Lin Yiyi's eyes fell on Mu Changying's body, seeing her fair and delicate face, the dislike in her eyes became more intense.

"This leading female doctor looks young, is she really real?"

She, Lin Yiyi, did not deliberately cover her voice, so as soon as this sentence fell, the entire medical team heard it.

Although some of these people have the same idea as her, it's not good to say it openly in public.

The atmosphere at the scene was a little weird for a while.

Everyone looked at me, I looked at you, and finally looked down at the floor in unison, silent.

It never occurred to them that this girl didn't give face at all.

Hearing this, Lin Shijie squeezed out a stiff smile, "Sorry, my granddaughter is still young and naive."

Mu Changying shrugged his shoulders timidly.

Although she was apologizing, she could clearly see that there was not much apology in Lin Shijie's eyes.

There was a smile on the corner of her mouth, "Oh?"

Mu Changying's eyes fell on Lin Yiyi casually.


This lazy voice was extraordinarily loud in the silent crowd.

The girl's voice is delicate and delicate, with a slightly rising ending, with a hint of sweetness, just like the malt candy she ate when she was a child.

The ears of some people present who were teased began to soften, and their heartbeats accelerated involuntarily.


Inside the medical team, a young-looking female doctor was covering her heart with her hands.

Jiu Qingqing swallowed, and looked at Mu Changying with burning eyes.

Damn, this young lady's voice is so nice, she feels like her ears are going to be pregnant!


Lin Shijie looked at Mu Changying's expression.

His face sank slightly, and he stretched out his hand to pinch Lin Yiyi's arm.

With a rigid voice, he said with a sense of teaching, "You girl, how do you talk? You really have been abroad for a long time, and you don't know the customs of the country at all."

This time, Lin Yiyi was completely excused.


The arm was pinched, although it didn't hurt very much, but it was treated like this in public.

Lin Yiyi felt a little ashamed, so she glared at Mu Changying, and her eyes became even more uncomfortable.

Damn it, if it wasn't for this female doctor, how could I be so ashamed? !

"Professor Lin, Yiyi is still young, she will change these habits in the future."

Hear this voice.

Mu Changying raised her head, raised her eyebrows, and looked at the source of the sound.

The male doctor who spoke was about twenty-five years old, with an ordinary appearance, but his breath was rare and gentle.

Most importantly, he looked at Lin Yiyi with tenderness in his eyes.

After Zhuoyo finished speaking, he turned his gaze to Mu Changying, "This doctor, Yiyi is still young and ignorant, I'm here to apologize to you."

As he spoke, he bowed at ninety degrees, with a particularly sincere attitude, without any perfunctory or impatience.

Zhuo Zhuo, "I hope you can forgive her."

Two people pleaded for Lin Yiyi one after another.

Mu Changying's tongue was pressed against the tooth socket, and there was a faint light in those clear eyes.

She glanced at Lin Yiyi with a half-smile, and then looked at Excellence with interest.

The delicate red lips parted slightly, "Well, for things like apologizing, of course it's better for the person concerned to do it in person."

His eyes flickered, and he looked at Lin Yiyi, "Are you right?"

Obviously her voice was delicate, but for some reason, Lin Yiyi felt a chill rushing up from the soles of her feet.


She pursed her lips, and the three words "I'm sorry" were stuck in her mouth, and she couldn't say it.

Seeing Lin Yiyi stammering, the interest in Mu Changying's eyes became more intense.

She didn't say anything, just quietly looked at the opposite person.


Seeing the way the two looked at each other, the atmosphere at the scene became even more weird.

Everyone present took a step back, for fear of being hurt by Chi Yu.

"what happened to you?"

Mu Changying blinked her slender eyelashes as long as feathers, and there was just the right amount of doubt in her eyes.

As if he really didn't know anything.

Seeing her like this, the anger in Lin Yiyi's heart became more intense, but the anger was suppressed in her heart, and she couldn't vent it no matter what.

Lin Yiyi's good-looking little face was a little distorted.


Looking at Mu Changying's vigorous teasing with Lin Yiyi, Fu Huaizheng's eyes shone brightly.

The already alluring eyes are even more dazzling because of this luster.

He glanced at Lin Yiyi, and his eyes fell on Mu Changying again.

Glancing at the two of them, he stretched out his slender index finger and pushed the eye sockets hanging on the bridge of the nose.

"But, from my point of view, Miss Lin seems to be older than Mu Changying."

His voice is hoarse and magnetic.

This voice made the hearts of the female doctors present beat faster.

They held their little hearts one by one, feeling the breath of hormones coming from all directions, and it was almost pervasive.


The corners of the male doctors' mouths twitched, and all of them kept their mouths tightly shut.

This male doctor really doesn't pay attention to style at all, and he doesn't understand the slightest bit of compassion.

Facing Lin Yiyi's beautiful and innocent face, he could say such words cruelly.


Mu Changying glanced at Lin Shijie's dark complexion.

There was light in her eyes, and her eyes fell on Lin Yiyi.

Seeing the other party's distorted face, he couldn't help it, and burst out laughing.

She smiled and trembled, covering her mouth gently with her hands.

Even when you are smiling, you are still elegant and charming, making it difficult for people to feel disgusted.

"Doctor Fu, it's better not to tell the truth like this, because it's easy to hurt people."

Mu Changying walked to Fu Huaizheng's side.

She stretched out her hand and patted Fu Huaizheng's shoulder lightly, with earnest words written all over her face.

He didn't seem to understand the meaning of Mu Changying's words at all.

There was a hint of a smile in his deep eyes, "To tell the truth, what hurts?"

The sexy Adam's apple squirmed, and a series of deep laughter overflowed from his throat.

The beautiful man stood in front of him with such a charming smile.

But Lin Yiyi didn't have any kind of charming thoughts in her heart.

Her whole body was gloomy, and that innocent little face was full of anger.

He raised his hand and pointed at Fu Huaizheng, "You, you..."

Fortunately, this man looks like a dog, but his words are so hurtful.


Sensing her cold breath, Zhuoyou frowned slightly.

He looked at Mu Changying and Fu Huaizheng, with a hint of displeasure in his eyes.

What they said was so hurtful.

Yiyi is still so young, how can she bear it?

Zhuoyou comforted him clumsily, "Yiyi, don't be angry."

Did you know that getting too angry can easily damage your body.

More importantly, seeing you angry makes me feel bad...

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