Mu Changying was pointed at the head with a wooden barn, and his expression was as calm as ever, without the slightest trace of fear.

Kui Qing's eyes were guarded, and the strength of holding the wooden warehouse gradually tightened, and his knuckles began to turn white.

He sneered and said, "You are not Fu Yue at all, and this Lord Xiao is not the real Lord Xiao at all."

The fighter planes in the sky and the people surrounding them on the ground are reminding them that this is a trap designed in advance, and this group of people is basically the same group.

The corners of Mu Changying's mouth curled up, with a faint smile in his eyes, and he gently parted his delicate red lips, "Your sensitivity is not bad."

In the entire Tianyin Gate, only Kui Qing noticed her abnormality.


"How is it possible? She's not Fu Yue? Then where did Fu Yue really go?"

Lu Jin and Jiang Zhi were stunned, with expressions of disbelief and shock in their eyes.

Looking at the woman in front of her, that face was exactly the same as Fu Yue's, and she couldn't find any flaws at all.

If Kui Qing hadn't said it, they wouldn't have taken the initiative to doubt it.

"The real Fu Yue~"

Mu Changying murmured in a low voice, and then a bright smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

That smile is extraordinarily dazzling in this gloomy weather, as if it can dispel all the haze.

Her voice changed abruptly, "Of course the real Fu Yue is in prison at this time, otherwise where do you think she would be?"

Her voice was light and ethereal, but what she said made everyone stunned.


With a gloomy expression, Kuiqing pointed at Mu Changying's head, his whole body filled with a deep breath, "Your disguise is really good."

The two had been together for so long, and he only recently realized that something was wrong.

Mu Changying pursed her lips, "Thank you for the compliment."

Rong Liyuan's eyes fell on Kui Qing's hand holding Mu Cang, viciously.

"If you don't want everyone from Tianyinmen to be buried with you right away, let me let go of your hand."

Facing his stern gaze, Kui Qing felt a faint fear in his heart.

But soon, he suppressed the stereotyped fear.

"Master Kui Qing, do you think it will be you who will blow my head off first, or the fighter planes in the sky will bomb you first?"


Kui Qing was slightly taken aback.

And at the moment when he was stunned, Mu Changying smiled, and turned his hand back hard, accurately and ruthlessly.

Then, he stretched out his hand, grabbed the black wooden warehouse, and left the distance between the two of them.

A series of movements are as fast as flowing water, happening in an instant, making people unable to react.

Mu Changying played with the wooden warehouse, rubbing it lightly, "Hey, if you move any more, I'll blow your head off. Do you want to experience the thrill of blood splashing and dying instantly?"

Obviously the girl is holding the wooden warehouse, and her movements are skillful, and the threatening words are even more chilling.

But seeing her movements, the cruelty in Rong Liyuan's eyes dissipated a little, and he smiled slightly.

He took a step forward, walked to her side, and protected her like a guardian, "Yingbao, be good."

His eyes fell on her stomach, and there was a trace of warmth in his eyes.

A little baby between him and Ying Bao was born there.

He and Yingbao's...children who are related by blood...


Seeing this, Bai Mo let out a sigh of relief, if Madam lost even a single hair, Second Master would definitely not let these people go.

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