The head of the Tianyin Sect had a gloomy expression, and turbulent waves were brewing in his eyes.

He clenched his hands tightly, and there were five creaking sounds from the bones.

After a while, he raised his head, suppressing the blood in his eyes, "I don't know how much Lord Xiao wants to add."

Rong Liyuan rubbed his hands, feeling the faint calluses on his fingertips.

The sexy Adam's apple squirmed, and a series of hoarse laughter overflowed from the throat, sexy and charming, "I think the number of 30 million is quite nice, I don't know what the door's idea is."

He was talking about asking, but his tone didn't mean to ask at all.

A powerful aura lingers around him, making one unbearably terrified.

The master of Tianyinmen was furious, but seeing the two boxes of goods in front of him, he had to smash his teeth and swallow them in his mouth.

After hesitating for less than a minute, he said, "Yes."

Although the estimated price of this batch of goods was a little higher than he had imagined, it would definitely make a profit after reselling.

This can not only earn a lot of money, but also add bricks and tiles to the Tianyin Gate and strengthen its power.

Rong Liyuan raised his eyebrows and chuckled, "The door master is refreshing."

After finishing speaking, he raised his hand and signaled Bai Mo to hand over the two boxes of goods to the other party himself.

Bai Mo understood, carried the goods, and walked to the head of Tianyin Gate.


Handed over the box to the other party in person, turned around and stood behind Rong Liyuan, in a vaguely protective posture.

The head of the Tianyin Sect carried the box himself, feeling a burning sensation in his heart, and his heart beat faster and faster.

Jiang Zhi and Lu Jin also showed surprise on their faces, but the vigilance in Kui Qing's eyes, who was standing to one side, did not dissipate from the beginning to the end.

He always felt that today's matter would not go so smoothly.

Seeing the ecstasy of this group of people, Mu Changying raised her eyebrows slightly, and there was a hint of teasing in her eyes.

"Weng buzzing—"

Just when the Tianyinmen crowd was overjoyed, there was a buzzing sound in the sky.

The propeller made a loud noise in the air, whirring, as if a strong wind was blowing.

Everyone was full of vigilance and looked up, only to see fighter planes approaching the sky here.

Seeing the sudden fighter plane without any warning, the faces of the group of people changed drastically.

After a brief moment of nervousness, Kui Qing's eyes fell on Mu Changying.

He turned hard, grabbed her fiercely, took out the wooden box and pointed it at her head, and sternly said, "Don't move."

Seeing that Kuiqing had captured Fu Yue, Lu Jin and Jiang Zhi didn't know why.

What's the situation, why did you arrest your own people?

The head of the Tianyin Sect kept his mind, looked at Rong Liyuan with unfriendly eyes, and took a deep breath, "Master Xiao, what do you mean? Join outsiders to set up my Tianyin Sect?!"

There was a lot of anger in his voice and he asked the teacher for his crime.

But Rong Liyuan gave him every look, and his eyes fell on Mu Changying, his eyes were dark and cold.

Looking at Kui Qing holding Mu Cang's hand, "I advise you not to mess around."

All the evil spirit and hostility around him exploded, and the persecutor couldn't breathe.

Heh, the dog is so courageous, he dared to point the wooden warehouse at his tassel.

I really want to chop off these hands and throw this person into the sea to feed the sharks.


Bai Mo frowned, and with an order, these soldiers in bodyguard clothes quickly stepped forward and surrounded the people at Tianyinmen.

The sky was surrounded by fighter planes, and the ground was surrounded by people on the outer layer, and the atmosphere was grim for a while.

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