The Secret Garden of the Dandelion Troupe

Chapter 46 Questions from those who follow the devil

Black vicious dog, level 125, constitution 157, intelligence 6, spirit 20.

The black vicious dog created by Felix was seriously over the top.

The physiques of these black vicious dogs have reached the entry-level benchmark for demon hunters.

Although the level can be improved through killing, there is no experience distribution among combat participants in this world.

The person who kills gets all the experience, which also involves the reduction of experience for killing without one's own strength, etc.

These black vicious dogs have obviously been specially trained, and their talent potential is inherently low, making them even more troublesome to train.

The physical attributes of these black vicious dogs are comparable to the hell dog that Mu Hua brought out from the abyss earlier.

No wonder Felix led a group of dogs to show off his power.

However, no matter how strong the attributes of a black evil dog are, it is still a black evil dog. Simply relying on attributes can only bully creatures that also lack talent.

And the Monday that became the Cerberus was not the salted fish that it used as the material for evolution. In Mu Hua's view, the evolved Monday could be said to be an inspirational example of counterattack.

Name: Monday, Race: Demon, Level 43.

Health: 100%

Magic: 100%

Physique: 221

Intelligence: 80

Spirit: 70

Magic adaptability: B

Points available for distribution: 0

Talents: Primary fire element affinity, weakened flame breath, soul-eating, violent to madness.

Skill: Bite LV3.

Monsters are a very talented race, and most demons have a certain ability to learn magic, and they have more advantages than other races in mastering magic.

If Felix's black vicious dog can be said to be an alternative among the black vicious dogs, then Monday, who actively evolves, can definitely be regarded as an alternative existence among the hell dogs.

The attributes of an ordinary Cerberus are not as high as Monday's. Its current attributes are superimposed on those before evolution.

No, or the superposition is a bit inaccurate.

It's more like the efforts he made in growing up as a black evil dog and transferred to the Cerberus, so that it has such super-standard attributes as soon as it evolves into a Cerberus.

Mu Hua had expected that Cerberus had primary affinity to the element of fire. Just like the flame breath in its talent, all monsters with the ability to breathe basically have elemental affinity.

Otherwise, those breaths would not be called talents, and would simply be a failure of species evolution. After all, no species would evolve the ability to seek death.

It’s a bit unreasonable to say that a monster that can breathe fire was burned to death by flames that were not as powerful as its breath, right?

Devouring souls and causing madness are both natural abilities of the Cerberus lineage.

Violent madness is relatively simple, it is a negative state similar to rabies.

However, Cerberus do not spread their madness through biting, but bite their enemies with their snake tails.

As for the soul eater, it can be regarded as the signature of Cerberus. Its name is more famous than the brutal behavior of Cerberus. They can devour spiritual bodies and strengthen their own souls.

They bite the ghosts really like eating meat, each bite is crunchy and crispy in every sense of the word.

Monday made its debut, and as soon as it appeared, it showed its face of disowning its relatives.

The dogs were frightened, and although they looked ferocious, they also tucked their tails.

Kunna was stunned. Felix looked like he had seen a ghost.

Zhou Yi and Mu Hua had a soul connection, and he understood the situation in front of him the moment he appeared.

"Wait!" Felix shouted loudly. When he saw the fire brewing in Monday's mouth, he hurriedly took out a black and purple ring.

Since the Adventurer's Certificate is not a bracelet, Felix at least has one attribute that exceeds 150 points. He is a demon hunter.

"I am a demon! This is proof! Dog demons from hell, we are not enemies!" Felix shouted to Monday.

The crime-judgment mechanism of Adventurer's Evidence is indeed very complete. But it is just a certificate for normal access to the courtyard.

Human beings in this world also pursue some "indescribable" concepts of survival, such as freedom, privacy, XX, XX, XX and so on.

Just like the Adventurer's Certificate, no matter how powerful it is in convicting crimes, people will not require all humans to bind it to their bodies like a dog tag.

After all, convenience is convenience, but if this kind of thing is done, then the next step should be to let the superiors give the people a slavery contract. Wouldn't that be more convenient? safer?

Although the adventurer's certificate can convict some things in the courtyard, ordinary people, let alone adventurers, refuse to regard this kind of thing as something that must be displayed to others at all times.

Felix's ring emits black light, which is proof that it once helped the devil murder humans.

