The delicate and soft girl was snuggled into her arms, and her body exuded a faint fragrance.

Li Zhiyi hooked his lips, and the cold gaze disappeared, "Yiyi..."

His voice is low and hoarse, deep, like the sound of a cello playing, sweet and beautiful.


Seeing the two of them hugging each other, Li Nanfeng pushed the frame on the bridge of his nose, his eyes became darker and darker.

His sexy Adam's apple squirmed, "Yiyi, do you only hug your second brother?"

Although there was still a slight smile in his eyes, there was a little resentment in his tone.

Hearing this voice, Mu Changying smiled dumbly.

She withdrew from Li Zhiyi's embrace, then turned around and fell into Li Nanfeng's embrace.

Blinking her feather-long eyelashes, she said playfully, "Brother, are you jealous?"

The voice is soft and waxy, with a hint of coquettishness, which makes people's hearts warm, and their whole body is filled with happiness.

Li Nanfeng was not in a hurry to deny it, "Yiyi thinks it's right."

He stretched out his broad palm and landed on her head and rubbed it gently.


Seeing them crooked for so long, Rong Liyuan put his tongue against the tooth socket, rubbed his fingers lightly, his eyes were dark and deep.

stride forward.

Separating the two people who were hugging each other, he put his arms around Mu Changying's slender waist, "Go back, it's cold at night, pay attention to your body."

The moment they were separated, Li Nanfeng frowned slightly, but when he heard this sentence, his eyes were filled with worry.

He looked at the clothes on Mu Changying, and said with a hint of urging in his tone, "Yiyi, go home quickly."

It's still a little cold in summer, Yiyi wears so little, what if she catches a cold?

"Go back." Li Zhiyi wiped the corners of his mouth, also serious.


It's rare to see them get along so harmoniously together, Mu Changying's eyebrows are curved, and the smile in her eyes is sincere and pure.


the next day.

The hot searches on Weibo were all news about Mu Changying and Gu Qingyun.

#Madden, the daughter of Gu's jewelry is actually a fake

#False celebrity doves occupy the magpie's nest, while real daughters live outside

#Wealthy daughter Mu Changying

#Life Winner Mu Changying

#State Banquet Replay


[Oh my god, Gu Qingyun is actually a fake? This... this is too fucking unbelievable! 】

[Mu Changying is the daughter of the Gu family? The daughter of Gu's Jewelry? Am I crazy or is this world a fantasy? 】

[The identity has been changed twice, so Mu Changying is too miserable, isn't her character not in harmony with the Gu family? Or is the Feng Shui of the Gu family not very good? 】

[This is because I have no fate with the Gu family, so it happened twice. Stand hands.jpg]

[After watching the live broadcast of the dinner last night, I really can't believe that Lu Qingyun would do so many unbelievable things. 】

【This is that people should not be judged by their appearance, and sea water should not be measured. curling lips.jpg]


The entire Weibo has been fried, and netizens are having heated discussions around this matter.

In the Rong mansion, Mu Changying was sitting in the hall, leisurely holding an apple in his hand.

After taking a bite, the sweet taste filled the mouth.

The phone was vibrating non-stop, I picked it up and swiped open the screen, when I logged into Weibo, my private messages were almost burst.


Mu Changying took a bite of the apple, swayed her legs, and flicked the screen carelessly.

Seeing the comments from netizens in the comment area, I raised my eyebrows, and my eyes were indifferent.

After watching for a while, feeling bored, he curled his lips and threw the phone on the sofa aside.


Not long after, the phone rang.

Mu Changying picked up the phone, saw the caller's name, swiped the screen to answer.

"Sister Ying, isn't the news on the Internet true?" Hua Qiqi's sharp and shocked voice came from the receiver.

Didn't she just not go to the state banquet yesterday? Why are you not on the same channel with everyone all of a sudden?

After Mu Changying finished eating the apple, he threw the core into the trash can.

She put down her crossed legs, rested her chin with one hand, and said in a lazy tone, "Well, the news on the Internet is indeed true."

Hua Qiqi hammered the table angrily, "Fuck, can this kind of thing happen in real life?"

As she spoke, her voice suddenly became much quieter, and her attitude suddenly became cautious, "Sister Ying, that...don't be too sad."

It's unforgivable that the two little bitches of the Gu family have occupied Sister Ying's identity for such a long time.

"It's okay." Mu Changying shook her head, her face still indifferent.

She has long given up any illusions about the Gu family.

Fatherly love, fatherly love and family warmth? It's impossible for the Gu family to give her this kind of thing.

"That's good." Hua Qiqi breathed a sigh of relief, feeling relieved.

After hanging up the phone, she stood up suddenly, her face was full of displeasure, and she even ground her teeth with a vicious look.

Seeing her like this, Yu Linye, who was sitting opposite her, didn't feel the slightest bit of cruelty, but felt that she was extremely cute.

"What's the matter?" He looked at the girl in front of him, his eyes filled with tenderness.

"No, I really can't swallow this breath, I must let it out for Sister Ying."

As long as she thinks of sister Ying's adoptive parents in the countryside, suffering and suffering, while the two little bitches of the Gu family live in luxury and enjoy a life full of stars, the anger in her heart can't be calmed down.

"Hey, drink some water first." Yu Linye picked up a glass of boiled water on the table and handed it to her.

Hua Qiqi took it and drank it down.

Yu Linye's eyes flashed with deep thought, "Let's not intervene in Sister Ying's affairs."

Sister Ying has a super IQ, and seeing how she got along with Gu Qingyun in the past, it is impossible for her not to know that Gu Qingyun is a fake.

Since Sister Ying chose not to receive the hair and didn't care, it may mean that she has other plans, and if she intervenes rashly, it will disrupt Sister Ying's rhythm.

Hua Qiqi frowned, "But I don't feel well."

Her voice was buzzing, and her bright little face was stained with a few traces of grievance that was rarely seen, the sharp contrast was hardly too cute.

Yu Linye sighed, "Hey, don't think about it, Sister Ying will definitely fight back later."

As long as she was like this, he could do nothing against her.

Hua Qiqi hesitated for a long time, "...Okay."

She regained her senses, glanced at Yu Linye who was still at a distance from her, swallowed wildly, and took a few steps back.


He retreated in such a hurry that he accidentally bumped into the chair behind him.

Her waist was hit, and she let out a suppressed moan in pain, her bright little face wrinkled into a sticky bun face.

"Qiqi..." There was undisguised worry in Yu Linye's eyes.

He strode forward and pulled her up, putting his hands on her bumped back and pressing gently.

Hua Qiqi felt extremely uncomfortable, "Ahem... I... I'll just do it myself."

Just as she was about to break free from Yu Linye's shackles, his voice sounded next to her ear, "Don't move!"

There was a touch of seriousness in the voice, and it was hoarse and dry.

Hua Qiqi's heart softened, she was obedient and did not move.

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