Mu Changying's voice poured them down like a basin of cold water.

This group of hot-headed people suddenly felt a chill in their hearts.

The noisy crowd was as quiet as a chicken, and no one dared to say a word to break the silence.

Seeing their expressions, the sneer on the corner of Mu Changying's mouth grew even bigger.

She sat back on her seat, crossed her legs, and said casually, "So, didn't your heads get flooded?"

This time, no one dared to refute her words.

Because when you think about it, their heads really seem to be flooded.

The atmosphere in the conference room was particularly dignified.

Seeing their expressions, Fu Huaizheng stood up.

He pushed the mirror frame on the bridge of his nose with his skeletal hands, and there was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, "Now, who else agrees to hire foreign doctors?"

Elder Xu who was sitting among the doctors snorted coldly.

He stroked the non-existent beard on his chin, "If anyone else agrees, then there must be bean dregs in his head."

I received ridicule from several people today, but this group of doctors dare not say anything.

After calming down for a while, one of the doctors stepped forward first.

He said sincerely, "Sorry, what happened just now is because we didn't think carefully."

With someone taking the lead, other doctors also stood up one after another.

They bowed at ninety degrees, "Sorry, what happened just now is because we didn't think carefully."

The doctors were sincere and their voices were loud and clear, and the entire conference room was filled with their voices.

The loud voice made the little nurse at the door of the conference room have doubts in his eyes.

They can't wait to push the door open and see what's going on inside.

Seeing their sincere attitude of admitting their mistakes, Mu Changying nodded.

Fortunately, there is no water in the head, so it is not hopeless.

Mu Changying looked at the group of doctors and said solemnly again.

"Now we are colleagues working on the same front. I hope you can trust me. I will definitely develop a vaccine as quickly as possible."

The K5 virus is spreading faster and faster, and its infectivity is also increasing.

She is also anxious in every possible way.

However, the development of a vaccine is simply impossible to achieve all at once. It will take a lot of energy and time.

Once any of these steps goes wrong, thousands of people will lose their lives.

Seeing her serious expression, the other doctors nodded deeply.

"Changning Miracle Doctor, I believe in you."

"Changning Miracle Doctor, I believe in you."

"Changning Miracle Doctor, we believe in you."

"Changning Miracle Doctor, we believe in you."


The doctors who were still dissatisfied with her just a second ago changed their attitude towards her in a few words.

Elder Xu sat on the side.

Seeing this scene, there was admiration in his eyes.

Not bad, girl Mu is born with the ability to be a leader.

Once she stood in the crowd, she was the biggest focus, making it difficult for people to ignore her.

Believed by so many people, Mu Changying's heart felt warm.


After the meeting, Mu Changying returned to the office.

Thinking of the K5 virus, she felt more and more pressure on her shoulders.

He raised his hand and rubbed his swollen forehead, sighing slightly.

She picked up the mineral water on the table, unscrewed the bottle cap and took a few sips into her mouth.

The cold water made her more awake, and the fatigue in her body slowly disappeared.

After drinking the water, she sat on the office chair and closed her eyes to rest for a while.

Suddenly, the phone made a vibrating sound.

She picked up the phone on the table and turned it on.

As soon as I logged into Weibo, the private messages were almost burst.

The fact that Dr. Zhang from the First City Hospital was infected with the K5 virus has become a hot search.

Netizens on Weibo had already started a quarrel, and they all went to Mu Changying's Weibo to verify.

[I heard that Dr. Zhang in your hospital is infected with the virus, I want to know if this is true? @Mu Changying]

[Even the doctor is infected with the virus, so it means that the protection work is not good, so the other nurses are more dangerous? @Mu Changying]

[This virus is so fierce that many people in the famous capital have been infected. I want to know when the vaccine will be developed? @Mu Changying]

[The virus is spreading so badly that the famous capital is almost turning into a poison zone. Isn't the hospital in the first city too ineffective? @Mu Changying]

[As one of the main persons responsible for the virus this time, I think you need to give an explanation to the general public. @Mu Changying]

[This incident has threatened our lives. I hope you can stand up and give us a definite statement. When will you develop a vaccine? ! @Mu Changying]

On Weibo, many people are criticizing Mu Changying, hoping to get an explanation.

Some people feel particularly incomprehensible about the unreasonable actions of this group of netizens.

[As a fan of brother Xun, I firmly believe in my sister, she will definitely develop a vaccine for the K5 virus, don't put too much pressure on her! 】

[Same as the thought above, I also firmly believe in my sister. 】

【Me too. 】

【Same. 】

【plus one. 】

[Add two. 】


[Add ID number. 】

On the Internet, there are many people who crusade against her, but there are also many people who defend her.

Seeing the crusade by this group of netizens, her eyes were calm.

It's like throwing a stone into the lake, but there is no slightest ripple.

Mu Changying logged into Weibo.

Mu Changying V: [I think the only explanation I can give is to develop a vaccine for the K-5 virus as soon as possible. 】

Her words were concise and clear, without a word of nonsense.

After Mu Changying responded, he received reposts and support from many bigwigs.

Hanzhou Law Firm V: [We believe in you. @Mu Changying]

As the trump card of the industry, this law firm made a statement, and other law firms also stood up one after another.

Victory Law Firm V: [Miss Mu, we believe that you will be able to develop a vaccine. @Mu Changying]

Changsheng Law Firm V: [At this critical juncture, as a doctor fighting on the front line, you must have endured unimaginable pressure. Because of your burden, we will continue to work even if the virus spreads. Have no fear. @Mu Changying]


All the firms stood firmly behind Mu Changying, expressing their trust in her.

Such a big battle really scared the netizens on the Internet.

Netizens who made a lot of noise didn't dare to stand up, for fear of being warned by a lawyer's letter.

[Beautiful, awesome, amazing. I am so impressed by your admiration that I really don't know what to say. 】

[Mu Changying is not only capable, but also has the most powerful connections I have ever seen. 】

[So many firms have come forward, my God. 】

[With so many law firms as backers, who would dare to offend her so easily in the future. 】

[If you offend others, you can also hire a lawyer to file a lawsuit. But if he offends Mu Changying, no lawyer is willing to take over the case. wry smile.jpg]


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