Lin Shijie's eyes were filled with warning, and he took a deep look at the two of them.

Being stared at by this gaze, Zhuo Zhuo and Lin Yiyi didn't dare to do anything wrong again, and stood obediently, not daring to say a word.

Lin Shijie looked at Mu Changying with a stiff smile, "Master Changning, my granddaughter is not sensible, so please don't be fussy with her."

Such an old gentleman who has won numerous honors personally apologized to Mu Changying.

Seeing the sincerity in his eyes, she stopped making troubles, "Mr. Lin, the dean has arranged a dinner for you to clean up the dust. This way please."

Seeing that she didn't continue to get angry about this matter, Mr. Lin nodded.

He stretched out his hand and stroked his beardless chin with a look of satisfaction on his face.

Although there was a little bit of trouble just now, I still know how to put the overall situation first, which is not bad.

A group of people, led by Mu Changying and Fu Huaizheng, walked towards the outside of the airport.

Lin Yiyi's body pressure was extremely low.

"Yiyi, don't be angry..." Looking at the girl next to him, Zhuoyou stuttered to comfort her.

But he really wasn't very good at comforting people, he kept saying don't get angry over and over again.

After talking several times, Lin Yiyi felt particularly irritable.

She quickened her pace and walked ahead, leaving people behind fiercely.

Lin Yiyi frowned, "Are you annoying?"

Seeing that she didn't want to go with him, a trace of hurt flashed in his eyes.

Jiu Qingqing walked behind.

Seeing the appearance of the two of them, she rolled her eyes, "Lick the dog."

Hearing her voice, the doctor walking beside her took her hand, "Qingqing, you should talk less."

Don't look at Zhuo Zhuo's gentle and elegant demeanor, but he is quite scary when he loses his temper.

Since Lin Yiyi returned to China, Dr. Zhuo has been around Lin Yiyi.

Although they all knew that Lin Yiyi didn't like being a doctor at all.

Jiu Qingqing didn't hold back at all, "Lick the dog, lick the dog, until you end up with nothing."

Zhuoyou, who was walking ahead, paused.

He turned around and glanced at Jiu Qingqing, his brows were cold, and his whole body was covered with cold air.

Being stared at by this gloomy gaze, she was taken aback for a moment, and then continued to roll her eyes indecently in front of Excellence.


Seeing her dying, the doctor standing next to her kept tugging at her sleeves.

The female doctor lowered her voice, "Qingqing."

Keep winking at Jiu Qingqing.

"..." Excellence frowned.

After thinking for a while, without saying anything, he raised his foot and followed Lin Yiyi closely.


As time went by, after about 20 minutes, the car stopped in front of a hotel.

The door opened and members of the medical team stepped out.

Looking at the hotel plaque, with the word "Emperor" gleaming in gold, a trace of surprise flashed in their eyes.

Even if they haven't walked inside, they can imagine from the outside that this hotel is by no means ordinary. Just looking at the decoration, it is at least four-star or above.

Lin Yiyi, who was still in a bad mood, looked at the Dorsett Hotel, nodded, and gave a rare voice of appreciation, "It looks pretty good."

The people from the No. 1 City Hospital in Mingdu City seemed not to be stingy, and it was worthwhile for them to come all the way to support them.


Seeing the joyful look on her face, Zhuo Liang's tense nerves finally loosened.

Mu Changying stopped at the entrance of the hotel.

She turned around and glanced at the crowd, stretched out her hand, and said in a flat voice, "Old Lin, everyone, please."

Lin Shijie raised his foot.

Lin Yiyi followed closely behind.

She curled her lips, "It's a good thing it's not a small hotel, otherwise I wouldn't have come."


Hearing her words, other people walking behind raised their foreheads one after another.

Has this man's IQ been eaten by dogs?

Walk into Emgrand.

The hotel lobby is not as magnificent as imagined, and the decoration is elegant and classic everywhere.

In the hall, well-dressed men and women shuttled back and forth.

They all had decent smiles on the corners of their mouths, and they had extraordinary auras around them.

Just a quick glance can tell that there are quite a few local tyrants in the Dorsett Hotel.


There are quite a few local tyrants coming and going, but this is the first time that the hotel has received so many doctors.

Everyone is wearing white coats, walking together, quite imposing.

The income of ordinary doctors cannot be afforded here.

But the hotel staff didn't dare to underestimate these medical staff when they thought of the recent plight of Mingdu City.

Therefore, this medical team did not encounter any staff who looked down on others, and the waiters who were escorted along the way treated them with extra courtesy.


Fu Huaizheng, who was walking in front, stopped suddenly, and his gaze was fixed on the front.

Seeing him stop, Mu Changying also stopped.

Following Fu Huaizheng's gaze, he saw two girls standing in front of him.

Their backs are facing each other, so their specific faces cannot be seen clearly.

But just looking at the back, she felt vaguely familiar.

Mu Changying's eyes narrowed, and there was a probing light in them.

"Jiaojiao, we've finished eating, let's go home." Looking at the soft and delicate girl in front of her, Fu Xianxian had love in her eyes.

"Hmm." Fu Jiaojiao raised her hand and rubbed her round belly.

This satiated look looks like a stealing cat.

After rubbing for a while, Fu Jiaojiao put down her hand and took Fu Xianxian's arm.

"Sister Xianxian, let's go to other places to play for a while before going home."

A pair of clear eyes sparkled with starlight, and her delicate face was full of excitement.

Seeing her excited look, Fu Xianxian's heart softened like a spring water.

She was a little dizzy from being shaken, "Okay, Jiaojiao, let go first."

Fu Jiaojiao muttered to her pink and tender red lips, and looked at her expectantly, "Then do you agree?"

She said a little harshly, "If you don't agree, then I won't let go."

Although it seems to have a little threat.

But the voice is delicate and soft, and this little expression makes people feel that there is no threat at all.

Fu Xianxian was troubled, "This..."

Recently, the virus has spread wantonly in the famous capital city, and she didn't even want to come out today.

But Jiaojiao kept making noises and wanted to come out. She was so noisy that she had no choice but to bring someone out.


Mu Changying's ears were very sensitive.

Although they couldn't see their faces clearly, their conversation fell into her ears clearly.

There was a smile in her eyes, and she licked her dry lower lip with her tongue.

Fu Huaizheng raised his foot and walked towards the two girls without saying a word.


Seeing his sudden movement, the people in the medical team were confused, wondering what Dr. Fu was going to do?

All eyes were on the two girls standing in front.

Being stared at by so many eyes, Fu Xianxian and Fu Jiaojiao felt like they were on their backs.

The two of them looked at each other, stopped communicating, and stood quietly.

The surrounding area was too quiet, and the atmosphere was a bit weird. For some reason, there was a sense of uneasiness in my heart.

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