Looking at the girl in front of him, his eyes under the lens were full of tenderness.

He stared at her closely, his eyes burning.

Being stared at by him like this, Hua Qiqi's face turned slightly red.

She turned her head a little uncomfortable, "Why are you staring at me?"

Yu Linye stretched out his hand and pushed the mirror frame on the bridge of his nose, "Because...you look good."

His little Qiqi is so pretty, even if he looks at it for a lifetime, he won't get tired of it.

Hearing this provocative voice, her heart beat non-stop, faster and faster.

The other people in the corridor seemed to disappear at this moment, leaving only Yu Linye in her eyes.

Yu Linye suddenly knelt down on one knee.

He looked at the girl in front of him with a serious expression, and stretched out his hand.

Seeing his movements, the other people in the corridor couldn't help but stop.

They looked at each other, and gathered together in twos and threes, talking in low voices.

"He's just doing something, maybe he's preparing to propose marriage."

"This little brother is so handsome, fuck me, and he's also very affectionate. His girlfriend seems to be infected with the K5 virus."

"In such a critical moment, he will never leave, what a peerless good man he is, and he loves and loves him."

"No matter how much you love, it's useless. He's not your family, and he already has a master."

"Although I can't own it, it doesn't prevent me from dreaming. Why do you want to hurt my fragile and young heart?"


The onlookers were discussing.

Hearing what they said, Hua Qiqi's little face turned even redder, like a ripe apple.

Yu Linye stared at her, "Qiqi, are you willing to be my girlfriend?"

Even though he was wearing a mask, it still couldn't hide the seriousness and solemnity between his brows.

He got down on one knee.

At this moment, there are no flowers, no diamond rings, and no gifts.

He has nothing but sincerity.

Yu Linye held a sincere heart in front of Hua Qiqi without reservation.

"Promise him."

"Promise him."

"Promise him."




Seeing his affectionate appearance, the onlookers booed one after another.

They were not blind, and they could clearly see that Hua Qiqi looked at Yu Linye with eyes full of love and emotion.

This clearly means that the husband is affectionate and the concubine is intentional, and it is intolerable not to be together.

Hearing the booing all around, her face became more and more red, and her whole body seemed to be in a steamer, almost cooked.


The door of the examination room was pushed open, and Mu Changying walked out from inside.

The noise of the onlookers was too loud, covering up the sound of the door opening.

So much so that Hua Qiqi and Yu Linye didn't notice her coming.

Seeing the scene in front of her, the corners of her mouth rose slightly, and there was a deep warmth in her eyes.

Mu Changying lowered her head, and couldn't help but think of Rong Liyuan.

The breath around her became extremely soft.

"Changning miracle doctor..."

A little nurse standing beside her noticed her coming and called out in a low voice.


Mu Changying raised her hand.

She put her long, fair index finger to her lips.

Seeing her movements, the little nurse understood and nodded quickly.

There was a strong light of gossip in it, and I didn't expect that the doctor of Changning would like to watch the excitement as much as they did.

Hua Qiqi took a deep breath.

She stepped forward and put her hand on Yu Linye's, with the same solemn tone, "I am willing."

Her voice fell clearly in Yu Linye's ears.

He stood up from the ground in a hurry, put his arms around her waist, hugged her around a few times, and said with unconcealable excitement in his voice, "That's great, that's great, Qiqi, you will be my man from now on... ..."

From now on, she belonged to him alone.

The extravagant hope in countless days and nights has been realized, and he feels a little dreamy and unrealistic.

If the girl in his arms had a temperature, he must have suspected that it was a dream.

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