The Secret Garden of the Dandelion Troupe

Chapter 538 Samantha's Arrangement

The Holy Dragon Garden is not where Mu Hua raises flying dragons, but it is the name he gave to the hill where the golden apples are planted. It implies that in the future, dragons will guard this place.

However, for the time being, Mu Hua's family does not even have a dragon except Friday. Well, the black dragon that Wednesday boarded can only be counted as half a dragon.

Because there are many dragons planted in the Holy Dragon Garden, it can only be guarded by the Terror Riders with the Corpse Mark engraved on them for the time being. Bringing flying dragons to guard is simply forcing them to steal from the public.

"The Color Realm cannot obtain the Bite of Jealousy?" In the Holy Dragon Garden, Mu Hua described the original sin in detail, and Samantha frowned and asked.

"No, you can only choose one between jealousy and color domain, but that's not a defect. The mental stability above LV80 can basically exempt all mental interference abilities."

"Well, just think that the color domain can also have the ultimate mental stability, but it will limit the qualitative change of this ability. The biggest impact is probably that the soul tide cannot be perfected. If the mental attribute is insufficient, being yelled at by the wailing banshee will cause a migraine or something like that." Mu Hua spread his hands and said.

"Are you sure you don't have any evil thoughts?" Samantha asked cautiously.

"Hehe, auntie, this is the key link in constructing original sin. Whose evil thoughts are used like this?" Mu Hua smiled bitterly. Samantha seemed to have some problems with his precautions.

"Then... what do I need to do?" The auntie's colloquialism made Samantha frown slightly, but she didn't say anything. She reluctantly believed Mu Hua, but didn't know how to obtain the so-called breath of Asmodeus.

"The biggest challenge of touching the color domain is to bathe in the Asmotai monsoon and feel the breath of the color domain. You don't have to worry about that fatal link." Mu Hua said with a smile.

Even if she had no idea about original sin, Samantha still knew about the Asmotai monsoon. It was conceivable what it would be like to bathe in it. Samantha rolled her eyes at him unhappily.

Wasps were flying around, more than a hundred wasps made a buzzing sound of flapping wings, and there were less than two hundred blue-blooded wasps. Mu Hua's original sin energy was exhausted. Although he did not deliberately reserve original sin energy, this efficiency still made Mu Hua shake his head.

Sure enough, he was still greedy. Maybe Samantha should have kryptoned the color domain protozoan first, but if she was asked to catch the queen wasp, it was hard to say whether she could catch the blue-blooded wasp.

Well, if she blows more of the Asmotai Breath on the island in the future, even if it's just blowing those monsters and goblins, I think there should be more color domain energy on the island, at least it can be regarded as some energy reserves for the blue-blooded wasps on the island.

"Let's go, I'll go back and make you a keratin skin first, and then make you a... Well, do you want a petrified magic eye?" Mu Hua hesitated when he said that the original sin energy on his body was exhausted.

Let's not talk about the color domain original sin, the charm ability is the prerequisite for using the skill stone of the Asmotai Breath. As long as you don't smash the jealous bite, it is not difficult for Mu Hua to give Samantha a charm ability through the keratin skin.

For Mu Hua now, he will definitely not get a succubus as a medium for Samantha, because the Arakne produced in the abyss has no special abilities, and basically there is no way to survive on the abyss island.

Mu Hua originally wanted to wait for Arachne to act as a medium for Samantha, but then he thought, if it comes to charm, Medusa also has it.

Mu Hua asked Samantha if she wanted to go blind. Samantha listened to Mu Hua's explanation blankly. After listening, she felt even more confused.

Since entering the Abyss Island, Samantha has been exposed to all kinds of strange things. Mu Hua discussed original sin with her with a relaxed look before, but now he is petrifying the magic eye again?

And Tabetha didn't tell her about these things at all. Samantha gritted her teeth secretly. This girl was raised in vain.

Whether it is Arachne or Medusa, Mu Hua has no stock at the moment. However, as a medium for keratinized skin, Arachne is nothing special.

After figuring out the connection, Samantha felt that she didn't have anything special to do now, so it didn't matter if she went blind. . .

Samantha didn't seem to be very serious about either the original sin or the petrified eye, and Mu Hua frowned secretly.

"It's okay if you want to take a break, but I do need your help with some things here." Walking on the farm outside the city, Mu Hua felt that Samantha's mental state was indeed not very good, and said thoughtfully.

"Yeah." It seemed that the novelty of improving abilities just now had passed, and Samantha hummed lazily, motioning Mu Hua to continue.

"The numbered individuals and ghosts entering the island are now mainly concentrated in the industrial area south of the town. You have seen the situation here. I plan to move some people to the island."

Looking around, because it is outside the settlement, there are only a few buildings scattered on the flat land whose boundaries can be distinguished by the shadows of the mountains in the distance.

The northwest direction of Shuiyunjian, avoiding some mountains where monsters are raised, all the way to the northern edge of the island can be used as arable land. Now Mu Hua has only made effective use of less than one twentieth of the land.

Farmland, flower gardens, fences, animal pens, the eastern part of Shuiyunjian Town is mainly used for farming. In addition to planting, there are also some small farms for breeding and domesticating livestock. Although the plots are neatly laid out, the houses that are obviously for people to live in are very sparse.

There are not many numbered individuals and corpse demons that can be seen here. There are more skeletons wandering in the fields, and there are even some earth dragons that act like sheepdogs, guarding livestock with evil intentions.