Felix doesn't think that Mu Hua has the ability to enslave Cerberus. Not to mention ferocious Cerberus, it is a succubus integrated into human society. How about asking them to sign a servant contract with lifelong labor?

Therefore, after meeting the devil, the first thing Felix did was to establish a relationship with Monday and get close to him.

"Ha, great master, I like this human being, maybe you need a running dog?" Felix's respect for Monday was exchanged for Monday's happiness.

And Monday's address to Mu Hua made Felix look at Mu Hua in disbelief.

Demons are very evil. Compared with the evil of demons, their mouths are actually meaner.

Owner? Maybe demons who have signed a servant contract with humans will call their human masters, but they will never add words like great in front of their masters.

"Is it your dependent?" Felix asked Mu Hua in disbelief.

What answered him was the summoning circle rising again around Mu Hua.

"Necromancer!?" Felix subconsciously stepped back, trying to distance himself from Mu Hua.

Ten skeleton warriors were seen holding kite shields and long knives, firmly blocking Mu Hua and Kunna behind them.

"Tear him apart!" Mu Hua ordered coldly.

"Roar~!" Zhou Zhou roared, stretched out his claws on all fours, and pounced on the nearest black vicious dog.

The originally scattered black vicious dogs gathered together again. Although the changes in the field frightened them, they still protected Felix behind them.

"Ouch~~" The dog barked shrilly. A black vicious dog was bitten on the head and face by Monday, and was thrown away. At this time, five skeleton warriors also rushed into the group of dogs with their bones and tails swung.

"The scorching fire element..." He raised his staff and instantly judged the situation. Felix tried to cast a spell to repel the Cerberus first.

The magic circle was shaped in front of the staff, and the fireball was brewing in the magic circle.

"Ada~!" followed Mu Hua's strange cry.

The fireball hit Felix's face, and Mu Hua's fireball hit Felix in the face first.

Well, Mu Hua's weird cry was not a joke. Although Mu Hua was able to skillfully cast the fireball technique learned from the skill stone, normal casting would take about two seconds to complete.

The so-called magic spells actually have no fixed vocabulary, fixed specifications, and do not even need to be recited.

The incantation contains the pronunciation of demonic language, and the ultimate purpose is to allow the thinking consciousness to form inertia like muscle memory, so as to achieve the purpose of casting spells quickly.

Felix's chant is not too slow. It is estimated that it only takes three to five seconds to complete the fireball chant. If the spell modeling proficiency is higher and the speaking speed is increased, the spell casting time may be shortened.

As for Mu Hua, unfortunately, he jokingly simplified the fireball spell into 'Ada' from the beginning. . .

One misstep turned into eternal hatred, Ada's shouting was deft, definitely faster than the two seconds of silent casting.

But when he quickly cast the fireball technique, it seemed a bit out of tune.

"Ah~!" Felix screamed in pain as his face was hit by the fireball.

"Dispel~!" The staff was swung sharply, and the magic stored in the staff dissipated the flame attached to Felix's body.

Large blisters suddenly appeared on his charred face. The third-level fireball technique didn't knock Felix down with one blow?

If Felix hadn't realized the fire element affinity, he would have had an item on his body that increased elemental resistance.

"Roar~!" Monday roared again, biting off the neck of a black vicious dog, dragging two black vicious dogs hanging on it and pounced on Felix.

"The barrier of magic turns into..." The momentary defeat did not make Felix panic, and he chanted defensive magic quickly, but the next moment.

"Ada~" Another fireball came.

Felix kept casting spells and dodging the rapid fireballs in a panic.

Staring coldly in the direction of Mu Hua, Felix raised his staff. Just as he was about to complete the release of the magic barrier, his eyes suddenly went dark.

"Gah~~ga~~" Two swooping ravens pecked Felix on the head, and Felix's thoughts froze.

"Ada~" Fireball blushed again.

Burning, painful, Felix felt sad and angry, but the hot breath of the devil seemed to be coming from his face.

His ears were full of noise, the crunching of bones, the roar of hounds, and what seemed like the strange cries of crows.

And Felix wanted to question even more at this time: Do you think I have never seen the Necromancer! ? What about the curse? What about poison? You can even throw a bone spear without any problem!

What the hell kind of fireball technique is this horse riding! ?

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