The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 654 The State Banquet Opens, a Major Announcement

After a long time, Mu Changying's body became limp.

Her back was pressed against the wall, and her bare skin was pressed against the cold wall, which made her body soft, but her brain was exceptionally clear.

She buried her head in his chest, and it took a few seconds for her to recover.

Mu Changying withdrew from his embrace, picked up the phone and took a look, "A Yuan, it's almost time, let's go."

Rong Liyuan put his arms around her slender waist, and glanced at the black dress she was wearing, his eyes became more and more stern.

"Let's go." He pushed open the door of the changing room and took her away.

Mu Changying stopped, "By the way, how are things going?"

Rong Liyuan looked at her, thinking of something, his face was full of haze.

He lightly stroked her waist with his hand, and said in a cold voice, "Bai Mo is ready."

At today's banquet, the mistakes made in the past will be corrected one by one.

"That's good."

Mu Changying nodded, feeling very relieved about Bai Mo's ability to handle affairs.

The two walked to the front of the corridor, just in time to meet the previous waitress.

? ? ? ?

Seeing the two standing together, she looked confused and blinked her eyelashes for no reason.

Strange, how could these two people be together?


Go back to the banquet hall.

The president and the first lady just announced the start of the state dinner.

Rong Liyuan and Mu Changying sat down, and the old lady at the side looked at her, "Xiaoer, why is my daughter wearing this dress?"

I remember, it wasn't this suit that was prepared.

Mu Changying smiled and explained, "Madam prepared it."

After hearing her explanation, the old lady stared at Rong Liyuan with resentful eyes.

He nodded to show that he understood.

Just when he was about to look away, his eyes fell on Mu Changying's lips.


Why is her lip a little swollen?

Sensing the old lady's scrutiny, Mu Changying raised her hand and gently touched her lips, "It was too spicy when I tried the dishes just now."

Where the old lady could not see, she raised her hand and pinched Rong Liyuan's waist.

The old lady felt distressed, "I'm sorry, please put less chili next time."

Rong Liyuan was pinched unexpectedly, enduring the slight pain, his face remained normal.

He raised his hand to grab Mu Changying's restless little hand, and interlocked her fingers.


Everyone is seated.

The cover of the plate on the dining table was lifted, and bursts of strong aroma rushed to the face in an instant.

Looking at the exquisitely crafted dishes, a group of people at the banquet set their eyes on Rong Liyuan, "Second Lord, this is Madam Rong's cooking skills."

The somewhat chubby man gave a thumbs up as he spoke.

Facing the rainbow fart, Rong Liyuan accepted it calmly, "Yes."

He nodded, picked up a dish and put it on the plate in front of Mu Changying, "Yingbao, try it."

After cooking for a whole day, Yingbao must be tired.


Mu Changying picked up the chopsticks with a smile, picked up the vegetables on the plate, stuffed them into her mouth, and chewed slowly.

"I also try my daughter's cooking skills."

The old lady smelled the strong fragrance, and felt a pang of hunger in her stomach.

She picked up a piece of Dongpo meat and stuffed it into her mouth, the mellow aroma filled her mouth.

Even though I am used to delicacies from mountains and seas, I have to sigh that this dish is really good.

She took a sip, and couldn't help but take another sip.

Seeing that Mrs. Rong was eating so happily, the dignitaries sitting at this table swallowed calmly and picked up their chopsticks to eat.

After taking a sip, if it wasn't for their strong self-control, they would definitely gasp.

"Mrs. Rong is really kind and good at cooking."

"It is our honor to taste Mrs. Rong's cooking skills today."

"I'm a vulgar person who doesn't know what is delicious, but I can still taste the extraordinary dishes made by Mrs. Rong in one bite."


The sound of rainbow farts kept ringing.

No matter how flattered outsiders are, Mu Changying's attitude has always been neither humble nor overbearing, and he treats it calmly.

She pursed her lips, "Thank you."

Seeing her like this, the people who are doing it can't help but have a higher impression of her.

"Hey, my daughter-in-law is good at everything. I can wake up from my dreams with a smile if I have a daughter-in-law for me."

The old lady put down the chopsticks in her hand and looked at the people at the table with a hint of pride on her face.


Hearing the unconcealable joy in Mrs. Rong's words, and the faint show off in her eyes, the corners of everyone's mouths twitched.

The value of this wave of hatred is very high...

They really envied Mrs. Rong for having such a daughter-in-law.


Tan Wan'an sat at the table behind Mu Changying and the others.

Hearing the endless compliments, the smile on the corner of his mouth slowly disappeared.

The people at Rong Liyuan's table were praising Mu Changying, and even the people at his own table were blowing rainbow farts.

Tan Wan'an set his eyes on a well-maintained lady opposite, "Mrs. Jin, what do you think of what we discussed?"

Mrs. Jin glanced at Gu Qingyun, and then at her son whose eyes had been on Gu Qingyun.

"I feel good."

Since you like studying, then agree. Gu Qingyun is the real daughter of the Gu family, and this marriage can be regarded as a well-matched marriage.


Hearing their conversation, Gu Qingyun lowered her head, the corners of her mouth raised uncontrollably, and her pupils shone brightly.

As long as this marriage is caught, even if one day her identity is revealed and the Gu family and his wife find out, they will be afraid of the marriage and dare not speak up.


Gu Qingqian lowered his head, his expression was obscure.

"Mom..." Gu Xichen frowned, with a look of disapproval on his face.

Tan Wanan glared at him with a strong warning in his eyes.

She stood up, looked at everyone in the banquet hall, and cleared her throat, "Everyone, I'm sorry, I'm going to disturb your dining pleasure."

"On this important day today, I have a happy event to share with you."

Everyone:? ? ? ?

Everyone put down the chopsticks in their hands, and all eyes fell on Tan Wan'an.

"what happened."

Being interrupted from eating, the old lady's eyes were filled with displeasure, and a stern look appeared on her face.

"It's just a clown." Mu Changying looked at Mrs. Rong with comfort in his eyes.

She glanced again at Tan Wan'an, who was exuding joy all over her body, and a trace of sarcasm appeared in her eyes, which disappeared in a flash.

Tsk, I didn't expect to announce this at the state banquet.

But this is just right, I am rushing to give away the head.

Rong Liyuan rubbed the chopsticks in his hand lightly, "Ying Bao said so."

Seeing Jin Xueye standing up, everyone embraced Gu Qingyun and nodded politely to the people present.

The people present were all human beings, and they quickly realized that they quickly put on false masks.


"It's a match made in heaven."

"Today's news is really ecstatic."


There was an endless stream of voices of congratulations, which caused quite a stir. Tan Wanan smiled and thanked everyone for their congratulations.

Seeing her like this, Mu Changying put her tongue against her tooth socket.

She calmly took out the phone from Rong Liyuan's pocket, 【Xiao Momo, you can act now. 】

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