hint of doting in his eyes.

"I know."

"But what you earn is what you earn, what your brother gives is what your brother gives, it's different."

Although his eyes are doting, they are firm and not easily shaken.

Rong Liyuan frowned, "Brother-in-law, you don't have to worry about Yingbao's life."

Ying Bao is not short of money to the point where he needs to spend Li Nanfeng's money.

He sat next to Mu Changying, "Let Ying Bao squander the Rong family's money wantonly."

The implication is that you should take back the money yourself.

Li Nanfeng didn't flinch, and looked at Rong Liyuan, his eyes never backed down.

Looking at each other, the smell of gunpowder became stronger and stronger, and the war seemed to be on the verge of breaking out.

Mu Changying supported her forehead with a headache, she stood up, "I'm a little tired, I want to take a rest."

With that said, she walked towards the second floor.

Upon hearing her words, Li Nanfeng and Rong Liyuan, who were fighting each other, immediately stopped being hostile to each other, and Mu Changying grabbed their attention.


Li Nanxun and Li Zhiyi were silent, looking at them coldly, as if blaming them for letting Yiyi leave the living room.

Back in the room, Mu Changying logged into Weibo, [Beijing Medical University, hello. @Beijing Medical University]

The Weibo official of Beijing Medical University quickly responded, [Hello, Mu Changying. @Mu Changying]

Seeing this, several other century-old famous schools were stunned, and the netizens were very happy to watch the excitement.

[Cough, cough, Beijing Medical University is a big deal, so do big things in a muffled voice. 】

[I wonder what the other schools think? @海大@清大@京大]

[Little junior sister, is Beijing Medical University a place for people to stay? Haven't you heard a word? Persuading people to study medicine is like lightning. My door is always open to you. Crying.jpg]

[Is Beijing University not fragrant? How did you go to study medicine? Although they all carry the word "Beijing", I still can't be happy. sigh.jpg]

[I think at this time, the presidents of several other universities have already exploded. Smile.jpg]

[The one upstairs who is taking pleasure in other's misfortune, I can tell at a glance that you are from Beijing Medical University. despise.jpg]

【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Shout out.jpg]


Mu Changying chose Beijing Medical University, and the news swept across Weibo like a tornado.

The presidents of several other universities stayed in the office, their teeth itching with anger.

At first, seeing how concise this guy's Weibo was, he thought he had no interest in Mu Changying.

Who knew that such a big surprise would be given to them in the next second.


The sound of the phone vibrating kept ringing.

On Weibo, some people kept tweeting about themselves, and the column of private messages was almost overwhelmed.

Mu Changying rubbed the center of his brows, turned off the phone decisively, and went downstairs.


Gu family.

When Gu Xichen passed by Gu Qingyun's room, he heard a crackling sound.

Pushing the door open and entering, seeing the mess everywhere, he frowned, "If you want to go crazy, go outside."

Lu Qingyun didn't expect that he would suddenly enter the room and took a few steps back, "Brother, I'm just not in a good mood..."

After finishing speaking, he held his head in his hands, squatted down and curled up in a corner.

The whole body was filled with a lonely atmosphere, and the whole person looked pitiful.

The sympathy in Gu Xichen's heart disappeared in a flash.

When he thought of his own sister living outside, his sympathy for Gu Qingyun evaporated.

He looked at her condescendingly, "I'm in a bad mood? What does it have to do with me."

Anyway, he was still in a good mood when he learned that his sister was the top scorer in science and was vying for it from several universities at the same time.

"Brother...what's the matter with you recently?"

Lu Qingyun froze for a moment, the astonishment in her eyes didn't even have time to put it away.

"You know it well." Gu Xichen glanced at her coldly and left the room.

When he reached the door, he paused, "The next time something in the room breaks, I will claim compensation from you at the original price."

He left, closing the door behind him.

Looking at the messy room, Lu Qingyun stood up.

Her squatting legs went numb, and when she stood up, her feet went limp, and she fell to the ground again with a bang.

"... bitch, bitch, all bitch..."

Enduring the pain, she stood up slowly.

No matter how hard he could suppress the violence in his heart, his gentle face became extraordinarily ferocious.

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