Zhuoyou patted Lin Yiyi's shoulder lightly.

His movements were gentle, as if he was dealing with a priceless treasure, and he was afraid that it would be broken if he didn't pay attention.

While patting gently, he looked at Mu Changying and Fu Huaizheng opposite.

He had already stood up and apologized for Lin Yi just now, but he didn't expect these two people to be so bitter.

The doctors at the No. 1 City Hospital in Mingdu City are nothing more than that, they are so small-minded.

"You don't touch me."

Although Lin Yiyi looks pure and innocent, but she has a particularly irritable temper, she slapped away Zhuo Liang's hand on the shoulder with a single slap.

Her face was full of unhappiness, and the breath around her was low.

Seeing her like this, the pain in Zhuo Zhuo's eyes became even greater.

He hesitated for a while, then took a step forward, tightly protecting Lin Yiyi.

Glaring at them, "Yiyi is still young, she is just ignorant, I hope you don't take the careless words just now."

"But what you just said was too much, I hope you can apologize to Yiyi."


Hearing Zhuo Liang's words, the corners of the mouths of the people present twitched. They looked at Zhuo Zhuo with confusion in their eyes.

After Ming's brief period of confusion, everyone was speechless. They looked up at the sky, wishing they had to know this person.

Is this person an idiot to say such a thing?

Obviously it was Lin Yiyi who provoked first, but he actually came up with such a flower asking for an apology from the other party.


Hearing Zhuo Zhuo's words, the corners of Mu Changying's mouth twitched visibly.

She raised her head, covered her forehead gently, and sighed silently.

Fu Huaizheng next to her reached out and pushed the gold-rimmed glasses hanging on the bridge of her nose.

A faint gleam flashed in his pair of deep eyes.

Looking up and down at the person in front of him, the corner of his mouth slightly raised, "It seems that you are not mentally retarded."

His voice was cold and his words were merciless.


Hearing Fu Huaizheng's words, Mu Changying's smile became even more intense.

She tried her best to control her facial expression, but the smile on the corner of her mouth was still slightly raised.

Mu Changying glanced at Fu Huaizheng, "Doctor Fu, don't be so straightforward."

Such a straightforward truth can easily hurt the doctor's fragile heart.

"You!" Zhuoyou didn't expect Fu Huaizheng to mock him so mercilessly.

The gentle aura around him disappeared, and was tainted with a trace of sharpness.

His forehead was bulging with blue veins, and his whole body was like an exposed lion.

Seeing his angry look, Mu Changying's eyes flickered with puzzlement.

She raised her head and looked at Zhuo Zhuo, "This doctor, we don't quite understand why we have to apologize?"

Standing in the crowd, Jiu Qingqing looked at Zhuoyue and Lin Yiyi, waited, and muttered softly, "Made, idiot, mentally retarded."

They came to support the First City Hospital of Mingdu City this time, in order to solve the current predicament, instead of letting this fool provoke the other party again and again for a woman.

Zhuo Zhuo, "What you said just now has already hurt Yiyi."

He speaks eloquently, his words are sonorous and powerful, and there is no guilty conscience on his face.


Mu Changying shook her head, there was a hint of surprise in her clear eyes.

It was the first time she had seen such a brazen person.

She put her hands in her pockets, raised her feet casually, and walked towards the person opposite.

When he came to Lin Yiyi, he stopped.

She stretched out her slender white index finger and gently pinched Lin Yiyi's chin.

"what are you doing?!"

Her jaw was pinched, her tone was bad, and her eyes were full of anger.

"Crazy, let me go quickly, what do you want to do?!"

His voice was sharp.

Mu Changying picked out his ears.

She looked at Lin Yiyi's face seriously.

Zhuo Zhuo said, "If you have something to say, please let go of Yiyi."

Seeing his nervous appearance, Lin Shijie didn't feel the slightest bit of happiness inside.

The old face was full of seriousness, and there was anger in his eyes.

This idiot, there are so many people at the scene, what can the doctor of Changning do to Yiyi?

"Don't be so nervous."

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to her." Mu Changying muttered with her pink mouth.

If she really wanted to do something to Lin Yiyi, why such a stupid way?


Seeing Mu Changying having fun.

Although I don't know what idea she has in mind.

But Fu Huaizheng still stepped forward and stood aside, preventing Excellence from disturbing him.


The chin was pinched tightly, Lin Yiyi dared not speak out.

A lot of swear words are accumulated in my heart, but I dare not say it because of my image and occasion.

"Hmm..." Mu Changying looked at it for a long time before letting go.

She raised her brows, with a hint of seriousness in her tone.

"But no matter how I look at it, I feel that what I just said is not wrong."

"Miss Lin does look older than me." Mu Changying rested her chin with one hand.

After watching for a long time, is it just for this answer?

The corners of Fu Huaizheng's mouth rose, his sexy Adam's apple twitched, and a series of low laughter overflowed, "Heh..."

Hearing this laughter, Jiu Qingqing blushed and swallowed.

Covering his heart with one hand, he kept facing himself in his heart, saying calm down.

Masculinity misleads people, masculinity misleads people.

With such a lively and handsome man standing in front of her, she almost couldn't hold back.

Lin Yiyi was short of breath with anger, "You, how did you talk?"

She is not much older than this woman, why does she keep saying "old"?

Seeing Lin Yiyi's panic-stricken look, Mu Changying looked puzzled.

Innocence and harmlessness were written all over her white and tender face, and her voice was slightly surprised, "Ah, is it possible that you are younger than me?"

As he spoke, he raised his foot forward.

Mu Changying stood beside Lin Yiyi, and looked at her seriously again.

"It's not my fault for admitting my mistake. Your face is really not well maintained, so it's no wonder you look older than me."

He looks harmless and speaks a delicate and soft voice, but the words he speaks can make people vomit blood.

Lin Yiyi was short of breath, she pursed her dry lips and said angrily, "I am indeed older than you, needless to say!"

Her sharp voice attracted people around to look at her.

Aware of gazes from all directions, a slight uneasiness appeared on his face.

Mu Changying smiled, "Oh, that's how it is."

Seeing the angry look on this little girl's face, she didn't mind continuing to argue with her.

Zhuo Zhuo's face was gloomy, "You..."

Seeing his expression, Lin Shijie interrupted the doctor as soon as he was about to speak, "Okay, Doctor Changning was just joking."

Excellence is still not reconciled, "But..."

What this man did to Yiyi just now was too much.

Lin Shijie, "Shut up!"

Hearing his majestic voice, Excellence stopped arguing.

Professor Lin was already angry.

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