The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 653 Are you sure Ah Yuan is not good-looking?

Chapter 653


Minghua stood in the hall, beside him was a man with a refined appearance and a pair of glasses.

The two were surrounded by officials|officials and wealthy celebrities from all over the place.

She glanced at the time, smiled apologetically at everyone, stepped aside, and called a waitress.

"Go and take the dress bag prepared in my private room to Mrs. Rong."

She remembered that Mu Changying didn't carry anything in his hand when he came.

Although there were spare dresses in the changing room, those clothes were not as well prepared as she had carefully prepared.

"Okay, ma'am." The waitress nodded respectfully.

There are many people who greet the president | and the first lady, but there is another place in the banquet hall that is not inferior.

In the corner, many celebrities and the invited Mrs. Rong and Rong Liyuan greeted each other.

"Madam Rong, you look really good, you look younger and younger."

"Second Master's momentum is still the same, we old guys can't compare to it."


How much noise.

Rong Liyuan looked at them with cold eyes.

Seeing the dishes served with the lids on, the coldness in his eyes faded a bit.

He said to the old lady beside him, "Mom, I'll go to the back kitchen first."

The old lady waved her hand, "Go, go."

Just as Rong Liyuan lifted his foot and stepped out, the old lady stopped him again.

"By the way, Nannie doesn't seem to have brought a dress. I prepared one for her. You can take it."

Thinking of the dress he had prepared in the car, he glanced at the old lady again, rubbed his eyebrows, "Okay."


Changing room.

Mu Changying got the clothes handed over by the waitress, and finally went into the changing room.

Tan Wan'an changed into a spare dress. This dress was a bit too big, and it didn't fit well, making her look a little bloated.

Glancing at the changing room next to him, thinking of Mu Changying, his eyes shone with disgust.

If it wasn't for this little bitch, why would Yun'er be ridiculed by netizens one after another?

Bad thoughts appeared in her heart, her eyes were gloomy and dark, as if venom was about to overflow.

"Mrs. Gu."

Before he could do anything, a cold and hoarse voice sounded behind him.

"What are you doing here?" Rong Liyuan held a bag in his hand, and his sharp and cold eyes fell on Tan Wan'an.

His gaze was as sharp as a sword, and it was so sharp that it made people feel frightened.

Tan Wan'an felt an inexplicable panic in his heart, and his face recovered quickly, "I didn't do anything, Second Master Rong, I'm leaving first."

Without waiting for Rong Liyuan to reply, she lifted her skirt and quickly left the corridor.

Sweat overflowed from the hands holding the hem of the skirt, and the feeling of glowing on the back has not disappeared.

Her feet were weak and she was a little unsteady in her high heels, and she almost fell to the ground.

"..." Rong Liyuan withdrew his gaze and glanced at the changing room.

Hold the handle with your hand, move it up and down, and push the door easily.


Hearing the slight sound, Mu Changying, who was putting on her clothes, turned slightly cold, and her delicate face was covered with frost.

"Ying Bao..."

Rong Liyuan entered the changing room, seeing the scene in front of him, his eyes darkened.

She was wearing a black dress with a heart-shaped bare back design on the back.

The white and tender skin and the black dress, the two extreme colors gave a strong visual impact.


His big hand caressed her back, and his calloused fingers walked gently on the snow-white back.

"A Yuan, don't make trouble." Seeing him, the coldness on Mu Changying's face dissipated.

She adjusted the skirt, turned around, showed the skirt, and smiled, "How is it?"

The front of the dress was completely wrapped, but it clearly outlined her figure, which perfectly interpreted the word abstinence.

The front is abstinent, and the back is seductive, making people unable to move their eyes away just by looking at it.

Rong Liyuan's eyes were dark, "It's not pretty."

Mu Changying frowned and met his eyes.

Sensing the dark glow and jealousy rolling in his eyes, she licked her lips with her pink tongue.

The red lips are enchanting, and in the dark changing room, they are breathtakingly beautiful.

"Oh?" Mu Changying raised her voice at the end, "Really?"

She raised her hand and straightened Rong Liyuan's clothes, then grabbed his tie with her slender hand, and climbed up his neck with the other hand, "Ah Yuan still thinks this dress is ugly?"

Her voice is delicate and soft, and her movements are obviously so seductive, but that little face is full of innocence.

Rong Liyuan's breath stagnates, suppressing the tumbling flames in his body, "Well, it's not pretty."

Mu Changying stood on tiptoe and approached him.

Her delicate red lips came close to his lips, their foreheads were pressed against their foreheads, and their noses were slightly rubbing against each other.

"Ah Yuan, is it really not good-looking?" Mu Changying's eyes drooped slightly, and there was a touch of loneliness all over her body.

The fragrance of the girl's body and hair permeated the tip of the nose.

As she spoke, her pink lips opened and closed, and hot air sprayed on his lips.

"Ah Yuan?" Seeing that he was silent, Mu Changying's voice softened again.

Rong Liyuan's heart sank slightly, and the darkness in his eyes overwhelmed him.

"It looks good." He changed his words without principle.

His big palm clasped her slender waist, and pushed her against the wall forcefully, "Yingbao looks good in anything."

Rong Liyuan stared at Mu Changying with scorching eyes, the scorching gaze made her feel as if she was about to soften into a puddle of water.

She smiled, "I think so too."

The bodies of the two were tightly pressed against each other, the temperature in the air was rising, and the atmosphere became more and more ambiguous.

In the cramped changing room, there was silence all around, and they could clearly hear each other's breathing.


Mu Changying was sticking to the wall, holding his tie with one hand and clinging to his neck with the other.

There was an interesting light in her eyes, and the two looked at each other with equal momentum and even strength.

The atmosphere became more and more ambiguous.

Rong Liyuan lowered his head, ready to hold the alluring spring color, when there was a knock on the door.

"Knock knock—"

The atmosphere was suddenly destroyed.

Mu Changying could clearly see that Rong Liyuan's face darkened a few degrees.

"Mrs. Rong, have you changed your clothes yet?"

The waitress standing outside the door went to the toilet, and when she came back, she saw that the door of the changing room was tightly closed, and no one came out for a long time.

This is the person whom the president's wife specially ordered to take care of. If something happens to Mrs. Rong inside, she has no way to explain to the president's wife.

Mu Changying loosened Rong Liyuan's tie, and replied calmly, "I'll change it right away."

"The state banquet is about to begin. The front hall is very lively. I hope Mrs. Rong will like it."


When the waitress outside the door heard the answer, Gao Xuan let go of his heart and left the corridor.

Rong Liyuan's five senses are sensitive.

Hearing the sound of footsteps gradually disappearing, she held onto Mu Changying who was about to leave, "Baby Ying, don't worry, the banquet is still early."

His voice was hoarse and outrageous.

Mu Changying, "It's getting late."

As soon as the words fell, the back of his head was pinched, and his cold lips covered his lips.


Mu Changying felt a burst of coldness hit her, and the warmth on her lips was plundered.

Intertwined with each other, the hoarse voice became more serious, and the cramped changing room was full of ambiguity.

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