The Secret Garden of the Dandelion Troupe

Chapter 45 Sudden Confrontation

Kunna was very nervous. The palm of her hand that was holding Mu Hua's arm was a little painful when she held it.

"Can you explain the situation?" Mu Hua asked.

The Pearl Lake Restaurant is located in the suburbs. The parking space needs to go around a lakeside path in front of the restaurant. Behind a forest covering an area of ​​400 to 500 square meters is the main road leading to the town.

‘Moonlight Grass’ dispels the darkness of night. These magical plants planted on the roadside emit soft light at night.

As Kunna and Mu approached the woods rustling in the night wind, they heard the sound of faster footsteps coming from behind.

"That person just now killed thirty-two adventurers in the courtyard within a year."

"The union system shows that he has surrendered to the devil. If he still carries the adventurer's certificate, he should be marked with a black light." Kunna quickly explained.

"Such people are extremely dangerous. They may have gained power from demons. They are no longer something ordinary bounty hunters can handle."

A bounty hunter is not a person who hunts down criminals among the general public, but a ruthless character who hunts down "red names" among adventurers.

"Haha, Kunna, I remember you, I like your pretty face, I think we should talk." As soon as Kunna finished speaking, a middle-aged man's voice came from behind, with a slightly teasing tone, and it seemed that there was something wrong with her. A little arrogance in controlling other people's destiny.

"Felix!" Kunna exclaimed, her arm subconsciously blocking Mu Hua's body, blocking Mu Hua behind her.

"Haha, sure enough, you remember me too."

"You know? I fell in love with you when I first met you in the Adventurer's Guild, remember? In Heiman."

The man walked out of the darkness under the reflection of the moonlight grass. The night wind blew by, and the middle-aged man named Felix dragged a twisted shadow behind him.

"Felix, you should know that those who follow the devil will be blacklisted by the goddess of justice."

"You should stay in a courtyard. It's safer for you there. Your information has been hung in the guard's reward area." Kunna rebutted Felix's slightly ambiguous words.

At this time, Felix was no longer as cold as before, and an evil smile appeared on his originally stiff face. When he heard the words of the goddess of justice, Felix's eyes showed obvious disgust.

"Shut up, Goddess of Justice? That's just a false god you imagined! I was forced! Where was she when I was killed by the devil?! No, the devil accepted my loyalty, so I'm still alive!" Fei Lix scolded frantically.

"Well, when facing the devil, many times, we really don't have many choices." Kunna did not continue to refute Felix, and there was even a trace of tenderness and sympathy on her clean cheeks.

Mu Hua glanced at Kunna unexpectedly. It was obvious that she had no respect for the goddess of justice.

At least when her own life was threatened, she didn't mind accompanying him to protest against the inaction of the goddess of justice.

"My dear, you are still so gentle. But I really don't want to see those hyena-like Night Hunters again." Kunna cooperated, but unfortunately Felix was not a lover.

Felix's tone was harsh, but the evil intention in his eyes was clearly visible.

The Night Hunters are an organization among ordinary people in Loren that deal with extraordinary criminals.

They are dispatched by local governments, and it is said that the top management is likely to be composed of members of the Laurel Shadow who are affiliated with a certain royal authority.

Felix had murderous intentions, and Kunna's expression suddenly changed.

"Felix, we can pretend we've never seen you before, we don't want to cause trouble." Kunna said nervously.

"Shh~, dear, I don't want to get into trouble, and I'm also good at solving trouble. I like it here." Felix raised his fingers to his mouth, and when he spread his palms, he scattered several canine-like objects on the ground.

Following Felix's movements, the sacrificial circle rose around Felix. In the swaying light, the scent of beasts filled the lakeside at night.

Black vicious dogs. Ten black vicious dogs appeared next to Felix. They had hairless black skin, sharp claws, and a captivating blue light flashing in their eyes.

These black vicious dogs are generally stronger, and their common feature is that they are all missing a canine tooth.

The sacrificial circle is not a summoning circle for summoning beasts.

