The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 655 Gu Qingyun's Identity Exposed

Bai Mo received the text message.

He raised his eyebrows, put his phone back into his pocket, and held a document in his other hand, "Little Bailian, let's see how you act like a demon this time!"

He walked aside, opened the sealed bag, and inserted the USB drive inside.

Wiped off his fingerprints, looked around, hummed a little song and left.


Suddenly, the group of people who congratulated Tan Wan'an fell silent, even a group of old foxes, with expressions of astonishment on their faces.

They looked at the big screen in front of them with surprise in their eyes, staring at Tan Wan'an in disbelief.

After a few seconds of silence, low-pitched discussions broke out.

"how so?"

"Does Mrs. Gu know about this?"

"I think the Gu family is too miserable, the two times are fake."

"Tsk, the first time it can be said that the baby doesn't know anything, but this time it's so big, it won't be clear if it's his own?"

"After what you said, I feel chills all over my body now, and somehow feel that she has a deep plan."


Noisy discussions sounded.

The president | and the first lady, Ming Hua, looked unwell.

Seeing everyone's sudden face change, Tan Wan'an felt inexplicably uneasy.

She turned around and raised her head, saw the screen in front of her, but didn't look at the content carefully, "What is this?"

With displeasure on his face, what kind of notice is this, why is it released at this time?

Gu Qingqian stood up, took Tan Wanan's arm, and said angrily, "Mom, this is a paternity test, please take a good look at it."

She held Tan Wan'an tightly, her eyes burning with hatred.

I thought that what I got back was the real thing, but who knew it was also a dove occupying the magpie's nest.

It was such a thing that caused her to be ignored by her parents, her brother's indifference, and outsiders' scorn...

"This...whose prank is this? How can you mess around on such an important day today?"

"This is really nonsense, it is unforgivable, this kind of troublemaker must be severely punished!"

Seeing the paternity test on the big screen, Gu Qingyun pinched the hem of her skirt with both hands, digging her nails into her flesh.

A heart is restless, the surrounding air seems to be rising, and dense sweat is overflowing from the back.

With shortness of breath and flustered eyes, Gu Qingyun kept looking for Mu Changying in the banquet hall.

It's her, it must be her, it must be this little bitch...

Mu Changying met Lu Qingyun's eyes.

She raised her slender eyebrows and raised the red wine on the table.

The wine glass was placed on the edge of the delicate and dripping lips, and he lifted it up and took a sip lightly.

She put down the red wine glass, looked at Gu Qingyun, parted her red lips, and said silently: "Chunhua."


After understanding the shape of Mu Changying's lips, Gu Qingyun felt chills all over her body, and took two steps back.


Seeing this performance, Mu Changying shook her head lightly, not frightened at all.

"It's not true!"

After reading the paternity test, Tan Wan'an's face was stern, and he scolded, "Yun'er is my child born in October, and I know this better than anyone else!"

Rong Liyuan's eyes darkened.

He stretched out his hand to hold Mu Changying's, trying to warm her with the warmth from his hand, but his hand was as cold as frost.

"A Yuan, I'm fine."

Mu Changying shook her head, but there was no trace of sadness in her eyes.

She had encountered this kind of thing in her previous life, and the damage was even greater than today's.

Her eyes were as calm as water, without a single ripple.

But the calmer he became, the more intense the hostility around Rong Liyuan became.

His Ying Bao, why is he so kind...

"This kind of divisive trick won't work on me.

I don't know who the bad guy is, but let me tell you, don't try to ruin our family relationship, you won't be happy! "

Tan Wan'an looked at everyone with a stern expression, full of aura, as a mother, she tried her best to protect her children.

Seeing her like this, the discussion in the banquet hall was no longer as subtle as it was at the beginning, and suddenly became extremely noisy.

"The paternity test has a seal, and it's the seal of the First Hospital."

"Both times are fakes. Mrs. Gu's ability to distinguish her daughter is not good."

"Mistaking fakes as jewels, and pampering them with heart for so long, I can't bear to know that they are fakes for a while, maybe I'm deceiving myself."

"The real daughter didn't enjoy the love of her parents twice. It seems that she has no fate with the Gu family."

"It's really pitiful for the real daughter. She has been occupied by people for so many years, and now she doesn't know what to do."

"Since the fake product recovered by the Gu family was able to enter the gate of the Gu family, it shows that the original paternity test was correct, and it also shows that Gu Qingyun knew the real daughter.

She stayed in the countryside before, in an unknown corner, growing up in that kind of place, even if the real daughter came back, she would be ruined. "

As soon as these words came out, it might be due to the motherhood of a woman, and many people couldn't help but feel sympathy and pity for the real daughter who had never met.


Everyone's comments penetrated into Tan Wan'an's ears.

Her face was gloomy, her eyes were scarlet, and she emphasized again loudly, "I repeat, Yun'er is my daughter!"

The daughter she had worked so hard to get back was pampered like a treasure, how could it be a fake?


Seeing Tan Wan'an's reaction, Gu Qingyun was slightly relieved.

Fortunately, Tan Wan'an believed her, and she would not be kicked out of the Gu family for the time being.

Gu Zhan glanced at Mrs. Jin who had a bad face.

There was shrewd light in his eyes, "Everyone, mother and daughter are connected, Yun'er is the daughter of the Gu family, and my wife knows it better than you."

Even if Gu Qingyun is a fake, but if they really don't get it back for a day, they will have to endure everyone's ridicule. This matter will have a great impact on Gu's Jewelry.

The most important thing is that Gu Qingyun has now announced her marriage to the Jin family, and this matter cannot be destroyed.

"It's a good plan."

Mu Changying naturally knew what Gu Zhan was up to, the corners of her mouth curled up, her mocking eyes were not concealed.

"Don't worry, he won't be happy."

Rong Liyuan glanced at Mrs. Jin, then lowered his head and focused his gaze on Mu Changying's little hand.

"Mom, why do you..."

Gu Xichen looked at the big screen, his wicked face was full of disbelief.

His lips twitched, and he looked at Gu Zhan, all he received was a strong warning.


My heart is cold.

Gu Xichen's eyes fell on Mu Changying.

Thinking of her being neglected, neglected, and even hated by her family in the dream, he had difficulty breathing with heartache.

With moist eyes, he took a deep breath and bowed to Gu Zhan and Tan Wan'an, "Mom and Dad, I can't ignore this matter."

His sister has been hurt a lot, and he must not let it go.

Gu Zhan, Tan Wanan and Gu Qingyun's heart skipped a beat.

Everyone was attracted by him and stared at him with burning eyes.

Gu Xichen lifted his foot and walked towards Mu Changying's direction.

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