The old lady's forehead twitched.

She stared at Rong Liyuan, she did not expect to be treated like this.

"Hoo hoo hoo..."

The old lady was furious.

She understood the meaning of Rong Xiaoer's words.

This is the threat of Chiguoguo. If you don't eat, you don't even have to think about the food promised after you leave the hospital.

Seeing the old lady's appearance, Mu Changying showed a harmless smile, "Mom, do you still want to eat?"

She smiled brightly, and shook the chopsticks in her hand as she spoke.

The old lady: "..."

Looking at the girl in front of him, he was suddenly speechless.

She pursed her lips, with a hint of accusation in her eyes, how could Nanna, like Xiaoer, partner in bullying her, a helpless old man?

"Mom?" Mu Changying raised her voice at the end, reminding her gently again.

The old lady woke up from her daze.

She sighed, weighed the pros and cons in her heart, and gave up resistance.

"Okay, okay, don't rush, can't I eat?"

It is said that one can be a master only when one endures hardships, and one can make up for losses suffered today, in the future.

Thinking of this, the depression in the old lady's heart dissipated a lot.

She stretched out her hand and took the lunch box in Mu Changying's hand, "Ninny, I'll do it myself, I don't need to feed you."

She handed the lunch box to the old lady.

Mu Changying and Rong Liyuan met each other's eyes, and they had a tacit understanding. The two smiled silently, exuding a faint warmth between each other.


The old lady raised her head, and this was the scene that caught her eyes.

She was so angry that the corners of her mouth twitched, she stared at the vegetables in the bowl, picked up a piece of cabbage, stuffed it into her mouth, and chewed vigorously.

Gritting his teeth, it seemed that he took the cabbage in his mouth as an object to vent his anger.

Li Nanxun: "..."

Looking at the way the old lady was eating, she glanced at Rong Liyuan and Mu Changying.

His brows were slightly frowned, Second Master Rong's stomach full of bad water had ruined Yiyi's teaching.

This scene fell in Bai Mo's eyes, but it was the opposite.

He rested his chin with one hand, watching with relish, his white and soft face full of interest.

It's not that the whole family doesn't come into the house, the second master and his wife are really a perfect match when standing together.


After the old lady finished eating, Mu Changying checked again.

Seeing that there was nothing serious about her body, she walked out of the ward and went to other wards to inspect.

Once she left, Li Nanxun didn't stay any longer.

Seeing Mu Changying's leaving back, the old lady's eyes were full of distress, "Xiao Er, my daughter has been working too hard recently, you have to treat her well."

She glanced at Rong Liyuan, her eyes full of warning, "Let me tell you, the men in our Rong family don't have those messy bad habits.

If you dare to mess around behind your back, I will break your legs first without her taking action! "

Nannan is such a good girl, it is really lucky for Xiao Er to marry her.


The veins on Rong Liyuan's forehead twitched, his sexy Adam's apple squirmed, and his eyes were cold, "Mom, take good care of your body, you don't have to worry about this."

His fingers moved slightly.

How could he mess around with Yingbao on his back?

In this world, the only woman he can admire and fall in love with is Ying Bao.

Although the oath was not uttered, knowing the child is better than the mother, the old lady clearly saw the thoughts in Rong Liyuan's heart through Rong Liyuan's eyes.

She nodded, with a hint of admiration on her face, yes, she kept herself clean, she was a descendant of the Rong family, and did not tarnish the reputation of the Rong family.


the next day.

Mu Changying walked into the First City Hospital.

Thinking of what he said to Dr. Fu yesterday, he turned a corner and walked to Fu Huaizheng's office.

Pushing open the door of the office, "Doctor Fu, how are things going?"

The voice fell.

Fu Huaizheng raised his head.

He propped his hands on the table, his face was irritated, and his evil eyes were full of displeasure.

Seeing the whole picture of the visitor, the displeasure in his eyes dissipated somewhat.

"The report has been submitted, but the people above did not approve it."

Fu Huaizheng picked up the teacup on the table, unscrewed the cup, and took a sip of water.

Moisturizing his throat, he kicked the table angrily and cursed in a low voice, "A bunch of bad guys!"

The leaders of that group must have their brains trapped by the door, and they refused to approve such an important matter.


Mu Changying's expression was slightly serious.

She pressed her tongue against the tooth socket, put her hands in her pockets, and exuded a serious air all over her body, "I see, I will take care of this matter."

"Doctor Fu, you can rest assured and wait for the news." Mu Changying stretched out her hand to rub her brows, and walked out of Fu Huaizheng's office.

She hurried back to the office, sat on the office chair, and leaned against the chair.

He held a finely crafted pen in his hand, and played with it for a while.

After turning around, put the pen on the table.

Mu Changying took out his phone from his pocket, flipped through the contact list for a long time, and finally landed on Minghua's.

White and slender fingers gently stroked the string of phone numbers.

After a few seconds of hesitation, he dialed out.

Not long after the bell rang, it was quickly connected, "Master, what do you want?"

Minghua uses honorifics, and his tone is kind, but neither humble nor overbearing.

Mu Changying rubbed her forehead, "Madam, I am submitting a report here, please let me know."

In this matter, the relationship between them is not a master-student relationship, but a superior-subordinate relationship, and there is no shortage of procedures to follow.

Minghua obviously also understood the deep meaning, "Okay, I understand."

The phone hangs up.

Mu Changying quickly sorted out yesterday's report and sent it to Minghua.


Minghua Office.

"Ding dong—"

Received Mu Changying's report.

She opened quickly, and the more she looked at her face, the more serious she became, with a low and deep breath lingering all over her body.

After reading the information, she printed it out.

Then he stood up without saying a word, picked up the clothes on the side, and rushed out the door.

That group of mindless guys, after the matter is over, immediately investigate them thoroughly.

Thinking of the people in charge whose heads were caught by the door, the anger in Minghua's eyes became more and more intense.

She took a deep breath, walked to another office, knocked on the door and entered, "I have received an urgent report here, and I need your approval."

The man who was working raised his head, his brows and eyes were stained with fatigue.

Seeing the person coming, I tried my best to put away my fatigue, and the corners of my mouth slightly curled up, "Please submit the received report to my desk, and I will reply you as quickly as possible."

The displeasure in Minghua's eyes disappeared, replaced by a sense of happiness visible to the naked eye.

"Okay." She smiled and put the information on the desk.

He picked up the information report on the table, quickly read it, and his eyes fell directly on Minghua.

With serious eyes and a dignified voice, "I approve your report."

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