After such a turmoil, the tense atmosphere on the Internet instantly became sand sculptured.

When Mu Changying saw so many people standing behind him, his heart felt particularly warm.

The displeasure in her eyes disappeared completely, and while she was warm, she felt that the burden on her shoulders was also getting heavier.

Mu Changying put down the phone.

After changing the white coat on his body, he put on the sterile suit and walked to the laboratory beside him.

As soon as she walked into the laboratory, the heat that hit her face made her feel slightly uncomfortable.

Mu Changying's forehead was overflowing with sweat.

"Hoo hoo hoo..."

Crystal beads of sweat hung on her forehead, making her skin more white, tender and delicate.

She held a bottle of potion in her hand and began to add various things to it.

Every time she added, she took out the notebook that was set aside and began to record carefully.

The temperature in the laboratory was so high that even the notebook began to become slightly damp.

Worked in the laboratory for a long time.

When Mu Changying walked out of the laboratory, her body was already completely wet.

The clothes stuck to her body, making her figure even more delicate and exquisite.

Fortunately, her office is independent and there are no other people.

If other people saw her figure, they would definitely get nosebleeds.

After walking out of the laboratory, the temperature was finally not so hot, and Mu Changying let out a foul breath.

Feeling sticky all over her body, she felt uncomfortable for a while.

Pushing open the door of the office and walking inside, she changed out of the sterile clothes immediately.

Although I changed my clothes, I wiped off the sweat on my body.

But smelling the smell of sweat on her body, Mu Changying frowned.

She frowned, as if she could pinch a fly to death.

Mu Changying stepped aside.

He opened the bag, took out a small bottle of perfume from the bag and sprayed it on his body.

The smell of sweat was covered, and there was a faint fragrance on his body.

She glanced at the time, it was already ten o'clock in the evening.

He picked up his bag, quickly pushed open the door of the office, and walked out.

The hospital is still brightly lit, and there are many medical staff working overtime.

Walked out of the First City Hospital.

The evening wind outside blows slowly and blows on her body, making her feel refreshed.

Mu Changying enjoyed the evening breeze for a while, and from the corner of her eye, she inadvertently caught sight of a car parked on the side of the road.

He glanced casually and saw the familiar license plate, then paced towards the car.

The people sitting in the car opened the door and got out as if they had a tacit understanding with Mu Changying.

Seeing that the person who came to pick her up was Rong Liyuan, Mu Changying quickened his pace.

She didn't even say a word to him, just opened the car door and walked up.

Instead of sitting in the co-pilot, she chose to sit in the back.

As soon as he sat on it, Mu Changying hurriedly urged, "Ah Yuan, let's go home early."

Seeing her series of wrong movements, a dark light flickered in his eyes.

He didn't speak, just put his hands on the steering wheel and tapped lightly.

There was silence in the car, seeing that he was silent, Mu Changying's heart beat faster.

Mu Changying pursed her lips, "A Yuan, I feel a little uncomfortable today, and I want to go home early."

Her voice is still delicate and soft.

Seeing her expression, he originally felt something was wrong in his heart, but at this moment everything was thrown into the sky.

"Okay, let's go home."

No matter what Ying Bao said, he was willing to believe it.

Seeing that he didn't ask any more questions, Mu Changying breathed a sigh of relief.


It was really embarrassing to have been busy in the laboratory all afternoon without taking a shower.


Along the way, the two of them were silent and did not exchange a word.

Soon, the car drove into the Rong mansion.

The car is parked in the garage.

As soon as the car door opened, Mu Changying jumped down nimbly like a monkey.

With the bag in his hand, he hurried towards the hall.


The housekeeper standing at the entrance of the hall saw her in a hurry and was about to pay attention, but who knew that Mu Changying never stopped in front of him.

She sprinted all the way to the second floor.


Looking at her back, the housekeeper standing in the hall was full of doubts.

? ? ? ?

What's wrong with Madam, is there some evil ghost chasing her behind?

But he believed that if there were really evil spirits chasing her, the second master would stand up and block her immediately.

The housekeeper stood in the living room for a while, only to see Rong Liyuan approaching unhurriedly.

He raised his hand and pointed to the direction of the second floor, "Second Lord, madam..."

Before he finished talking, Rong Liyuan interrupted him, "It's all right."

After speaking, he walked into the kitchen.

Seeing him walk into the kitchen, the housekeeper became even more puzzled.

What is Er Ye doing in the kitchen?

Seeing that he hadn't come out for a long time, the housekeeper went straight into the kitchen.

Once inside, he saw Rong Liyuan wearing an apron.


Seeing him like this, there was consternation in his eyes.

The housekeeper took a few steps back subconsciously, and looked around. The policeman looked like he was afraid of being killed.

Rong Liyuan raised his head, glanced at him calmly, "Hit me."

The housekeeper was in a daze, and he couldn't help but follow what he said.

"Okay, okay..." He stepped forward, washing the dishes very stiffly.

Second master actually wants to cook?

Can it be eaten?

The housekeeper was full of doubts, but he didn't dare to ask a word.

If such words were asked, he would definitely be murdered.


In the kitchen, one person is cooking and the other is laying hands.

There was no unnecessary communication between the two, only the sound of cooking, which was extraordinarily weird.



Mu Changying took a shower and came out wearing a bathrobe.

Wearing a black bathrobe on her body, her skin looks more white, tender and delicate.

Her hair was wet and loose, and water droplets fell down.

It slid down the cheeks and into the neck, making the whole person look even more beautiful and delicious.

Those long bare legs made people's eyes widen when they walked.


After taking a bath, Mu Changying felt refreshed all over.

With a smile on her lips, she walked aside, picked up the hair dryer and started drying her hair.

It feels really good to take a shower.

After her hair was blown, she changed out of the bathrobe she was wearing, put on a homey white nightgown, casually pulled her hair into a bun, and walked out of the room with a pair of pink and tender slippers.

This outfit makes her look particularly delicate, cute and youthful.


Seeing that there was no one in the hall, a trace of doubt flashed in her eyes.

Usually at this point, dinner is already served at home, why is the hall empty today?

When she was wondering, there was a slight sound from the kitchen.

Mu Changying raised her head, and saw a scene she would never forget.

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