The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 689 Don't Mind You Are Second Married

In the hall, breakfast is just ready.

The butler was about to go upstairs to call Mu Changying up for breakfast.

As soon as she came up, she saw her coming down quickly with a bag.

Mu Changying didn't even glance at the breakfast, and was about to run towards the gate.

Seeing that she was about to run out, the housekeeper frowned and hurriedly chased her down.

He hasn't spoken yet.

Rong Liyuan, who was already fully dressed, came out from the direction of the kitchen.

He also held a dinner plate in his hand.

He was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, holding a dinner plate in his hand.

But this look doesn't look abrupt, and the aura around him looks even more noble.

"Yingbao." Rong Liyuan's Adam's apple wriggled, and he asked her to stop softly.

Hearing it was his voice, Mu Changying stopped immediately without moving her feet.

She turned around and looked at him, "A Yuan, I'm in a hurry, so I won't have breakfast, you can eat slowly."

There was a lot of anxiety in her tone.

More and more people are infected with K5 virus.

If you go later, the patients in the hospital don't know what will happen.

As a key doctor fighting on the front line in this virus, she can't relax for a moment.

Rong Liyuan looked at the housekeeper, "Pack up the breakfast."

Hearing his words, the butler quickly called a few maids to pack the breakfast.

Rong Liyuan took the packed breakfast.

He walked slowly in front of Mu Changying, and thrust the breakfast into her hand without any doubt, "If you don't want to eat now, take it to the hospital."

Yingbao is still too skinny, he can't do without breakfast.


Mu Changying glanced at the time, then took the breakfast and hurried out.

The driver outside has already been waiting for a long time.

Mu Changying opened the car door and sat in the back seat.

The driver saw her coming up, slammed on the accelerator, and turned the steering wheel.

There was a faint sound of friction between the tires and the ground, and the car drove out quickly.


The speed was extremely fast, but it drove extremely smoothly. Mu Changying didn't feel the slightest bit of discomfort while sitting in the car.

She looked at the driver who was driving and raised her eyebrows, her delicate red lips parted slightly, "The driving skills are not bad."

After being praised, the driver felt a little pride in his heart.

He laughed a few times, raised his hand and scratched his hair, and said a little embarrassedly, "Madam, when I was young, I was the best car driver in our village."

It was precisely because of his good driving skills that he was selected as the driver for his wife.

I heard that Madam's former driver was Special Assistant Bai.

Special assistant Bai's level is always used as a driver for his wife, and when he thinks that he is also his wife's driver now, his pride in his heart is even stronger.

He does the same job as White Assistant.


The driver's skills were very good, and Mu Changying rushed to the hospital without being late.

As soon as he walked into the hospital, there was a layer of dignified atmosphere inside.

The air seemed to be filled with the K5 virus.

The situation is serious and no relaxation is allowed.

The medical staff who came and went were in a hurry, with anxious expressions on their faces.

The spread of the virus is getting faster and faster. At this rate, the famous capital city will soon become a poisonous area.

As one of the commanders of this virus battle, Mu Changying has done a lot.

She sat in the office and was busy all morning, and the time was passing by bit by bit, but she didn't realize it, and she was still addicted to her work.

"Knock knock—"

There was a knock on the office door.

Mu Changying withdrew from his work, then raised his head and glanced at the door, "Come in."

The nurse outside opened the door and entered, "Master Changning, it's getting late now, you should go have lunch."

It's time to get off work at noon.

Many colleagues had already gone to lunch, but she stood at the door for a long time but did not see Dr. Changning coming out.

Mu Changying waved her hand, "No need, go eat, I'm not hungry right now."

There are too many jobs in the hospital, and she can't leave for a moment.

Thinking about the K5 virus, Mu Changying felt a headache.

She reached out and rubbed her forehead.

Seeing her tired appearance, the little nurse's eyes flickered with distress.

"Changning genius doctor, people are iron and rice are steel. If you don't eat a meal, you will be hungry. The body is the capital of the revolution. Only after eating a good meal can you have the strength to continue fighting."

She persuaded earnestly.

But no matter what she said, Mu Changying remained unmoved, and her expression did not change.

She raised her head, with a serious look in her eyes, "Go and eat, I'm not hungry now."

Seeing Mu Changying's serious face, the little nurse still had a lot to say.

But at this moment, everything was blocked in his throat and he couldn't speak.

She moved her mouth, but without saying a word, she nodded and said, "Master Changning, then don't work too late."

After speaking, the little nurse walked out.

The moment she closed the door, she looked at Mu Changying with more and more pain in her eyes.

No, it won't work like this.

She must go to a rescuer to persuade the doctor Changning to eat on time.

Mu Changying continued to be busy for ten minutes.

Seeing that she was a little hungry, she let go of the information in her hand.

Sitting on the chair, the corner of his eyes glanced at the lunch box on the side.

Seeing this lunch box, there was a faint light in his eyes.

Mu Changying stood up, picked up the lunch box, and walked to another private room.

Put the lunch box in the microwave and heat it up, then bring it back to the office.

The moment the lunch box was opened, a strong fragrance filled the office.

Smelling this fragrance, Mu Changying's exhaustion seemed to be swept away.

She picked up the spoon on the side, took a mouthful and stuffed it into her mouth.

The fragrance filled the mouth, and the clear eyes narrowed happily.

This expression is very enjoyable.

The image of her in the hearts of everyone in the hospital is serious. If this expression is seen by others, they will be so surprised that their jaws will drop.

Savoring the delicacy in her mouth, Mu Changying felt as if a wave of warmth flowed through her heart.


With a slight sound, the office door was pushed open.

Fu Huaizheng was wearing a white coat and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose.

He walked into the office, smelled the fragrance inside, and raised his eyebrows.

A faint joke flashed in his eyes, "Just now a little nurse came to complain to me, saying that you don't eat, I thought our hero was going to work hungry."

He held a lunch box in his hand.

Fu Huaizheng naturally pulled away the chair in front of the desk, and sat opposite Mu Changying.

He picked up the food in the lunch box, and then smelled the aroma from her lunch box.

The smile in Fu Huaizheng's eyes deepened, "When did the craftsmanship in the hospital canteen get so good? Or did someone give you a little treatment?"

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