These earth dragons should be the servants of certain individuals or ghosts. Mu Hua is really not sure whether the livestock guarded by them can still lay eggs and give birth after being intimidated for a long time.

The ditches and waterways, the power grid, and the infrastructure within a radius of nearly 100 kilometers are also complete, including a flat road. It is not that it cannot be laid further, but no one runs further, so there is no need to repair it for the time being.

Looking around, the trees have been cut down, the mountains have been destroyed and the stones have been moved, and the fields are full of open greenery that makes people feel relaxed and happy. If it were placed in someone else's house, Mu Hua would probably feel pleasing to the eye, but if it were placed in his own home, this kind of openness would not make him feel comfortable.

It is too big, and there are too many wastelands. Some of the economic crops sown in the distance have become wild farts. The potion master can probably find a lot of small surprises when he goes there to search.

If it is for watching and playing, he would be satisfied if he gave Mu Hua a piece of lawn to roll around. Now, it is too wasteful. . .

"Well, there are indeed fewer people, but it's not convenient for normal immigration here, right?" Looking in the direction of Mu Hua's finger, Samantha frowned.

"So it's called migration. The Abyss Island is so big and has enough livable environment. If there are no special circumstances, the people who migrate here will live and reproduce on the island in the future."

"I plan to use the black market channel to buy some survivors of the fallen country to become natives. Kunna has been involved in this matter, you know?" When Mu Hua said, Samantha nodded to show her understanding.

"Whether it is the courtyard or the human world, buying and selling survivors of the fallen country is an illegal act, and the timeline of the Abyss Island is also a bit problematic. It is not suitable for the birth of newborns here."

"If the immigrant population involves childbirth, they still have to go to Caines City to give birth. Now Qiong is in charge of the regular medical system in Caines City."

"Qiong and Kunna are both your people. I still need to ask your opinion whether I can use them with confidence. If you can't control them, I will consider changing people." Mu Hua said to Samantha.

Human kingdoms often fall in the courtyard, and some of them are caused by wars between humans.

No matter how hard the people in power say they work, in fact, no matter when and where, the population is a precious resource. They are too useful, even too many to describe.

Generally, the people of the lost countries will be taken in and resettled by each country, but since it involves the war of national destruction, the smuggling and trafficking of people is naturally impossible to exist.

The so-called smuggling of the lost people is a nicer way of buying and selling slaves. They may not have slavery contracts, but most of them will wear slave collars.

Involving the Abyss Island, Mu Hua cannot apply for the survivors through formal channels, and he does not want to be assigned some old, weak, sick and disabled people, so he can only buy the smuggled people from slave traders.

The saying that there is no harm without buying and selling is basically a joke. Even if you can't see buying and selling, it will never disappear.

Although it is illegal, this kind of thing is actually not a big deal in the eyes of people above a certain level, and it is not even certain who is behind those slave traders.

Moreover, Mu Hua had no intention of enslaving them. Coming to the Abyss Island would be a hundred benefits for them. Even if they could not leave the island, there were many people in the outside world who had lived in the cities of their respective provinces all their lives.

Then they could develop some entertainment venues on the island, such as clubs for eating, drinking, whoring and gambling. They could recruit a group of handsome men and beautiful women of all races, including demons, orcs, and humans.

As long as they worked normally, their lives would not necessarily be worse than before their country was destroyed.

How should I put it? Although it was about smuggling people, Mu Hua's way of doing it was not too bad. At least Samantha had no objection to it.

"Qiong and Kunna are fine. I will arrange this. They don't need to know the situation of the Abyss Island." After a brief thought, Samantha said cautiously.

"Well, then leave it to you. By the way, you should also arrest the civil affairs on the island in the future. The people in my hands have to deal with the affairs of the outside world, and it is difficult to take care of both sides." Mu Hua said with a smile.

"Hmm? The damn island owner? The mayor? Did you discuss this with Betha?" Seeing that Mu Hua was going to add more responsibilities to her as if it was natural, Samantha raised her eyebrows. It seemed that Tai Betha had said something similar to her earlier.

"Betha? Oh, she asked you to give up? I didn't discuss it with her. If you don't want to manage it, then don't manage it. It's just a wasteland. We can afford it anyway."

"But if it involves population migration, I can't stand in the front in the future, otherwise it will be difficult to end the disputes on the island. If Betha can't do it, we can find someone to be responsible later." Mu Hua spread his hands and said indifferently.

In human society, there will naturally be all kinds of people in a systemized society, even if there are snakemen who abduct young women in the Garden of Eden.

After the migration of natural people, in addition to reproduction and development, for those people, the Abyss Island may be their world.

Mu Hua didn't want to brainwash them all into idiots, otherwise, even if he selected the direct line from them in the future, he probably wouldn't dare to lead them out of the island. Brainwashing would leak out if they were exposed to different lives in the outside world.

Since it is already his own world, he has a sense of belonging, and it is inevitable that he will have various pursuits in his heart.

By then, it is not uncommon for some chaos and fighting to occur on the island. If there is a person standing in the front, if there is a dispute that is difficult to quell for a while, Mu Hua can also come out to "preside over justice" to avoid the need to use extreme means to solve it.

Samantha looked at Mu Hua, but couldn't tell from his face. Then she looked at the empty field in front of her. The cry of the flying dragon in the distant sky led to the roar of the earth dragon. Samantha turned and fell into deep thought. (End of this chapter)

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