They hurried all the way towards the direction of the ward.

There was a hustle and bustle in the corridor.

"You can't go in."

"Sorry, the hospital does not accept interviews during special times."

"Everyone, can you please go out for a while?"

"If you don't go out again, we will call security immediately."


Hearing these voices, she frowned slightly, and there was a slight coldness in those clear eyes.

Just go to the front.

They were surrounded by a group of reporters.

These reporters held microphones and cameras in their hands.

They blocked the water around the road, and they didn't know how they got in.

This group of media reporters became even more excited when they saw Mu Changying.

Each of them seemed to have been injected with chicken blood, and there was a strong light in their eyes.

They kept pushing forward, as if trying to find a way to get promoted and get rich.

"Changning genius doctor, may I ask, is the news that there is a virus source in the seafood market and game market true?"

"We want to know, how long is this virus going to spread?"

"The virus is coming fiercely, but the hospital has not released a vaccine for a long time. We want to know whether this virus will threaten the lives of more people?"

"At present, only the famous capital city has fallen, but will more places fall in the future? Please let us know."


The questions of this group of media reporters became sharper and sharper than the last.

Their voices mingled and made a noise like flies.

Hearing these voices, Mu Changying's eyes were slightly impatient.

She stopped and looked at the group of reporters.


The cold eyes fell on this group of reporters, and the originally noisy crowd fell silent in an instant.

Mu Changying curled her lips, "First of all, I don't know how you got in here."

The softer voice has a touch of coolness.

These words fell into the ears of the media reporters, and their faces immediately swelled up as if they had been slapped a few times.

"Secondly, whether the source of the K5 virus is the seafood market or the game market, I can give you the exact answer, yes."

"In addition, regarding your question, whether other cities will fall in the future. The answer I can give is that I don't know and I'm not sure."

Hearing her words, bursts of noisy voices erupted from the quiet crowd.

This virus can threaten people's lives and safety. It is an urgent matter, and everyone is at risk.

"Because the K5 virus is transmitted from person to person, only if everyone does a good job of protection will they not be infected with the virus."

"If one person is infected with the virus, it may cause the entire city to be infected with the virus if one is lax."

The noisy crowd slowly quieted down.

The media reporters quietly listened to Mu Changying's words.

Their hands holding the microphones couldn't help but feel a lot heavier, with serious expressions on their faces.

Mu Changying glanced at them, "Here, I appeal to everyone to take precautions, everyone is responsible."

Through her words, the people at the scene knew that the power of the K5 virus is really extraordinary.

After a brief silence, the group of reporters broke out into a clamor.

"Then Changning Divine Doctor, is there any medicine that can temporarily suppress this virus?"

"The virus is coming fiercely. For the sake of your own safety, everyone wants to store some medicine at home. What should be better?"

"Yes, please answer our question."

Hearing what this group of media reporters said, Fu Huaizheng frowned.

He glanced coldly, everyone, "There is no drug on the market that can suppress the K5 virus."

Mu Changying nodded in agreement, "Yes."

If there were such a drug on the market, they would not have such a headache now.

Mu Changying took out his phone from his pocket to check the time, and then said to everyone, "Sorry, the interview time is over."

As soon as the words fell, she walked to the fever department with Fu Huaizheng.

This group of reporters didn't get the answer they wanted, and there was anxiety in their brows and eyes.

They kept rushing forward, trying to stop the two people who were leaving.

Seeing the frenzied appearance of this group of media reporters, the medical staff quickly stopped them and did not allow them to come forward.

The security guards of the hospital also went upstairs, holding batons in their hands, and drove the group of reporters out.


Mu Changying and Fu Huaizheng hurried to the fever department.

Pushing open the door of the ward, a group of people came into view.

The wards were overcrowded, and there were not enough doctors to examine them.

This group of doctors was so busy that they were sweating profusely. Even if the air conditioner was turned on in the ward, it didn't work at all, and there were big drops of sweat on their foreheads.

Different classes, all kinds of people mixed together, both men and women.

The smell of different perfumes and the smell of sweat mixed together, and there was a strange smell in the department.

Seeing this scene, Mu Changying pursed her lips, her eyes were filled with tension.

With a serious face, she walked into the ward.

Some people in the ward recognized Mu Changying, and they also knew that she was quite famous in the medical field, enjoying the reputation of a miracle doctor, and she was also one of the main persons in charge of the K5 virus this time.

Seeing Mu Changying, they were like prisoners who saw the dawn of hope and freedom.

The patients in the department stood up with excited expressions.

"Changning genius doctor, you must save me, I am still so young and I don't want to die now."

"Changning genius doctor, as long as you cure me, I can give you whatever you want."

"Changning Miracle Doctor, I am a pregnant woman. There is a new baby in my belly. I don't want to die, and I don't want to hurt the baby in my belly."


This group of patients looked at Mu Changying, their eyes glowed with longing, longing for redemption.

Looking at them, she also felt uncomfortable.

She swallowed her saliva, her throat was sore and astringent, and an indescribable feeling spread in her heart.

Mu Changying bowed solemnly to them, and said loudly, "Don't worry, we will never give up any life, please trust us."

Her words clearly fell into everyone's ears.

The busy doctors in the department also stopped what they were doing.

They looked at the patients in the ward and said in unison, "Don't worry, we will never give up any life, please trust us."

Everyone's voices gathered together, carrying a majestic force, which made the restless crowd quiet down.

Originally extremely desperate, hope has fallen to the bottom, but at this moment it began to be slowly pulled out.

The tiny light shines into the bottom of the valley, although it is small and insignificant, it is hard to ignore.

They looked at each other and looked at each other.

Among the group of people, a petite girl stepped out.

She was wearing a mask, unable to see the whole picture, lowered her voice, "I trust you."

Her voice was slightly hoarse.

Mu Changying's eyes froze slightly, and his gaze fell on the girl.

This voice is a little familiar.

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