The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 681 It's okay to care for a lifetime

everything's ready.

When she was about to start the examination, Mu Changying suddenly asked her, "By the way, does Yu Linye know about your hospital?"

Hearing her words, Hua Qiqi's body stiffened, her face was a little unnatural, and the roots of her ears began to turn red, numb.

Coughed a few times unnaturally, and said, "Why did you tell him about me?"

She puffed out her chest.

Try to make yourself look confident, but the more you do this, the more you appear to be lacking in confidence.

Mu Changying saw through it straight away, she smiled and shook her head, "Okay, okay, it has nothing to do with him. Let's go in for an examination now."

Pushing Hua Qiqi into the inner examination room, she took out her mobile phone, and quickly found a string of familiar phone numbers on the contact list.

Inform the letter, 【Qiqi is in the hospital, come quickly. 】

After editing the text message, quickly send it out, then put the phone back into the pocket, and walked into the inner room as if nothing had happened.


After half an hour.

Hua Qiqi finished the inspection.

She came out of the examination room and stayed in the corridor.

Leaning against the cold wall, his eyes looked around blankly, his pupils filled with confusion and helplessness.

Mu Changying was still making the inspection report inside, and this long wait made her feel extremely tormented.

Hua Qiqi lowered her head, her eyes fell on her feet, staring at the ground boredly.

One minute

two minutes

five minutes


Mu Changying did not come out for a long time, and she became more and more anxious waiting.

He began to pace back and forth in the corridor, crossing his hands anxiously, "Why hasn't Sister Ying come out yet?"

She raised her hand and rubbed her forehead.

Rubbing and rubbing, a familiar figure suddenly appeared in front of the line of sight.

The boy at the front was wearing a white long sleeve, paired with a pair of casual black pants, and a pair of clean sneakers.

The whole body breath is clean, like mint in summer, when seeing him, the whole body is cool and refreshed.


There were not many people in the corridor, but he locked on the girl in front of him at a glance.

He started running in the corridor, faster and faster, anxious between his brows and eyes.

The refreshing breath on his body made the people in the corridor look sideways frequently.

She stared blankly at him running towards her, and said in her eyes that it was a light of unknown meaning.

"Qi Qi!"

Yu Linye hugged the girl in his arms tightly, imprisoning her tightly with his hands, as if he was afraid that he would disappear in front of his eyes in a second.

"Qiqi, Qiqi, Qiqi..."

He buried his head in her neck and kept changing her name.

One sound followed by another, Zhang Yi was full of deep affection.

Hearing the lingering voice, Hua Qiqi's heart trembled.

Her eyes were slightly red, and she stretched out her hands to wrap around Yu Linye's waist.

She buried her head on his chest, her voice buzzing, "Why are you here?"

He raised his hand and rubbed her hair, "Because you are here."

So here I am.

Tears overflowed from Hua Qiqi's eyes again, "Idiot, idiot, the hospital is so dangerous, how could you come?"

Except for the medical staff in the First City Hospital, all the rest were patients infected with the K5 virus.

The girl's voice fell to his heart, the corners of his mouth rose, and a low-pitched laughter escaped from his throat, "Qiqi, are you caring about me?"

The magnetic voice rang in her ears, making her heart pound.

She nodded a little arrogantly, "cough cough cough, I really care about you, why, can't I?"

After speaking, he pushed him away, his eyes were bulging, and he looked at him a little fiercely.

This little expression was so cute in his eyes, Yu Linye repeatedly said, "Yes, of course, you can care about it for the rest of your life if you want."

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