This cooking skill, this fragrance, as soon as he smelled it, he knew it wasn't from the hospital cafeteria at all.

Hearing his teasing voice, Mu Changying raised his eyebrows, and the speed of eating didn't stop.

"Doctor Fu, you are so handsome, if you want to prescribe a small treatment, there are plenty of people who can prescribe it for you."

Just his appearance, because I don't know how many little nurses are coveting him.

When the little nurses saw him, their eyes began to glow, like hungry wolves seeing tender and delicious meat.

Hearing her joke, Fu Huaizheng waved his hands, "Compared to cooking a small stove, I actually prefer the food made by the auntie in the cafeteria."

After all, he doesn't like those people...

Hearing his words, Mu Changying didn't expose him, and continued to work hard.

Just after eating, the hospital sounded a burst of alarm.

After a brief siren sounded, the dean's voice sounded on the radio, "The doctor who has read his name is now invited to attend the emergency meeting in the conference room."

Hearing the principal's anxious voice, Mu Changying and Fu Huaizheng looked at each other, both of them saw worry in each other's eyes.

The virus must be spreading faster and faster, otherwise the dean would not be so anxious.

Without saying a word, the two of them got up and left the office and walked towards the meeting room.

Two people came to the conference room.

Pushing the door open, most of the doctors in the conference room have already been filled.

They randomly picked a place to sit down.

After a few minutes, all the doctors arrived.

The dean who was sitting at the top glanced at everyone, his expression was serious, "Everyone, I want to tell you some sad news."

Seeing the dean's expression and the mournful voice, everyone's eyelids twitched, and a slight uneasiness appeared in their hearts.

Mu Changying sat on the seat.

She lowered her head, a faint light flickered in her eyes.

The dean sighed, "Unfortunately, Dr. Zhang, an outstanding doctor in our hospital, was diagnosed at 12:10 noon today. He was infected with the K5 virus and has now been quarantined."

Hearing the dean's words, a slight surprise flashed in everyone's eyes.

Dr. Zhang, an outstanding doctor in the First City Hospital.

He has been working in the post for 30 years, has been conscientious, and treats every patient very seriously, and has been awarded the honor of excellent doctor many times.

Not only is he serious about his work, but he also has a good relationship with his colleagues.

They did not expect that he would be infected with the K5 virus.

This new type of virus currently has no antidote and no vaccine at all. Once infected, life is in jeopardy.

Thinking that they might lose an excellent doctor, everyone's breath was low.

All of a sudden, there was a haze in the conference room that could not go away.

The dean saw that everyone's morale was low.

He set his eyes on Mu Changying, "Changning genius doctor, you are unparalleled in medical skills. You have done a lot of research on this virus. I hope you can develop a vaccine as soon as possible."

the dean said.

He stood up from his seat and bowed solemnly to Mu Changying, "Please."

Seeing that the dean gave her such a big gift, she stood up.

"Dean, you don't have to be so polite. As one of the main doctors in charge of this virus, I will definitely step up to develop a vaccine."

Seeing the interaction between these two people, a doctor in the corner snorted softly.

He curled his lips and eyes, with a faint disdain flashing inside, and muttered softly.

"She has the name of a genius doctor, but she has no skills. It has been so long since a vaccine has been developed, and it is useless to pin your hopes on her."

As soon as the voice fell, the meeting room was extremely quiet.

The doctor's words were especially loud in the conference room.

All eyes turned to the doctor.

Although some of the doctors here have such thoughts, none of them dare to say it openly.

Sensing that everyone's eyes were on him, the doctor puffed out his chest fearlessly.

He stood up with a bang, patted the table viciously and said loudly.

"I think it's useless to pin our hopes on this yellow-haired girl.

Instead of pinning our hopes on him, we might as well hire foreign doctors with high salaries. Those experts must have done research on this aspect. "

Hearing his words, some people in the meeting room began to echo him.

"Yes, Dean, I agree with this decision."

"I also think that foreign doctors must do more research."

"I have not questioned the medical skills of Changning's miracle doctor, but it is not a bad idea to have one more foreign expert."

"Yes, one more expert can relieve her pressure."


In the conference room, there were a lot of echoing voices.

Mu Changying sat on the chair with a calm expression.

She put her hand on the table, and tapped the table lightly with her long, white fingers.

Looking at this group of doctors, there was no emotion in their eyes, as if they were not talking about her.

She watched them with interest.

After listening for a while, I felt that it was extremely boring, so I curled my lips.

Mu Changying pressed her tongue against the socket of her teeth, picked up a chair beside her and smashed it on the table.


The chair hit the table with a loud bang.

The originally noisy conference room fell silent instantly, everyone looked at each other, and no one dared to say a word.

Seeing that the scene had finally calmed down, Mu Changying's lips curled up in satisfaction.

She put her hands on the table and looked at them, "Your brains may be flooded."

The girl's voice was delicate and soft, but the words she spit out were merciless.

All the doctors present here are well-qualified, how could they bear being scolded by this yellow-haired girl.

Everyone's eyes fell on Mu Changying, with raging anger burning in their eyes.

"What do you girl know?"

"Now is a critical moment. You can't solve this problem by yourself."

"Girl, there are many people and strength, so don't be stubborn."


Hear their voices like flies.

The impatience in Mu Changying's eyes grew more and more, she picked up the chair.

Before they started hitting the table, the scene fell silent.

Mu Changying stuck out her pink tongue and licked her lips, and a sneer came out of her throat.

"Now that the domestic virus is spreading, it can be regarded as a national crisis."

She looked at one of the older doctors, "If you hire foreign doctors with high salaries, it can only show that domestic doctors are incompetent."

"This will give thousands of medical staff an incompetent reputation internationally, and at the same time reduce our country's international influence."

Hearing Mu Changying's voice, some of the hotheaded doctors gradually calmed down.

She glanced at them and continued, "Also, I don't know if the doctors hired with high salaries will be international spies. If so, not only will the virus in our country not be alleviated, but it will even worsen."

"If the lives of tens of thousands of people are threatened, what will you be responsible for?"

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