In addition to randomly summoning monsters, the sacrificial circle can also use magical objects to summon specific monsters.

And the canine teeth that Felix just spilled should be the ‘magic weapons’ of these black vicious dogs.

Unless there is some kind of contract between the two parties to not harm each other, very few people would use this method to summon ferocious monsters.

"Keep your voice down, and I'll give you a good one. Believe me, it's not comfortable to be bitten by these little cuties."

"I got them from the demon who once tore three witchers apart. See, the so-called goddess of justice gave me no punishment."

Felix had a sarcastic look on his lips, and at this moment Mu Hua pushed Kunna away who was blocking him.

Mu Hua probably figured out the situation:

A villain who had murdered other adventurers in the courtyard and had taken refuge with a certain demon. The devil also gave him ten trained black vicious dogs.

Black vicious dogs are of very low level, but they are similar to wolves, and can be quite troublesome when grouped together. But Mu Hua wondered, what was there to be proud of after being given ten black vicious dogs by the devil?

In other words, what kind of devil has the nerve to bestow a bunch of bastards on those who take refuge in it? This is simply a bargain for the devil, right?

"A bunch of dogs? Is this the power given to him by the devil?" Mu Hua stood up from behind Kunna, his words were filled with doubts instead of ridicule.

"Mu, be careful. Felix's nickname is 'Vicious Dog'. These black vicious dogs are of a very high level. Run away. He is still a magician. I can't let anything happen to you here."

Kunna held Mu Hua and saw the dogs dispersed and approached. When Kunna was anxious, she took out two scimitars from nowhere.

At night, Kunna's long skirt outlines the graceful lines of Kunna's body, and she is holding a knife to gain momentum. Kunna has a unique charm at this time.

She was determined, but it was easy to see from her nervous expression that she was obviously not sure about confronting Felix.

And Mu Hua? Even if he didn't know Felix's specific combat power, he would let a woman he wanted to ride beneath risk her own life to cover his escape? He still wasn't used to it after all.

"Escape first? Because of the Benson family? Ha, actually I have nothing to do with the Benson family." Mu Hua also had determination flashing in his eyes.

He did not stop in front of Kunna, but stood side by side with Kunna, facing Felix who was driving the dogs together with Kunna.

Draw a gun? The man on the other side was not a 'psycho' born in the abyss. Mu Hua was worried about provoking the dogs to kill him immediately.

Looking at Kunna's posture, Mu Hua felt that this sister should be able to fight better than him.

"Haha, an infatuated little boy?"

"BOY, I like you, I decided to kill everyone nearby, and I will let you listen to this woman's screams before you die." The conversation between the two made Felix reveal a sick smile.

Kunna said nothing more, because the black vicious dog was already close enough to them. It might be even more dangerous for Mu Hua to escape alone at this time.

Kunna lowered her figure and assumed an attacking stance. The hem of her skirt could no longer cover her plump long legs.

A summoning circle also rose around Mu Hua, which was a family summoning circle.

The black vicious dog under Felix leaned over and bared its teeth. Unexpectedly, he immediately took out a staff from the space prop.

The staff is about 1.3 meters tall, with a magic core with vein-like patterns at the top.

The next moment, the creature that appeared in the summoning array made Felix's expression suddenly change.

"Roar~" A beast roar that is completely different from a dog's bark.

Horny dark red skin and bony armor covered the head except the lower jaw.

With a shoulder height of more than one meter, if the black evil dog is similar in size to a thin German shepherd, then the vicious creature that appears in the summoning array at this time is more like a large mastiff that has been biochemically modified.

Dependent summoning is a unique summoning function of the slave contract. This summoning does not even require Mu Hua to pay magic power. The magic power required for the summoning array is paid by the summoned Monday.

"Huh? Damn livestock, local dogs, get back! How dare you bare your teeth in front of the powerful Monday!?" Monday appeared, and as soon as he saw the surroundings clearly, he immediately yelled and cursed.

Cerberus has completed the bloodline transition on Monday. When it became Cerberus, it seemed that it immediately forgot the fact that it was once a black vicious dog.

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