After an hour of long operation, the old lady's condition finally stabilized.

The beating speed of the heart returned to the original level, and the face was no longer so ugly.

In the operating room, a group of doctors saw this series of operations that turned decay into magic, their eyes widened like copper bells.

They swallowed wildly, their eyes were burning, and they almost called it awesome.

These doctors looked at Mu Changying, with admiration unconsciously in their eyes.


Mu Changying didn't say anything, she glanced at the male doctor who was making a lot of noise before.

He obviously didn't say anything, but it was precisely because of this that he slapped him even more.

The male doctor felt that his face was already swollen.

Sensing gazes from all directions, he lowered his head and dared not say anything.

"..." It was extremely embarrassing, and I wished I could find a crack in the ground to get in.

"Okay." Mu Changying's low voice sounded in the operating room.

Old Xu frowned slightly. He obviously saw that after the operation, Mu girl's brows and eyes were stained with fatigue, and her voice was slightly hoarse.

There was worry in his eyes.

Mu Changying raised her head, met Xu Lao's gaze, and shook her head, "Xu Lao, I'm fine."

"It's fine, it's fine."

Elder Xu clapped his hands.

She stared at Mu Changying, her eyes were full of joy and pride.

Such an excellent doctor is the elder Ke Qing of their Xu family.

Thinking of the wise words to recruit Mu Changying earlier, he puffed out his chest.


The door of the operating room opened.

The older male doctor ran out first.

"I go first."

He no longer wanted to be in the same room with everyone.

Seeing Mu Changying who ran out first, Rong Liyuan's eyes darkened.

The male doctor who came running paused, and suddenly felt a coolness on his back.

He sniffed, feeling extremely uncomfortable, and quickened his pace.

Mu Changying walked out.

He saw a man standing at the door of the operating room exuding a cold and gloomy aura.

The aura around Rong Liyuan was particularly low, spreading to the surroundings, and the entire corridor was filled with this low aura.

Mu Changying's heart trembled, and there was a slight sourness in her throat.

She stepped forward and came to Rong Liyuan.


The two seem to have a tacit understanding.

As if sensing her coming, Rong Liyuan turned his head.

The two looked at each other quietly.

He was wearing a mask, his eyes were cold and possessive, and there was an inexplicable glimmer of light.

Those slender fingers with clear bones moved slightly.

Rong Liyuan looked at Mu Changying, and then at the operating room behind her.

Sensing the deep uneasiness in his eyes, she took another step forward.

Then he held Rong Liyuan's hand, "Ah Yuan, the operation was successful."

Hearing her words, Rong Liyuan let out a foul breath.


He reached out and hugged her tightly into his arms.

His hands wrapped around Mu Changying's slender waist, even trembling.

"Ying Bao, thank you."


His voice was a little hoarse.

Feeling Rong Liyuan's uneasiness and panic, Mu Changying's heart was filled with deep distress.

She didn't speak.

Let him hold her tightly.


The other doctors who walked out of the operating room glanced at each other and left the corridor with a wink.


Seeing this picture, Li Nanxun cursed in a low voice.

He curled his lips in extreme displeasure, he shouldn't have comforted this guy just now.

Fortunately, this guy actually performed a show of affection with his sister in front of him.

Li Nanxun's eyes were full of displeasure.

He wanted to go forward and separate the two.

"You'd better take it obediently."

Bai Mo on the side had been prepared for a long time, and when he saw his appearance, he immediately stood up.

The surgery is over.

No nurse pushed the old lady out and turned to the general patient room.

Mu Changying glanced at it, and lightly parted her lips, "A Yuan, let's go and have a look together."

He held her hand tightly, "Okay."

The two clasped their fingers together and walked towards the general ward together.


Come to the ward.

Looking at the old lady who has improved a lot, Rong Liyuan's eyes were filled with gratitude.

This is his tassel, his lucky star.

He took a deep breath, looked closely at Mu Changying again, and said sincerely, "Thank you, Bao Ying, thank you..."

If it wasn't for her, he couldn't believe what would have happened this time.

Mu Changying: "..."

She saw with her own eyes that this invincible and invincible man in the mall would be so nervous.

Rong Liyuan let go of Mu Changying.

He looked at her with a tired face, and then said to Bai Mo, "Go to the imperial banquet to order food."

The dishes cooked by Yuyan in the whole famous capital city are not bad, and you will not be used to other vegetables.

She must be hungry after a busy day.

Bai Mo is ready to leave.

Mu Changying casually mentioned, "Order a few more copies."

Bai Mo nodded, then exited the room, "Okay."

The door of the room.

Li Nanxun, who was squatting outside, saw Bai Mo coming out. He raised his foot and was about to enter the room.

Who knows, Bai Mo grabbed his sleeve and said to him, "Big star, how about we order food together."

The second master is getting along with his wife inside, this guy has no discernment when he goes in to disturb him now, no wonder he is single until now.

"I don't want to go, I'm not interested."

Li Nanxun rolled his eyes, "Also, don't get close to me."

The ghost knows if this guy has some conspiracy or not.

He didn't go with him, he was going to see Yiyi now, Yiyi had just had an operation, so she must be very tired.


Seeing that this guy didn't want to go, Bai Mo's mouth twitched slightly.

He shrugged his shoulders, "Go in if you want, I won't stop you."

If he went in and ruined the relationship between the second master and his wife, he wouldn't know who the unlucky one was.

Seeing that Bai Mo didn't stop him anymore, Li Nanxun narrowed his eyes slightly.

There was a dangerous gleam in his eyes, as well as suspicion.

It was still blocked just now, why is it so easy to let it go now?

"I didn't count on you."

Bai Mo glanced at him and quickly left the corridor.

Seeing his back, Li Nanxun held his chin and thought for a while.

After thinking for a long time, he opened the door of the ward and walked in.


Inside the ward.

Mu Changying and Rong Liyuan were sitting in front of the old lady's hospital bed.

The two guarded the old lady. There was not a word of conversation between them, not even a single eye contact, but it made people feel that the breath was so compatible.

The room is very quiet.

Rong Liyuan's eyes kept falling on the old lady, full of worry.

Raising his head occasionally, he looked at Mu Changying who was beside him, his eyes were full of warmth and deep love.


At this moment, Li Nanxun subconsciously put away his prejudice against Rong Liyuan.

I have to say that Yiyi still has a good eye for men.

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