Bai Mo grabbed Jin Xunye and threw him out.

After throwing him out, he took out his cell phone and turned to Li Zhiyi's number, [Second Young Master Li, someone wants to spy on your sister again. 】


Get out of the banquet hall.

Mu Changying was wearing a black evening dress, the hollow back was blown by the cold wind.

Rong Liyuan frowned slightly, took off his coat and put it on him and her, "Yingbao, be careful, don't catch a cold."

The voice is hoarse, magnetic, and so beautiful that it makes one's heart soften.

Mu Changying tightened the coat that was draped over her body, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Seeing this, Mrs. Rong nodded her head, with a hint of admiration in her eyes, not bad, Xiao Er knows how to love his daughter-in-law.

Rong Liyuan held Mu Changying's slender hand, and the two walked side by side towards the car.

The car door opened, and he put his hand on the top of the door, protecting it carefully, lest she accidentally hit the top of the car door.

Mu Changying lifted her skirt and was about to get in the car when a slightly sharp and eager voice sounded behind her.

"younger sister!"

Hearing this familiar voice, she turned her head, and what caught her eyes was Gu Xichen, who was out of breath and dripping with sweat on his brow.

"Sister, you... go home with brother, okay?"

He stopped one meter away from Mu Changying, and stood timidly, not daring to go forward, fearing that she would hate his contact.

She raised her eyebrows, "Sorry, I don't remember having such a brother."

The indifferent voice fell into Gu Xichen's ears, and his heart ached slightly.

His eyes were sour, " are indeed my sister..."

They are blood-related brothers and sisters, and the atmosphere they get along with should not be like this.

Mu Changying's vermilion lips parted slightly, "Oh? So what?"

Her delicate face was indifferent, and there was a flicker of alienation in her eyes, as if they were just strangers who didn't know each other well.


Gu Xichen's lips twitched, thousands of words stuck in his throat, unable to speak.

Seeing his appearance, Gu Qingqian stepped forward with a firm expression, "Miss Mu, no matter what you say, the Gu family will always welcome you."

She looked at the girl in front of her with a burning light in her eyes.

Mu Changying is the wife of Second Master Rong, and she has a good friendship with Fu Huaizheng. As long as she has a good relationship with Mu Changying, she will have a chance to get close to Young Master Fu.

Seeing the careful thought in Gu Qingqian's eyes, Mu Changying's eyes became colder and colder, "You don't have to worry about this matter."

She has not forgotten how Gu Qingqian treated her in the previous life.

Being rejected mercilessly, with a bad complexion, Gu Qingqian suppressed her dissatisfaction.


Gu Xichen plucked up the courage to step forward and reached out to grab Mu Changying's hand.

He looked eager and excited, "Sister, can you go home with brother? Brother knows that you have suffered all these years. As long as you go home, brother will treat you even better."

Seeing Gu Xichen's pig's trotters on Mu Changying's wrist, Rong Liyuan's eyes turned cold, and his sharp eyes fell on him.

"You don't want your hands anymore?"

He stepped forward and clasped Gu Xichen's wrist, his sharp face was full of chills.

With force on his hand, it seemed that just a twist could dislocate his hand.


The wrist was caught in vain, and Gu Xichen groaned in pain.

In the darkness, the hostility around Rong Liyuan kept rising, like a wild wolf hiding in a dark corner.

"Ah Yuan, don't get your hands dirty." Mu Changying grabbed Rong Liyuan's arm.

The voice was cold and ruthless, as if describing an unimportant matter.


Hearing this, Gu Xichen felt uncomfortable in his heart, his breathing was stagnant, and he felt that the air had become thinner.


For Rong Liyuan, her voice seemed to be naturally comforting, able to calm all his restlessness.

Rong Liyuan let go of Gu Xichen's hand.

Mu Changying patted the palm of his hand lightly, as if to pat off the non-existent dust on it.

He glanced at them lightly, "Let's go."

"I..." Gu Xichen wanted to say something else.

The old lady sitting in the car waited for a long time, but still did not see them getting into the car.

She got out of the car and looked at the two people in front of her, with deep displeasure in her eyes, "Master Gu, Miss Gu, please go back and tell your father that my daughter is from my Rong family. He wants If you recognize your daughter, then let him visit the door in person."

Old Madam Rong's face was indifferent, and her cold voice was ruthless.

Faced with such oppression, Gu Xichen and Gu Qingqian dared not say anything.

"You little ones don't have the ability to make decisions yet." Madam Rong looked at the two people in front of her, and the anger in her heart rose slowly.

They grew up in Gu Jiayi, stretching out their hands to eat and opening their mouths, while Nannan grew up in the countryside, living in poverty, and was abused by her adoptive parents.

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and his love for Mu Changying was like a flooding river.


Seeing the pity in Madam Rong's eyes, Mu Changying said warmly in her heart, "Mom, I'm fine."

The more she pretended to be indifferent, the more Mrs. Rong felt distressed.

The three of them got into the car, and the car drove away, leaving only Gu Xichen and Gu Qingqian standing in place.


Looking at the direction the car was leaving, Gu Xichen sighed.

He stood there for a long time, with the cold wind blowing on his body, he didn't seem to feel the chill.

"Brother..." Gu Qingqian stretched out his hand and tugged at Gu Xichen's sleeve.

He regained his senses and shifted to leave.


With a sound that pierced the eardrums, a car stopped at the entrance of the hotel, kicking up dust all over the place.

The door opened, revealing a pair of men's sneakers.


He strode forward.

Gu Xichen's collar was suddenly grabbed.

Grabbing people, pulling people over violently.


"You really don't want to remember!"

Li Zhiyi was wearing casual clothes, and his rough face was full of cruelty.

With a gust of wind, his fist slammed hard on Gu Xichen's face.

Li Zhiyi's strength was ruthless and heavy, "My sister is also something you can miss?"

Yiyi can only be their sister, this person wants to steal her, have you asked their opinion?


Gu Xichen was beaten in vain, and was stunned for a moment.

He came back to his senses, raised his fist, and wrestled with Li Zhiyi, "She is also my sister!"

No, to be more precise, Mu Changying is his own younger sister, and they have an inseparable blood relationship.


Seeing the two wrestling together, Gu Qingqian let out a low exclamation.

She took several steps back in succession, for fear of hurting Chi Yu.

The confrontation between the two was not evenly matched at all, and Gu Xichen soon lost the upper hand.

"Heh..." Li Zhiyi was punched in the face.

He wiped the blood overflowing from the corner of his lips, and his eyes became more fierce.

A low smile escaped from his throat, and the movements of his hands became more merciless.

The beating became more and more violent, as if he wanted to beat people to death.

"elder brother!"

Seeing that Gu Xichen's injuries were getting worse, Gu Qingqian took out his mobile phone and hurriedly called the police.

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