Rong Liyuan came out of the kitchen wearing an apron and carrying a plate.

Seeing Mu Changying who was already sitting in the hall, his body stiffened slightly, and a trace of uneasiness flashed in his eyes.

He tried to cover it up and said, "There are not enough people in the kitchen, I'm going to serve some dishes."

Hearing what he said, Mu Changying's mouth twitched.

She leaned on the table with one hand and looked at his outfit with interest.

She didn't expose him, "Is today's maid on vacation?"

The butler who had just walked out of the kitchen heard this and was about to explain the result when he received a vicious warning from Rong Liyuan.

The housekeeper swallowed wildly, "Ma'am, I gave some maids a day off at my own discretion, you don't blame me, do you?"

Mu Changying looked at the seamless performance of the two of them, "No, how could I blame you?"

Seeing that there was indeed no trace of doubt in her eyes, Rong Liyuan heaved a sigh of relief.

He put his contents on the table and took off his apron.

After all the dishes were served, Rong Liyuan put a relatively good-looking dish in Mu Changying's bowl, "Ying Bao, try it and see how this dish tastes."

Although he was very calm, Mu Changying could still see a trace of tension in his eyes.

Glancing at the vegetables in the bowl, he picked them up and stuffed them into his mouth.

As soon as this dish entered her mouth, a slight light flashed in her eyes.

This taste is completely different from the taste made by ordinary chefs.

Rong Liyuan's hand holding the chopsticks tightened slightly, "How is it?"

Mu Changying nodded, and said seriously, "Yeah, the taste is very good, this dish is delicious."

After finishing speaking, she looked at the butler standing aside, "Butler, remember to give the chef a raise."

Hearing Mu Changying's words, the housekeeper who was standing by the side stiffened.

He twitched the corners of his mouth, and tried hard to squeeze out a stiff smile, "Good madam, I will definitely pay the chief patriarch."

He looked at Mu Changying, and the doubts in his eyes became more and more serious.

Are the dishes Erye cooks really so delicious?

Madam gave such a high evaluation.

Could it be that the second master really has a talent for cooking?

The butler was full of doubts, but he couldn't find anyone to answer them.

Looking at the dishes on the table, Mu Changying kept putting them into the bowl, feeling very satisfied with the food, "It's delicious."

This is the first time Ah Yuan cooks for her, and she must show face.

Seeing her eating so happily, the smile in Rong Liyuan's eyes deepened.

He picked up the chopsticks and was about to pick up a dish and put it in the bowl, but before it even touched the dish, Mu Changying knocked the chopsticks away.

She pursed her lips and said, "A Yuan, these dishes are delicious, can you let me eat alone?"

Her expression was sincere and innocent, and she really looked like she was acting like a baby.

Rong Liyuan: "..."

Looking at her expression, there was a faint glint in her eyes.

If the dishes were really so delicious, Yingbao would definitely be willing to share them with him.

The dark light in the pupils became more and more intense, and Mu Changying's expression did not change a bit when he stared at him with this pair of eyes.

"Yingbao, I'll take a bite."

After finishing speaking, he ignored Mu Changying's answer, and forcefully picked up a dish and put it in the bowl.

He took a bite of the rice and stuffed the dish into his mouth.


His sharp-edged face was slightly distorted, his brows were tightly furrowed, and there was a deep and deep breath lingering around him.

Trying hard to swallow the food in his mouth, he looked at the girl in front of him.

He sighed, picked up the water on the table, and poured a few sips into his mouth, "Yingbao, you don't have to be so reluctant."

Since it doesn't taste good, don't eat it, and don't try to cater to him.

His original intention of cooking was to hope that she would be happy, but the result was unexpected...

Mu Changying stuffed a dish into her mouth, "A Yuan, I think it's quite delicious."

Although this dish is not as good as any delicacies from mountains and seas, it is not particularly unpalatable.

At best, it is mediocre, without any advantages, but I can't find any disadvantages either.


She didn't stop eating, the light in Rong Liyuan's eyes flickered on and off.

Seeing that Mu Changying was eating so happily, he also stuffed another dish into his mouth.

"Yingbao, this is the fruit of my labor, I want to eat more."

Like a child, he put all the dishes on the plate into the bowl.

This dish is so unpalatable, what if Ying Bao eats it badly?


The butler standing aside raised his hand and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

He assures that he has absolutely no intention of gloating.

But he feels that this is the correct way to develop Er Ye's cooking skills.

The madam is really too generous to say that it is delicious.


Seeing him put all these vegetables into the bowl in two or three strokes, the corners of Mu Changying's mouth curled up, "A Yuan..."

She was interrupted by him before she finished speaking, "It's not good to waste food."

A chuckle escaped Mu Changying's throat, "I didn't say I'd throw it away, what I meant was that I could share it with you."

But Ah Yuan was cooking for the first time, how could she be willing to throw it away?

Rong Liyuan shook his head, "Yingbao, you don't need to eat this."

After finishing speaking, he looked up at the housekeeper, "Let the kitchen prepare another dinner for Yingbao."

Ying Bao just ate a little bit, so he must not be full.

But if he continued to let her eat it, the dish would be too unpalatable for him to bear.

Hearing his words, the butler turned and walked towards the kitchen.

"No need, butler."

Mu Changying stood up from her seat, "A Yuan, eat less, don't you want to imitate my skills?"

After finishing speaking, she picked up the apron that Rong Liyuan had just worn and put it on, then rolled up her sleeves and walked towards the kitchen.

Walking into the kitchen, he glanced at the ingredients inside.

Mu Changying's eyes stopped on the noodles.

Boil a pot of boiling water.

She picked up a few small cabbages and cleaned them.

After the water boils, put the cabbage into the pot, cook it halfway, pick it up, then put it aside for later use, and then put an appropriate amount of noodles into the pot.

The noodles are cooked thoroughly, then scoop them up and put the cabbage in a bowl.

Mu Changying picked up the pan, put a proper amount of oil in the pan, and cracked two eggs after the pan was hot.

Fry the eggs well, scoop them up and put them in a bowl, and add some seasonings.

This bowl of noodles looks simple, but the aroma is overflowing.

Mu Changying walked out of the kitchen with her face straightened.

He put the noodles on the table and glanced casually.

Only then did she realize that Rong Liyuan had already eaten all the dishes he had just cooked.

"..." There was a hint of helplessness in her eyes.

The taste of the dishes just now was not very good, it was really embarrassing for Ah Yuan to finish them all.

"good smell."

Rong Liyuan looked at the bowl of noodles in front of him, picked up the chopsticks, picked up the noodles and stuffed them into his mouth.

The noodles were a bit hot, but he still ate without changing his face.

Mu Changying chuckled, "A Yuan, eat slowly."

Don't worry, this is specially made for you to eat, no one will snatch it from you.

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