Rong Liyuan took a glass of water.

He handed the water to the old lady with both hands, with strong concern in every move.

A series of gentle movements, seemingly warm but inaccessible to outsiders.

His gestures are full of dignity, like a handsome young man who came out of a cartoon.


The old lady took a sip of the water in Rong Liyuan's hand, moistened her throat, and her complexion eased a lot.

Her eyes fell on Mu Changying, "Thank you, baby girl."

Although she had been in a coma some time ago because of the K5 virus, it didn't mean she lost all consciousness.

She knew that she was cured by her daughter, without her...

Looking at the tiredness in Mu Changying's eyes, the concern in her eyes was about to overflow, "Ninny, you must have worked so hard these days."

"Mom, I'm not tired." Mu Changying replied with a smile.

The old lady's condition looks pretty good, and her complexion has recovered a lot.

"How can I not be tired." The old lady didn't believe it.

"Really." Mu Changying acted coquettishly, with a soft and delicate tone.

Upon hearing this coquettish voice, the old lady's heart almost melted.

The two of them chatted one after another, and the topics sometimes jumped very fast, but the room was filled with a strong sense of warmth.

Rong Liyuan: "..."

Looking at the blissful scene in front of him, the hostility in his body dissipated, and there was a trace of tenderness between his brows.

Bai Mo pushed the door open and entered.

Seeing the old lady who had woken up, her heart fell back to the original place.

Fortunately, the old lady woke up, he was finally no longer enveloped by the low pressure of the second master every day.

Handed Li Nanxun the food from the hospital cafeteria.

He glanced at the white ink, reached out to take it, opened the food box, sniffed, and it tasted good.

He picked up the chopsticks, put one chopstick into his mouth, narrowed his eyes, and ate much faster.


Li Nanxun's food was delicious.


The old lady sniffed.

Smelling the strong fragrance in the room, his eyes lit up suddenly, and the flickering light flourished.

She swallowed, and subconsciously stretched out her hand to rub her stomach.

He licked his lips with his tongue, trying to suppress the desire in his heart, trying to make his expression look calm.

"Ninny, I'm a little hungry. What are you eating? Let me eat a little."

Seeing the old lady trying to restrain the longing in her heart, the corners of Mu Changying's mouth rose slightly.

There was warmth in his eyes, but his voice was soft and ruthless, and he refused without hesitation, "Mom, you just woke up, it's not suitable for you to eat this."

The dishes of the imperial banquet are indeed extremely delicious, but they are not suitable for patients who have just woken up. The old lady is more suitable for light food.

Mu Changying said empathetically, "You just woke up, for the sake of your health, eat something light."

The old lady: "..."

The corners of his mouth were slightly stiff, and discomfort was written all over his body.

She coughed lightly and waved her hands, "Oh, it would be such a trouble to reorder now, Special Assistant Bai must have been busy all day, let him have a good rest, I will just eat this. "

Bai Mo's body stiffened.

Suddenly being called, he took a few steps back with horror in his eyes.

He raised his head and looked at the old lady, wanting to cry but without tears, he said weakly, "Old lady... don't bother, don't bother, I'll just go and make food again."

If the old lady eats this, he will die a miserable death.

Hearing Bai Mo's strong desire to survive, Rong Liyuan glanced at him.

His gaze was icy cold, bitingly cold, making one feel as if his whole body was shivering instantly.

The atmosphere in the room seemed to have dropped to freezing point at this moment.

Mu Changying said, "Xiao Momo, go to the cafeteria and order another meal. Remember, it must be light."

Rescued from the dire straits, Bai Mo's face was full of gratitude, "Okay, ma'am, I'll go right away..."

He turned around quickly and left the ward with brisk steps.

The speed was extremely fast, as if there were some wolves, tigers and leopards chasing him behind him.


Seeing Bai Mo walk out of the room, the old lady was a little disappointed, lowered her head, and sighed silently.

After a few seconds of sadness, she raised her head again, and her gaze fell directly on Li Nanxun.

no pretense.

Li Nanxun, who was staring at him, slowed down his eating speed.

His scalp was a little stiff, and he turned around calmly, turning his back on the old lady's sight.


Seeing the old lady's gaze frightened Li Nanxun, and Mu Changying couldn't laugh or cry.

She stretched out her hand and patted the old lady gently, and said in a persuasive manner, "Mom, I will double compensate you when you recover. You can eat whatever you want."

This huge temptation fell down.

The old lady smacked her lips, feeling a little awkward, "This, really?"

Mu Changying nodded, "Of course."

The old lady looked suspicious and didn't quite believe it was true.

She glanced at Rong Liyuan, with a notification tone, "Little Er, you also heard that this was promised by my daughter herself, and you can't stop me from enjoying those delicacies when the time comes."

Nannan did agree, but what if this kid plays tricks at that time?

A low smile escaped Rong Liyuan's throat, "Well, okay, I understand, I will make up for you when you are well."

These words fell into the old lady's ears, and she instantly felt happy physically and mentally.

The whole body was refreshed, and the tone of voice was slightly excited, "Okay, okay."


The door of the room was pushed open. of

Bai Mo came in from the outside, holding the food from the cafeteria in his hand.

Untie the lunch box, two dishes and one soup, cabbage tofu, tomato and egg, seaweed soup...

The dishes with clear soup and little water were placed in front of her, and the old lady originally felt that life was full of hope. Seeing these dishes, her face quickly collapsed, fully explaining what it means to turn one's face faster than one's book.

"This... I... am not very hungry..."

The old lady pursed her lips, and there was an aura of rejection all over her body.

This dish is too clear and watery, and it must taste tasteless.

Bai Mo: "..." He stayed where he was, with a bad feeling in his heart.

He lowered his head vigorously, wiped, this time it won't be his mother's bad luck again, right?

Seeing this, Mu Changying frowned.

She took the food and put it on the small table on the hospital bed, holding the lunch box in her hand, and opened the disposable chopsticks.

"Mom, you're hungry, let me feed you." The tone was soft, with a trace of unquestionable.

The old lady said, "Ninny, I'm not hungry."

Seeing these dishes, she lost her mood.

Rong Liyuan's eyes were slightly cold, and his voice was deep and magnetic.

"It doesn't matter if you don't want the compensation after discharge from the hospital. I also don't want Yingbao to cook. After all, Mom, you said that Yingbao didn't do this kind of hard work when she married into our Rong family."

As soon as these words came out, the corners of the old lady's mouth became completely stiff.

Her pupils shrank slightly, she raised her head, and looked at Rong Liyuan in disbelief.

Grinding his teeth, he roared in a low voice, "Rong Xiaoer!"

Seeing color and forgetting one's righteousness? No, it's more serious than that.

Now this kid is planning to have a wife, forget his mother!

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