After Mu Changying fell asleep, the night was quiet.

Rong Liyuan sat in front of the bed, staring at her sleeping face.

After looking at it for a long time, he stretched out his hand and stroked her face gently.

The girl's face was tender, as if she had just peeled an egg, soft and sticky, and it was hard to put it down.

Caressing Mu Changying's cheek.

After a while, Rong Liyuan got up and left the room.

Subconsciously, his footsteps were light, for fear of disturbing the sleeping girl.

He walked into the study.

Sitting on the office chair, he dialed Bai Mo's phone.

Soon, Bai Mo walked in.

"Second master."

He felt slightly puzzled in his heart, what's the matter with Second Master looking for him in the middle of the night?

Rong Liyuan didn't speak.

His eyes fell on the window.

His skeletal hands were placed on the table, and he tapped lightly on the table.

His eyes are gloomy, deep and dark, making it impossible for people to see the thoughts in his eyes.


See his expression.

Bai Mo's heart became even more frightened.

His body was slightly stiff, and dense sweat dripped from his back.

Bai Mo kept thinking seriously in his heart, did he do something to make the second master angry recently?

But no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't figure out the root cause of the matter.


After pondering for a long time.

Rong Liyuan raised his head and looked at Bai Mo coldly.

Being stared at by this gaze, Bai Mo's heart trembled even more, his lips twitched, "..."

Before he could speak, Rong Liyuan interrupted him.

"Bai Mo, go and find out what happened to Ying Bao in the hospital."

After returning, Ying Bao's expression was a little strange.

hear this.

Bai Mo's body became even stiffer, and dense sweat overflowed from the palms of his hands.

He twitched the corner of his mouth and said reluctantly, "Second Lord, I see."

Although he readily agreed with his mouth, he was extremely worried in his heart.

Madam will be angry if she finds out that the second master is going to check on her.

In this family, the wife is the one at the top of the food chain.

If the matter is brought to light, he will be the one who will be unlucky at that time.

Thinking of this, the sweat overflowed from Bai Mo's forehead even more.

But when he raised his head, he met Rong Liyuan's cold gaze.

"Why, do you have any questions?"

Hearing this, the sweat on Bai Mo's forehead became more intense, and he shook his head again and again.

"No, no, second master, I don't have any problems."

As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately walked out of the study.

The speed was extremely fast, as if there was some scourge chasing him behind him.

After about ten minutes.

Bai Mo went back and forth, and walked back into the study, with a thick layer of documents in his hand.

Standing in front of the desk, he handed the information in his hand to Rong Liyuan.

"Second Lord, this is what happened to Madam in the hospital that day."

After handing him the information, Bai Mo stood aside and watched silently.

Rong Liyuan flipped through the documents in his hand.

He looked at it carefully, staring at every word, worried that he would miss some important news.

Seeing Mu Changying's busy schedule in the hospital this day.

Rong Liyuan frowned slightly, but there was no hint of distress in his eyes.

When he saw the description of Yu Linye's courtship with Hua Qiqi, he put down the documents in his hand.


Rong Liyuan's sexy Adam's apple squirmed.

The deep light inside him became more intense, as if it was smudged by thick ink.

Holding the stack of documents in his hand, his expression became more and more serious.

This stack of documents was wrinkled by him.


Seeing his expression, Bai Mo who was standing aside felt frightened.

The atmosphere in the study was getting more and more serious, and he felt a little difficult to breathe.

I watched for a long time.

Rong Li Yuanrong closed the stack of documents in his hand.

He closed his eyes, lay back, and let out a faint sigh from his throat.

He doesn't seem to have given Ying Bao this form of romance.

Also, they didn't have a wedding.

Thinking of this, a faint hostility lingered around Rong Liyuan's body.

There was a layer of distress and self-blame in his heart.

Such a dignified atmosphere lasted for more than ten minutes.

Rong Liyuan opened his eyes, waved to Bai Mo, and said, "Okay, I see, you can go down."

Hearing this, Bai Mo instantly felt as if he had been pardoned, and felt as if he had been reborn.

There was an undetectable joy on his fair face, "Yes."

Bai Mo left.

It was even quieter in the study room, only the slight breathing of Rong Liyuan alone.

He sat in the study for a while, then took out a pack of cigarettes.

A cigarette was held between slender fingers.

He took out the lighter from his pocket and rubbed it lightly with his thumb. A small flame burst out immediately and lit the cigarette.

He smoked a cigarette, puffing.

Rong Liyuan's body was filled with a faint layer of mist, which added a bit of mystery to him, making it impossible to figure it out.


The next day, the morning light was faint.

The slender eyelashes of the sleeping girl trembled slightly.

After a few seconds.

Mu Changying's eyes slowly opened.

Seeing Cheng She in the room, her brain was still a little dazed.

Supporting his body, he half sat up, rubbed his eyes with his hands, and scratched his hair.


After scratching for a few minutes, Mu Changying woke up and remembered that he was in the room.

She seemed to sleep with makeup on last night!

Thinking of this, Mu Changying's pupils shrank violently.

She immediately threw off the quilt and jumped off the bed.

Mu Changying didn't even have time to put on her slippers, so she walked barefoot to the vanity mirror beside her.

Seeing the appearance in the mirror, her eyes were filled with astonishment.

Mu Changying raised her hand and touched her cheek, it was smooth and tender, and the touch was excellent.

If you look carefully, there are no acne on your face.

I checked and there is no acne.

Mu Changying's heart was warm.

The corners of her mouth rose slightly, and a light laughter escaped from her throat, "A Yuan..."

It is impossible for someone else to do makeup removal except for Ah Yuan.

She knew that Ah Yuan's possessiveness was very serious, and it was impossible for others to have a chance to touch her cheek.

When these two words came out of her mouth, there was a bit more tenderness.

After standing in front of the mirror for a while, Mu Changying walked to the bed.

She picked up her phone and checked the time.

Turning on the phone, she frowned when she saw the time on the phone screen.

Because of the K5 virus, she must have been too tired recently to sleep up so late.


Put the phone aside.

Mu Changying quickly walked into the bathroom.

After a simple wash, change clothes at the fastest speed in your life.

A simple white T-shirt with blue jeans, and a pair of white sneakers on the soles of the feet.

The whole dress is refreshing and clean, exuding the youth and vigor that only young people can have.

Mu Changying glanced at the time, pursed her lips, carried her bag, and rushed out the door without saying a word.

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