After pressing on Hua Qiqi's body for a while, and after confirming that there were no bruises, Yu Linye let her go.


The moment the two separated, Hua Qiqi's little face was red, like a cooked shrimp.

The surrounding air seemed to rise a lot, and she patted it with her hands uncomfortably warm.

Picking up the water on the table, it turned out that it had already been drunk.

Standing there awkwardly, the corners of his mouth twitched, he was so embarrassed that he could dig out three rooms and one living room with his feet.

Yu Linye admired her embarrassment enough, and reached out to take the cup in her hand.

With another hand on her shoulder, "Sit."

He took the cup and walked to the front desk of the coffee shop, "Give me a glass of boiled water, thank you."

He has a magnetic voice, a gentle face, and a faint mint fragrance all over his body.

The young lady at the front desk was fascinated.

If I hadn't witnessed the scene of Yu Linye being so patient with Hua Qiqi just now, I would definitely have rushed to ask for his contact information.

"Here, your water." Received the boiled water and handed it to Yu Linye.

He took it, touched the cup, it wasn't hot, the water temperature might be just right.


Three days later.

The case of Gu Qingyun pretending to be Mu Changying's identity to intentionally murder was opened in the No. 1 Court of Mingdu City.

In court, Gu Qingyun sat on the defendant's seat.

After only three days in prison, the aura around her was no longer as gentle as before.

Instead, it became a little gloomy, and I don't know what happened in the prison.

A group of people from the Gu family sat on the opposite seat, among them Tan Wan'an had a cold face, looking at Mu Changying with increasingly unfriendly eyes.


If it wasn't for this little bitch, how could they lose face so much today?

Today's trial is open to the public.

Many observers came to the scene, as well as media reporters, and netizens also watched the live broadcast in front of the screen.


Seen by Tan Wan'an's gloomy eyes, Mu Changying was extremely calm.

Sitting in her position, her body was calm and peaceful, completely different from the burning anger that many people imagined.

Seeing the sharp contrast between these two people, the eyes of the media reporters shone with excitement, and it seemed that there was already a theme for tomorrow's manuscript.

Netizens in the live broadcast room also felt this strange atmosphere.

[This... Mrs. Gu doesn't look very happy. 】

[Nonsense, as long as the eyes are not blind, you can see it. Eyes.jpg]

[But don't you find it strange? Obviously her biological daughter has been found, but Mrs. Gu is not happy at all. Doubt.jpg]

[What's so strange about this? It's obvious that it's a long time to be in love. If you have a dog, you will have feelings, let alone a person. After getting along with fakes for so long, I must have developed feelings. dog head.jpg]

[Upstairs, you should be careful when speaking, and be careful that the other party sends you a lawyer's letter. 】


The netizens who were watching the live broadcast kept swiping the barrage.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and soon there were only five minutes left before the court session.

The presiding judge and the judges have already walked in. They are wearing judge uniforms and sitting high on it, with serious faces and impartiality.


The lawyer hired by the Gu family couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they saw that no one came from Mu Changying's side.

After waiting for a while, the time became shorter and shorter, and the people who came to hear the trial couldn't sit still anymore, and couldn't help talking in a low voice.


When Mu Changying heard the discussions around him, there was no panic in his eyes.

There was a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, and she believed that her eldest brother would definitely arrive.

Tan Wan'an couldn't help mocking, "Don't be afraid, don't you dare to come?"

Rong Liyuan raised his eyes, and glanced at Tan Wan'an coldly.

Stared at by the cold gaze, her breathing was stagnant, her body was stiff, and she dared not say anything.

Rong Liyuan looked at the person sitting on the high place, "Judge, this discipline is a bit noisy."

He sat on the side, exuding a strong aura around him, and the strong hostility made people dare not approach him easily.

The presiding judge gave the disciplinary officer next to him a look. He cleared his throat and shouted loudly, "Silence!"

As soon as the disciplinary officer finished speaking, many people obediently shut their mouths, not daring to say another word.

Tan Wan'an curled her lips, glanced at the time, lowered her head and muttered in a low voice, "Tsk, people can't come anyway."

Although the voice had been lowered, it was extremely harsh in the silent courtroom, and everyone could hear it clearly.


The veins on Gu Zhan's forehead popped up, he stretched out his hand and tugged at Tan Wan'an's sleeve, with a strong warning in his eyes.

She can die alone, but can she not implicate others?


The presiding judge sitting on a high place glanced at the time.

He stood up, just about to announce.

The next second the door was pushed open, and a slender figure walked in, "Sorry everyone, I'm late."


Hearing this voice, Gu Qingyun, who had been silent all this time, raised her head.

She stared straight at the gate, watching the figure getting closer and closer, her heart sank into the valley.

Li Nanfeng was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, and with a briefcase in his hand, he sat next to Mu Changying and gave her a comforting look.

"elder brother."

The corners of Mu Changying's mouth curled up, her smile became bright and dazzling, and she knew that her eldest brother would definitely arrive.

Seeing Li Nanfeng arriving, the presiding judge sat back in his seat silently.

"Now, I announce that the case of the defendant Gu Qingyun intentionally substituting his identity and intentionally murdering the plaintiff Mu Changying will be heard in the No. 1 Court of Mingdu City."


Seeing Li Nanfeng's appearance, the heart of the attorney hired by the Gu family jumped, his face turned slightly ugly, and he wailed fiercely in his heart.

It's over, and against this ace lawyer, he doesn't have half the winning rate.

Li Nanfeng put down his briefcase.

He straightened his tie and smiled politely at the other party. The smile was distant, but the etiquette was perfect and impeccable.

The judge looked stern, "Defendant, did you know that the plaintiff, Mu Changying, was the daughter of Ms. Tan Wanan and Mr. Gu Zhan when she pushed her off the cliff?"

Lu Qingyun's tears kept falling, like broken pearls, "I...I..."

Her eyes were red from crying, she was so pitiful, "I really didn't push Changying down, why didn't anyone believe me?"

As she spoke, she bit her lip with her white teeth, and her eyes were filled with mist.

Mu Changying sat on the seat.

She licked her lips with her tongue and stared at Lu Qingyun's performance with interest.

I have to say that Chunhua is really talented in acting. If she enters the entertainment industry, she might become a big hit.

The judge was not easily bewitched by Gu Qingyun, his face remained normal, "Defendant, please answer yes or no!"

Tan Wan'an clenched his hands into fists, fixed his eyes on her, and kept shaking his head to signal her to deny it.

Lu Qingyun stammered, "I...I..."

Li Nanfeng stood up and looked at her with sharp eyes, "Dear presiding judge, the collegial panel, the defendant has refused to answer this question all the time. I have the right to suspect that she is delaying the time and progress of the trial."

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