Mu Changying rested her chin with one hand.

She looked at the old lady, probably because she was too tired. Looking at it, she suddenly felt that her eyelids were heavy.

Her upper and lower eyelids were fighting, and she shook her head, trying to stay awake.


But I was too tired, and after staying awake for a while, my brain started to feel groggy again.

Soon, she was lying on the side of the bed and fell asleep.

"Ying Bao..."

Looking at the sleeping girl, Rong Liyuan's heart ached.

Since the disease spread, Ying Bao has been working and has not had a normal rest for a long time.

"Yiyi..." Li Nanxun's eyes were filled with distress.

He tiptoed into the ward and sat down gently beside him.

He moved cautiously, for fear of disturbing his younger sister who had just fallen asleep.


The two of them stared at Mu Changying, and the atmosphere became a little harmonious for a while.

The two people who were usually incompatible when they met each other, got along very harmoniously at this moment, and no one made a sound to disturb the other.


When Bai Mo returned the same way, he walked to the ward.

This is what caught my eye.

With surprise in his eyes, he raised his eyebrows and muttered in his heart.

It's rare for these two people not to fight.

"..." Rong Liyuan raised his head.

He pointed at Mu Changying, who was drowsy, with his finger, and signaled Bai Mo to move more gently.

Bai Mo understood, nodded and replied, "Okay."

He looked at the food box in his hand, frowning slightly, with melancholy in his eyes.

This meal is still hot, if you don't eat it, it will be cold after a while.

Seeing his worry, Rong Liyuan lowered his voice, "If it's cold, heat it up in the microwave."

The facilities of the First Hospital are good, and the rooms in the inpatient building have microwave ovens, which can heat dishes.


Seeing Rong Liyuan's persistence, Bai Mo knew in his heart that there was no room for negotiation on this matter.

If the madam doesn't wake up, the second master will definitely not take the initiative to eat.

But the second master had been busy at the company all day today, so he didn't drink a single drop of water.


He stood up silently and put the lunch box in the microwave to keep warm.

It's been a long time.

Mu Changying's fingers trembled slightly.

She opened her eyes and saw the white flowers in front of her, with a look of confusion in her eyes.

She stretched out her hand and rubbed her eyes, "Well..."

He quickly woke up and realized that he was in the ward.

Mu Changying raised her head, and then saw a few people waiting for her.

Looking at them, she felt embarrassed, stretched out her hand and rubbed the tip of her nose, "Well... I didn't have a good rest today."

After speaking, she stood up.

Quickly checked the old lady's body, and after the check was confirmed, she saw that there was no serious problem with the old lady, and her heart finally returned to its original place.

She looked at Rong Liyuan, "A Yuan, mom is fine."


He nodded, understanding what she meant.

Looking at Mu Changying who was so busy, he felt more and more distressed, and his pity came like a flood.

"Yingbao, you've been tired all day, let's eat now."

Hearing that dinner was finally ready, Bai Mo walked to the microwave.

He took out the food, and the aroma of the food instantly filled the room.

Mu Changying frowned upon smelling the strong fragrance.

She said precisely, "This is a dish for the imperial banquet, which is prepared by Master Canghui."

Bai Mo gave a thumbs up, "Madam's eyes are vicious."

All the meals are set out.

Li Nanxun sat down and was about to eat, but he glanced around and didn't have his share.

He stood up with a bang, and said unhappily, "Special Assistant Bai, what do you mean?"

Everyone is prepared, but his is the only one. Is this trying to cause trouble?

Bai Mo was not afraid.

The smile on the corner of his mouth remained undiminished, "Sorry, I didn't expect that."

"Ordinary celebrities need to keep in shape. I'm afraid you can't eat this kind of food that ordinary people eat."

"Since the Royal Banquet doesn't have that kind of star package, I didn't order yours."

What if Li Nanxun gets fat and fans chase him down?


This can be said to be watertight.

Hearing his words, Li Nanxun touched his forehead, and the dumb man ate Coptis chinensis, unable to speak out of his suffering.


Feeling the strong smell of gunpowder between the two of them, Mu Changying rubbed his forehead.

She gave up her portion, "Brother San, you can eat this portion, I'm not hungry."

Seeing that Yiyi was willing to share her share, Li Nanxun felt warm in his heart.

He shook his head resolutely, "Yiyi, brother is not hungry, you can eat by yourself."

He was starving to death, but he acted like he wasn't hungry.

Yiyi has been busy all day and hasn't eaten, how can he steal her sister's meal?

Rong Liyuan raised his head, glanced at Bai Mo coldly, "Go to the cafeteria and get another order."

Yingbao has been busy all day, and she needs to replenish her energy, which she will never give up.

"Okay, Second Master, I'll go right away." Bai Mo stood up without changing his expression, and then walked out of the ward.


Mu Changying ate quickly.

Feel the deliciousness in your mouth.

Master Cang Hui's culinary skills are simply outstanding.


While eating, suddenly, Mu Changying caught a glimpse of the old lady's fingers trembling slightly.

She put the lunch box in her hand aside and stood up quickly.


Mu Changying walked up to the old lady with brisk steps.

Seeing her series of actions, Rong Liyuan's heart skipped a beat.

He put down the chopsticks in his hand and got up quickly.

Mu Changying saw helplessly again that the old lady's hand trembled.

Seeing this scene, Rong Liyuan's eyes were slightly sore.

He looked at Mu Changying's excited voice, "It's moving."

His voice was not at all calm and composed as usual.

But Mu Changying didn't feel disgusted, instead there was warmth in his eyes.

She smiled, looked at him and nodded, "Yes, I saw it."

Rong Liyuan stretched out his hand, and he held the old lady's hand tightly, as if he wanted to convey warmth to her.

Mu Changying pursed her lips, she put her hand on Rong Liyuan's and patted it.


Seeing the warm scene in the room, the corners of Li Nanxun's mouth unconsciously twitched.

There was a slight smile on his face, and his already handsome face became even more handsome because of this smile.

If his fans were here, they would be so handsome that their noses would bleed when they saw this picture.


The old lady's hands trembled much more than the last time, and her eyelashes trembled.

Mu Changying and Rong Liyuan were watching closely.

Under their burning gaze, the old lady opened her eyes.

There was confusion in her eyes, and after looking around, her white eyes fell on Mu Changying.

"I..." As soon as the old lady opened her mouth, her voice became hoarse.

Rong Liyuan was nervous, "You wait, I'll pour the water."

He let go of the old lady's hand and went to fetch the water without stopping.

A shallow smile escaped Mu Changying's throat.

After coming back from rebirth, seeing Ah Yuan so nervous is really rare.

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