Mingducheng Airport.


But with a sound of rubbing through the eardrums, the car stopped steadily.

Being a car is expensive and has a domineering appearance, it attracts the attention of countless people as soon as it stops.

The door opens.

Mu Changying and Fu Huaizheng walked down together.

Both of them were wearing white coats, with serious expressions, handsome men and women, and they were particularly eye-catching when they walked together.

"These two people are both wearing white coats. Are they doctors? The man is so handsome, and the woman is also very beautiful. She looks so CP."

"Damn it, are all the doctors so rich now? The cars they drive are so expensive, I would have gone to study medicine if I knew those years..."

Seeing these two friends who were discussing a lot, the girl in a JK uniform said excitedly while pinching her mobile phone.

"I just went to Baidu, and guess what I found?"

Her excited voice successfully attracted the eyes of the two friends.

The girl in uniform pinched the phone with one hand, and pointed to the direction Mu Changying had just gone with the other, "The girl who just walked past is Mu Changying, ahh, I like her so much, she is my idol!"

Seeing the excitement on her face, the other two girls closed their mouths and raised their hands to wipe the sweat that didn't exist on their foreheads.

Everyone in the capital city knows that Mu Changying's husband is Second Master Rong.

If the second master knew that they were just talking about his wife having CP feelings with other people, the two of them would definitely be torn apart.


Mu Changying and Fu Huaizheng showed their IDs and walked into the airport together.

In the airport.

In order to express the importance Mingducheng attaches to the medical team of city B, the leaders directly dispatched a special forces team.

They will pick them up from the airport and escort them to the First City Hospital to protect the safety of the medical team.

Mu Changying and Fu Huaizheng stood together with the troops.

Neither of them was frightened by the murderous aura on these people.

They stood side by side with a strong aura, and they seemed to have no sense of disobedience.


With the sound of propellers, a plane stopped ahead.

The hatch opened, and the first thing that caught the eyes was a touch of white.

People from the medical team in city B walked slowly in white coats.

"It's him."

Seeing the leader this time, a trace of surprise flashed across Fu Huaizheng's shining eyes.

The leader of City B turned out to be Mr. Lin.

Elder Lin, full name Lin Shijie, is one of the outstanding doctors in Huaguo, the veteran of doctors in City B.

They are willing to send Mr. Lin, it seems that they really value this support very much.

Mu Changying could see his surprise.

After thinking about it for a while, she knew that the identity of the leading old man was extraordinary.

Mu Changying glanced at him lightly, "Let's go."

After tidying up for a while, they lifted their feet and walked forward.

The two parties met in the middle.

There are about 30 medical staff in City B, and only Mu Changying and Fu Huaizheng are in the First City Hospital of the capital city.

There are many people on the opposite side, and they have an advantage in terms of numbers alone.

But when Mu Changying and the others got up, they didn't fall down, and their aura remained undiminished.

"Welcome to Mingdu City. We sincerely thank you for being willing to support us in this critical moment."

With a decent smile on the corner of Mu Changying's mouth, she reached out to shake hands with Elder Lin.

Fu Huaizheng, "Mr. Lin, you are exhausted from traveling and traveling, it's hard work."

Hearing this, Lin Shijie waved his hands again and again, and smiled friendlyly, "No hard work, no hard work, mutual help is a traditional virtue of our country."

The leaders of Mingdu City specially sent a plane to pick them up.

For such a short distance, the capital has given him enough face and sincerity. He is really embarrassed to say that he has worked hard.

A female doctor standing behind Lin Shijie heard the greetings and glanced at Mu Changying with a trace of impatience in her eyes.

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