With this girl in the lead.

The rest of the people looked at each other, and then slowly took a step forward.

"I trust you."

"I trust you."

"I trust you."


Different voices fell in the department.

One after another, it was like playing a beautiful movement.

When the doctors heard their voices, their exhausted bodies seemed to be filled with endless power, and their eye sockets were slightly red.

Although it is said that they don't expect anything in return, when they get the unconditional trust of this group of people, they feel warm in their hearts.

Hearing the voices of this group of people, Mu Changying reached out and rubbed her brows.

She quietly looked at the girl in front of her, her eyes twinkling with thought.

Familiar, too familiar.

Whether it's hair color, figure, or voice, this girl makes her feel a sense of familiarity.


Sensing Mu Changying's gaze, the girl in front of her lowered her head.

She rubbed the hands on both sides of her thighs lightly, not daring to raise her head to meet the eyes of the person in front of her.

Mu Changying raised her eyebrows, pointed at the girl in front of her, and said in a calm voice, "Then, you should check first."

Hearing this, the girl's heart skipped a beat.

She suppressed her voice, waved her hands, stammered a bit, and said stumblingly, "No... no, no need, let the others come first."

Hearing this, the others looked at her with strange eyes.

The first check, this opportunity is something that many people can't dream of.

She was willing to let out. Was her head caught by the door?

Mu Changying stared straight at her without trying to hide it, "It's just you."

Seeing her reluctance to move, the suspicion in her eyes became more intense, and she persuaded, "Time is urgent, hurry up."

She still stood and refused to move, and the others got impatient.

They hurriedly urged, "Girl, what's the matter with you, hurry up."

"Girl, are you afraid? Don't be afraid, take courage."

"You are so slow to move and do not cooperate with the doctor's examination, which is increasing the burden, pressure and workload of the medical staff."

As soon as the big hat was buttoned down, some people looked at her with vague eyes.

She reluctantly stepped forward and followed Mu Changying's pace.

Leave the fever department and go to the examination room on the other side.

Along the way, she moved slowly.

He peeled off the mask with his hands, trying hard to hide his face.

It's over, it's over, sister Ying will definitely find out now.

She had a depressing look on her body, and people who didn't know it thought she had some terminal illness.


Push open the door of the prosecution room.

Mu Changying pulled out a chair and sat down.

She was playing with a ballpoint pen in her hand, and pulled out a clean white paper.

He raised his head to look at the girl in front of him, and asked softly, "Name, age, symptoms, home address."

The sudden question stunned her.

He pursed his lips.

The hands on both sides of the thighs were slightly clenched into fists, and the whole person was extremely uneasy.

Squeezing his throat, "This... isn't this question already registered just now?"

sensed his nervousness.

There was an intriguing gleam in Mu Changying's eyes.

She said solemnly, "I need to go through this process again here."

There was a faint suspicion in the girl, "Really?"

Mu Changying nodded, "Yes."

Seeing her resolute appearance, the doubts in his heart were dispelled, and instead he despised himself a bit, bah bah bah, how could he doubt sister Ying?

Her brain was spinning at high speed, ready to make up a random name, "I...my name is..."

Seeing her embarrassed appearance, the smile in Mu Changying's eyes deepened.

"Have you brought your ID card?"

"Just take your ID card and register."

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