The battle between the two became more and more intense.

Gu Xichen's face was stained and he was seriously injured. The battle had turned into a one-sided beating.

The siren sounded, the police car stopped, they were wearing police uniforms, their faces were serious, "don't move."

Seeing the police coming, Li Zhiyi still didn't stop.

He raised his foot and kicked Gu Xichen hard in the stomach.


Gu Xichen was seriously injured, and he had no strength to resist after being beaten.


The policeman looked at the two of them, "You all come with us!"

After speaking, the police grabbed their wrists and detained them into the police car.

Li Zhiyi was caught, but there was still no trace of remorse on his face.

He stared at Gu Xichen viciously, as if he was about to stare a hole.


Rong Mansion.

Just as Mu Changying got out of the car, the phone rang.

Swipe the screen, answer, and a serious male voice rang out from the handset of the phone.

"Hello, Ms. Mu, this is the Qingyun Police Station. Mr. Li Zhiyi was involved in a fight and has been arrested. Please come here immediately."

After hanging up the phone, Mu Changying opened the car and sat in the co-pilot.

Seeing this, Rong Liyuan frowned slightly, and quickly opened the car door.

There was a faint anxiety in Mu Changying's eyes, "A Yuan, go to Qingyun Police Station."

Rong Liyuan didn't ask what happened.

The car was driving at high speed on the road, and the atmosphere inside the car was tense, making people breathless.

Ten minutes later, the car stopped at the gate of Qingyun Police Station.

Mu Changying opened the car door and went straight to the police station. As soon as he entered, he saw Li Zhiyi who was waiting on a long chair.

His face was painted and his face was grim.

Under the illumination of the lights, the wild aura on his body became even stronger.

"Second brother."

Mu Changying frowned and looked at him seriously, only to breathe a sigh of relief when he saw that there were no more serious injuries on his body.

"Who hurt you?"

She narrowed her eyes slightly, and a faint light shone in her pupils.

As soon as the words fell, the door of the interrogation room on the side was opened, and Gu Xichen and Gu Qingqian came out.

Seeing Mu Changying, the accompanying policeman pointed at Li Zhiyi with a rigid expression on his face, "Mr. Li beat Mr. Gu for no reason, and severely injured him. His behavior is really inferior."

Looking at the policeman in front of him who kept talking, her eyes became more and more indifferent.

Mu Changying's red lips parted slightly, "My second brother won't hurt people for no reason."

His elder brother did indeed look stern and could easily scare a child into tears.

But she knew very well that the second brother was not a rough person, and would not kill Gu Xichen for no reason.


Li Zhiyi's heart felt warm after being believed in an aboveboard manner.

There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and his wild face softened a bit.

Mu Changying stared at Gu Xichen, "Master Gu, my lawyer will handle this matter."

After speaking, he took out his mobile phone and contacted Li Nanfeng.

Rong Liyuan looked at Li Zhiyi's colorful face with dark eyes.

Looking at the policeman who was talking non-stop, his voice was cold, "Call your chief over here."

The policeman looked at the man in front of him, "Who are you? If you say you want to call the chief, you can call him the chief?"

The policeman at the side saw Rong Liyuan.

The more I looked at it, the more familiar it became. After thinking for a while, there was shock in my eyes.

Seeing the clamoring colleagues around him, he silently sweated for him.

In order not to let this guy die, he stretched out his hand and tugged on his sleeve, and said in a serious tone, "Hey, stop talking."

After finishing speaking, he leaned into his ear and whispered, "Don't you want to live anymore? Do you know who he is?"

The male policeman glared at his companion with resentment, "How can you praise the stinky feet of such a rich man?"

So what if you have money and power? As long as they enter the police station, their identities are the same!

He silently wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Turn around and take the initiative to call the director.

"Second Master, I'm sorry, the people under my command accidentally caught your man." The director smiled and tried his best to make his attitude look amiable.

Rong Liyuan raised his eyes, and glanced at him lightly, "You can handle this matter fairly and justly."

The policeman who dealt with it earlier obviously took Gu Xichen's side with his personal emotions, and listed Li Zhiyi as the wrong person.


Seeing Mu Changying's steadfast defense of Li Zhiyi, Gu Xichen's heart twitched, feeling sour.

Haven't waited for the director to re-investigate.

Not long after, Li Nanfeng walked into the police station with his briefcase.

The smile that had always been on the corner of his mouth narrowed, "Mr. Gu, my client Li Zhiyi is willing to pay for medical expenses and mental damage. Do you have any questions?"

After finishing speaking, he took out a check from his bag and stuffed it into Gu Xichen's arms, "According to the current prices, this is your medical expenses."

Gu Xichen picked up the check, only to see 20,000 RMB written on it!

Holding the check, his face was stiff, and his already injured face looked even more ferocious, "No, I don't need the money."

He stared at Mu Changying, and said desperately, "I just hope my sister can go home, after all, we are blood-related siblings, aren't we?"

There was strong provocation in Gu Xichen's eyes, and his voice was even more accentuated when he said the words "brother and sister".

Li Nanfeng stretched out his hand and pushed the mirror frame on the bridge of his nose, with a cold look in his eyes, "The money is entrusted to you, what you do with it is your business."

"As for my sister, don't even think about it, she will only be our sister."

He stared at the person in front of him with full aura, the coldness in his eyes could freeze to death.

The director looked at the solemn atmosphere in front of him.

He smiled embarrassingly, and his eyes swept around everyone, not daring to offend anyone, and tried his best to smooth things over.

"Since the compensation is paid, let's do it this way, everyone makes money with harmony, and wealth with harmony..."

Hearing what the chief said, Mu Changying took Li Zhiyi's hand and walked straight out of the police station.


Watching his biological sister leave mercilessly in front of him again, Gu Xichen closed his eyes in pain.

Thinking of his attitude towards her before, he smiled self-deprecatingly, "It's what I deserve..."

He has treated his own sister like that, so what qualifications does he have to beg for her forgiveness?


The gate of the police station.

Li Zhiyi kept his mouth shut.

He stared at the girl next to him with possessiveness in his eyes.

This is his younger sister, why should she be handed over because of the broken blood relationship?

But... Will Yiyi take the initiative to return to Gu's house?

Thinking of this, Li Zhiyi's breath became low and extremely depressed.


Mu Changying noticed Li Zhiyi and Li Nanfeng's low aura around him.

She sighed, with helpless pampering in her eyes, she patted Li Zhiyi's arm, "Brother, don't think about it."

There was a bright smile on the corner of her mouth, and then she threw herself into Li Zhiyi's arms, "You will always be my brothers."

Mu Changying buried her head in his chest and rubbed it lightly.

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